Treasures raised by nature are naturally linked to extraordinary things.

This sword embryo is very extraordinary and cannot be controlled by ordinary people. If Han Tianming had not possessed an innate sword body, he would not be able to control it.

Not to mention asking him to take the initiative to recognize his master.

"It's time to switch to Xuanqing Gong."

Putting away the sword, Han Tianming made a decision.

At this time, the shortcomings of the technique became apparent. The level of Pure Yang Kung was too low, but it was only a first-class high-grade one and could not sustain a large consumption.

Although Xuan Qing Gong is only a small level higher than it, it is already Han Tianming's current optimal solution.

"In the future, if you get high-level skills, you can start practicing again."

The influence of the exercises is multifaceted.

First of all, the most fundamental thing is that only by cultivating skills can you embark on the correct path of cultivation. Otherwise, there will be no path to immortality, and no matter how good your talent is, you will not be able to discover it.

Then there is the impact of the speed of absorbing spiritual energy. Generally speaking, the higher the level of the skill, the faster the speed of absorbing and refining spiritual energy.

It is reflected in the speed of practice and the speed of spiritual energy recovery.

Finally, there is the difficulty Han Tianming feels now.

The quality of spiritual energy produced by different levels of exercises is also different.

The same ray of spiritual energy has different quality.

For example, firewood, which is produced through low-level skills training, is ordinary thatch, which can only sustain burning for a moment.

What comes out of advanced exercises is coal or even kerosene. How can these two be the same?

Under the same conditions, the total amount of storage is the same. It is self-evident that the flame ignited by filling it with thatch or filling it with coal can last longer.

"I have an innate sword body, and the quality of my spiritual energy is better than that of ordinary people. I can't support such consumption..."

"It can be seen that there are many ups and downs in the journey of cultivation!"

In the small courtyard, Han Tianming sat cross-legged, calming down, and in his mind, the Xuanqing Kung Fu secrets flowed like water.

"Mysterious is the door to all mysteries, and pure is the spirit of the sun and moon. Externally, cultivate the mystery of heaven and earth, and internally accept the purity of the universe..."

Han Tianming sat cross-legged on the bed, his six senses were quiet, his five hearts were pointing toward the sky, and the spiritual energy in his body was flowing through his meridians, like a trickle.

As time goes by, the original pale yellow pure Yang Gong aura gradually transforms into a dark blue Xuanqing Gong aura.


As the last drop of dark blue spiritual energy fell into the Dantian, it was also announced that this time of training was over.

The person on the bed exhaled a breath and slowly opened his eyes.

The sunlight has passed through the window lattice and quietly entered the room.

"A whole nine hours."

Han Tianming lamented that converting to Kung Fu was also a time-consuming and troublesome matter.

This is still a low level. If we reach a higher level in the future, wouldn't it take a lot of time to practice the technique once?

"The treasure chest should be refreshed."

Stretching his limbs, Han Tianming thought. The moment his eyes fell on the treasure map, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


A bit of light blue was embedded on the treasure map, and its gentle light made Han Tianming yearn for it involuntarily.

This was a color that had never appeared before. He guessed that it might be a treasure of a higher level than green.

That flash of blue is right on the tiny island in the southeast.

This time, it was no longer irrelevant. It happened that Han Tianming also wanted to go to the island to see it.

So he set off happily.

When he walked out of the small courtyard, he found that Han Tianzhao and others were already waiting here.

Han Tianming slapped his head and then remembered about the search team.

"There are no sea beasts in the waters near Qingling Island. Please do your patrols and guard the island!"

The new area that appears on the treasure map is too far away, and it is inconvenient to lead a search team.

Han Tianming can come and go freely with one man and one sword, much faster than driving a spirit boat.

After arranging Han Tianzhao and others, Han Tianming rose up with his sword and headed towards the southeast sea!

After replacing the Dawn Sword tires, Yujian's flying speed was even faster than yesterday.

The miniature island is much further away than when the stone sword was collected yesterday.

However, it only took two hours, and a not-long coastline was already in sight.

After a while, Han Tianming finally saw the whole island.

Perhaps it is an island, rather than an isolated mountain, lying in the waves like a ferocious cow.

The mountains and rocks are rugged and there is not much vegetation. It is a truly deserted land.

The moment he saw the entire island, Han Tianming was convinced that no human beings could survive on this island.

Because there is not much soil, it cannot be cultivated. Even if a family of cultivators comes here, they cannot turn decay into magic and find it difficult to take root.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Weird shouts sounded, followed by one after another.

Han Tianming cast his gaze over and saw many pale shrimps standing upright on the sand eroded by the sea around the foot of the mountain.

He waved his pincers at himself in the sky, as if he was declaring his ownership of this island.

On the mountain, in many caves and rock crevices, there are also pale shrimp and sea beasts.

Some waved their pincers, or waved bone forks, bone spurs, or even worse, threw rocks and crude spears made of various materials!

This is what will happen to all the islands in the sea without monks.

Overrun by this amphibious sea beast, it slaughtered all the mortals and even other creatures on the island.

However, this is also an instinct. Sea monsters like the pale shrimp are not strong when taken alone.

Instinct prompts them to stick together in one place and occupy the land. When retreating, they can avoid strong enemies, and when advancing, they can hunt together.

Han Tianming once killed a pale shrimp warrior. In fact, the so-called warrior is a scattered soldier and also the outpost of the tribe.

Once they take root on the island, they will naturally attract many of their own kind.

But no matter whether their behavior is instinctive or not, the human race and sea beasts are always in a competitive relationship.

Not only sea beasts, but all things in the world are fighting in a melting pot, the strong survive and the weak die.

In the sky outside the island, there are countless stone spears, like locusts.


Han Tianming snorted coldly, holding up the Qingguang technique, without avoiding, and went straight to the top of the mountain!

I didn't have a good impression of humanoid sea beasts, but unexpectedly, these pale shrimps not only did not hide and shrink their heads, but dared to take the initiative to provoke a war!

In this situation, there is nothing to say, only one word to kill!

There are many pale shrimps on this island, and there are monsters everywhere. The total number is no less than 500.

But their strength is limited, which is much inferior to the pale shrimp warriors at the beginning, and most of them are of the first-level inferior quality.

Many of them have not even been qualified.

The Qingguang technique enveloped him, and Han Tianming used the Lingying Step, his figure flickered and came and went like the wind!

The sword in his hand shone brightly!

It became as bright as the morning light!

In Han Tianming's hands, he could use them as easily as his own arms, without using any sword skills, just simply slashing and stabbing, and he could easily take away many lives!

What a good fight!

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