A teacher came to Qingniu Village to teach literacy.

This is a big event in the mountain village, and people in several surrounding villages are envious.

In such a remote village, there are not many people who can read and write. Even their village chief can barely read a hundred or two hundred words and can write some simple letters.

Qingniu Village has a total of 264 households and 1,049 people, all with the surname Han.

What's even more remarkable is that the new teacher also has the surname Han.

Knowing that Mr. Han would live here forever, the enthusiastic villagers happily discussed helping Mr. Han build a large tile-roofed house with three rooms.

Before the house was built, they lived in each house in turns.

Han Tianming now lives in Han Tieniu's house, teaching several children to write on the ground inside the fence.

"The word 'fennel' can be written in various ways. You must learn it carefully..."

Han Tieniu's family is relatively well-off in this village, because he is in good health and has a lot of strength.

Only those who work hard, know some craftsmanship, and are not picky as a person can do well in the village.

He was also the one who made the decision when he helped Han Tianming build a house.

Han Tianming couldn't sit still. He taught the children how to write, and borrowed a hoe and pickaxe to open a vegetable field not far from where the villagers built a house for him.

The villagers wanted to help him get it done, but he was unwilling.

If it weren't for the fact that the land for growing food needs a suitable environment, and it needs to be a large area, otherwise Han Tianming would probably have to open a piece of it himself.

But now that he is alone in this village, it is difficult to ask the villagers for a piece of land.

We can only wait until it helps them in the future, and then get some land to grow some staple food.

Han Tianming was not very fast at doing things alone. By the time his small vegetable garden was finished, the children had already learned a hundred or two hundred words.

The three tile-roofed houses built for him by the villagers are already habitable.

The whole village organized a banquet for him, and he happily entered the new house.

"Mr. Han, we would like to ask you to set up a private school in the ancestral hall!"

During the dinner, the old village chief took advantage of Han Tianming's toast and spoke sincerely.

Everyone also quickly agreed. Although they live in this remote mountain village, these folks are not very short-sighted.

We all know that studying is good, and we don’t expect to get any kind of fame and get ahead.

If you know at least a few words, it will be convenient for you to go anywhere.

"Yes, Mr. Han, our children have learned all the words you taught them a few days ago!"

"Yes, yes, everyone says that your teaching, sir, is very good!"

The old village chief struck again while the railroad was hot:

"We understand the rules, and the gift of repair will definitely not be short-changed, sir!"

Now that it's all said and done, why should Han Tianming refuse?

He just said quickly: "I can only read some words, but I don't understand the Classics and History Collection..."

The villagers didn't care about this, they just said it would be good if they could teach the children how to read.

In the future, when you go out to travel, you can send a letter back even if the mountains are high and the roads are far away. There is no need to find someone to write it for you.

Han Tianming immediately accepted this job, but the disadvantage was that it was the most suitable for him at the moment.

I have no foundation in this village, so I always need some way to make a living.

Now that he has transformed into a mortal here, except that his body is healthier, he is no different from a mortal.

Three meals a day, firewood, rice, oil and salt are all indispensable.

Han Tianming lived in this mountain. On weekdays, he would grow vegetables behind the house, and then go to the ancestral hall to teach the children how to read and write.

Although he had learned knowledge about the world of immortality before, the advantage was that he had learned a lot and had a broad view. Therefore, as he continued to teach, he found that he seemed to be able to teach them more than just a few words.

Although Han Tianming has never studied the orthodox classics and history, he can always teach him how to use words and sentences and some common sense in the world.

Gradually, several surrounding villages also sent their children to Qingniu Village to study with Han Tianming.

"Sir, are there really immortals in this world?"

The rule set by Qingniu Village Private School is to have half an hour of classes and then have a quarter of an hour's rest.

During recess, these children always like to pester Han Tianming and ask weird questions.

And Han Tian obviously knows many allusions in the world of immortality, and he is happy to talk to them when he has time.

He didn't know whether the world he was in now, built by Xian Linglong, was a pure illusion or a remnant of the past.

But as long as you act based on what you think, think, and know, you will definitely not go wrong.

In his fourth year of teaching in Qingniu Town, Han Tianming used some of his savings to buy a good paddy field.

During spring plowing, I first learned to plow the fields in Han Tieniu's field, and then borrowed his family's buffalo to start plowing in my own field.

"Mr. Han, this is a job for rough guys! You are a scholar, just say hello and we will do it for you!"

It was Han Tianming's first time doing it, so his speed was naturally slow. Although he was getting more and more proficient, he got started late after all.

The men in the surrounding fields finished their work and looked at him from the edge of the field.

Han Tianming stepped on the plow, holding a long bamboo stick in one hand and pulling the cow's nose rope with the other. While driving the cow, he shouted and drank, but he still found time to answer:

"You have to do everything! If you study hard and don't know anything about grains, the emperor will say that you can't get anything done!"

Everyone laughed. They were already familiar with Han Tianming and knew Mr. Han's temper.

He is always unwilling to work for others. What he can do by himself, he always does it by himself.

"Don't tell me, Mr. Han's plowing skills are getting better and better!"

Han Tieniu smiled.

He had long discovered that although Mr. Han looked frail, he was actually quite strong.

If they were to compete in arm wrestling, he would not necessarily win.

When the spring seedlings were sown, they were growing strong just like Han Tianming taught these children.

In spring, one grain of millet is sown, and in autumn, ten thousand grains are harvested.

By the autumn of the sixth year, Han Tianming already had two rice fields, with golden rice and a good harvest.

In the summer of the ninth year, the Song Dynasty, where Qingniu Village was located, was invaded by the Liao Dynasty in the north.

The Song Dynasty was defeated repeatedly, and lost cities and land.

The court sent people to recruit soldiers, and the recruiting officials went to Shita Town, where Qingniu Village was located.

When Han Tianming first came, the first batch of students he taught were just of the right age, and were taken away by the recruiting officers.

Most of the rice stored in the warehouse was also forcibly taken away.

The rice ears formed by the seeds sown at the beginning were scattered all at once.

That winter, a letter from the government arrived in Qingniu Village.

The teams of the young and strong men who were conscripted encountered a fierce battle.

The letter did not mention the final situation, probably they could not come back.

The first batch of children that Han Tianming taught to read and write did go on a long journey, but the letters they sent back were not as good as they expected.

In the ancestral hall, a group of old people kept crying.

Han Tianming had long been integrated into the village, and now he was also in the ancestral hall, with mixed feelings.

Separation from life and death, it turns out to be this taste.

Han Tieniu squatted in front of the patio. He was forty years old, middle-aged, but still very strong.

At this moment, he took a big puff of dry tobacco, and then knocked hard on the stone edge.

"The court still needs to recruit soldiers, I want to go."

"I want to find the children back, I want them to see people alive, and I want them to be buried under this mountain when I die!"

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