A treasure map every day, I dig for treasure and revitalize my family

Chapter 24 The door that blocked the pale shrimp leader for countless years

On the deserted island, countless humanoid shrimp monsters fell to the ground, their lives cut off.

Among the many shrimp monsters, a shadow was seen coming and going like a breeze, followed by the flash of sword light, and in a moment, the bones piled up into a small mountain.

The dark green blood of the sea beast seemed to flow into the sea, gathering into a trickle.


Han Tianming was in the midst of killing, and a roar suddenly sounded! It echoed throughout the deserted island!

Only then did he see that the mountain in the shape of a cow, the peak of the mountain located on the cow's back, was covered by rocks and a cave!

At this moment, a pale shrimp leader was standing at the entrance of the cave, his eyes red, with an unconcealable anger.

Obviously, the roar just now was made by it!

"What? You're still roaring?"

Han Tianming split the shrimp monster in front of him into two halves with a sword, and glanced at the pale shrimp leader with a cold look.

This is a first-class sea beast, comparable to the Azure Sea Python, but in a half-human, half-beast state, it is destined to be more flexible.

But what can it do?


Han Tianming gave an order, and the sword in his hand flew straight out, with a tail of light trailing, like a meteor!

The pale shrimp leader used a mountain-splitting axe and raised it in his hand to meet the attack!

The mountain-splitting axe was raised in front of him, but the sword was faster than he imagined, and it had already pierced his chest!


The three-meter-high body fell from the top of the mountain and hit the beach with a loud bang!

All the remaining shrimp monsters around were startled. At this moment, fear replaced anger in their instincts, and they began to flee in all directions!

Han Tianming stretched out his hand, and a ray of morning light flew into his hand, and then became brighter and brighter!


The sound of drawing a sword resounded throughout the island!

Then countless sword energy flew out in all directions from that ray of morning light!

The indiscriminate sword energy quickly caught up with the fleeing shrimp monster and quickly harvested its life!

This is exactly the ability of this natural stone fetus, which Han Tianming had seen in the sea yesterday.

Although he could not break his Qingguang technique, it was easy to deal with these low-level sea beasts.

Moreover, the one who urged it changed from instinct to Han Tianming, and its power was even better than before.

A moment later, there was no shrimp monster left on this miniature island.

On the treasure map, the white animal heads that originally dotted the island also slowly disappeared.

Han Tianming stood on the top of the mountain, holding a sword in one hand, and a green jade sword box appeared in the palm of the other hand.

The lid on the palm-sized green jade sword box slowly opened.

As Han Tianming's soul power covered the entire island, the dark green blood in the shrimp monster corpses scattered on the ground gathered into a water line and all gathered in the sword box!

"I really hate humanoid sea beasts..."

Putting away the green jade sword box, Han Tianming said dissatisfiedly.

If it weren't a humanoid sea beast, the corpses of so many sea beasts would be enough for the Han clan to eat for quite a while.

"Why is there no blood from the pale shrimp leader?"

After collecting all the blood, Han Tianming frowned.

During the collection process just now, not a drop of blood flowed out of the pale shrimp leader's body.

This is obviously not normal.

He jumped down and landed next to the pale shrimp leader's body.


The hard shell was shattered by Han Tianming's casual sword, revealing the flesh inside.

But the exposed flesh was actually dried up and shriveled beyond recognition, so how could there be any blood flowing out?

Han Tianming was stunned, and took a look at the bright morning light in his hand, and understood.

"You sucked it dry in just a short while?"

No wonder it was so excited when it recalled the Morning Light Sword just now, it turned out to be very happy.

"This axe..."

The mountain splitting axe in the pale shrimp leader's hand attracted Han Tianming's attention.

This axe, one person higher than the other, looks very small in the hands of the pale shrimp leader. The combination of the two is not harmonious.

But the other party is still unwilling to give up this axe. From this point of view, Han Tianming can already see the extraordinaryness of this axe!

"It's so heavy!"

He reached out and grabbed the handle of the axe and lifted it up, but it was very difficult and he almost couldn't lift it!

This axe has a terrifying weight!

You know, Han Tianming can shake a three-tailed worm directly from the bottom of the sea!

His own strength is not small, but even so, he almost lost to this axe!

He held the axe in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Although the workmanship is rough, it is not poor!

The pattern on it is blurred, but it can be vaguely seen. It is an unknown animal head pattern, ferocious and ferocious!

This is definitely not a weapon that can be made by sea beasts!

Han Tianming's eyes cast on the cave on the top of the mountain. The answer may be there.

There, it was also the place indicated by the blue light on the treasure map!

Putting away the axe, Han Tianming jumped up and flew lightly to the top of the mountain.

At the entrance of the cave, various broken bones, scales and the like were scattered randomly, which were probably what the pale shrimp leader ate every day.


Han Tianming carefully supported the Qingguang technique, and as he walked into the cave, the Qingguang also dispelled the darkness.

The cave was very deep, and he felt that he had walked for a long time, and he was afraid that he had entered the belly of the mountain.

At the corner in front, the passage suddenly ended, and the road ended.

But he saw a big stone wall blocking the way in front, blocking the passage completely.

There were countless scratches on the stone wall, but it seemed that there was no progress.

"It turns out that it is just a gatekeeper."

Han Tianming smiled.

This scene clearly shows that the pale shrimp leader is doing useless work here every day.

Sea beasts are sea beasts, their brains are not very good.

This stone is indeed very hard and difficult to break open by force, but the surrounding mountains are not made of the same material as it...

Is it necessary to keep digging this door?

"It's really hard..."

Even when the Morning Light Sword pierced into it, it felt a lot of resistance!

There are indeed better ways, but Han Tianming doesn't need to use them.


Han Tianming drew out the Morning Light and slashed two swords!

The stone door was split into four parts, and then he pushed it open with a palm!

"It's quite thick, but it's a pity that it's not a spiritual material..."

As soon as Han Tianming finished speaking, a ray of light slowly lit up at the cross section of the stone door...

"Is there really something?"

A piece of Sun Gold, wrapped in stones, is as big as a fist.

"Level 2 top-grade spiritual ore."

Just this piece of Sun Gold, this business is already very profitable.

A fist-sized piece of Sun Gold is enough to make a complete magic weapon. Moreover, this metal has very good ductility and is easier to shape than ordinary spiritual ore.

It turns out that the entire stone gate is the companion stone of the Sun Gold ore. No wonder it is so hard.

The leader of the pale shrimp of the first-class grade has been blocked outside for who knows how many years.

After putting away the Sun Gold, Han Tianming finally had time to look at the cave in the cave.

This is a stone room. On the lamppost, several moonstones emit brilliance, making the cave as bright as day.

Stone tables, stone benches, and stone beds are all available, indicating that people once lived here.

The most eye-catching thing is the pool with the largest area in this stone room!

"This can't be a lost bathing pool..."

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