"Sir, what are you doing in this muddy water?"

The heavy snow gradually submerged the ruined city.

Han Tieniu was wearing dirty and old leather armor, and the flames were blazing, but it could not bring much warmth to this group of remnants.

There were five young and strong men from Qingniu Village and more than ten people from the surrounding villages.

When rushing to the border, Han Tieniu led the group because he had some reputation in the surrounding areas of Qingniu Village.

This was not a good job.

If one person was missing, Han Tieniu would be punished, but if he had no reputation, he could not do this job.

Han Tianming was also in this group of people, but he wanted to come.

In the autumn when the letter from the border was sent, the Song Dynasty was defeated again.

The iron hoofs of the north kept trampling on the ruined mountains and rivers of the Song Dynasty.

In the court, some people advocated war, and some advocated peace.

The emperor was frightened and hurriedly abdicated to his son, and became the emperor.

He handed over a pile of messes to the young emperor.

But this young emperor also lacked great talent and was even quite weak.

Today's border is no longer the border it once was.

In early winter, the Liao people went south, plundered Heshuo, and headed straight for Kyoto.

Han Tianming's team was originally heading north to Kyoto to supplement the troops.

However, the previous dynasty had no soldiers left to fight, and the transfer orders changed every day.

Sometimes they were ordered to go to Kyoto, and sometimes they were asked to find some general Han.

In short, they were not allowed to disband.

This changed every day, and a heavy snow fell, and a group of people lost their way in the wild.

They could only go north and finally found this ruined city.

"From the current situation, I'm afraid we have entered the land of Heshuo."

Beside the fire, Han Tianming reached out and gently pounded his left leg.

This journey was long, and when crossing the mountains and streams, he accidentally fell hard.

The sudden heavy snow froze the leg immediately.

That is to say, he has always been in good health. If it were someone else, he would fall ill after this.

After hearing his words, Han Tieniu's face became solemn.

Such a ruined city can only be found in places that have been conquered by the Liao people.

I didn't expect that after losing my way, I would actually come here.

"Did you hear any sound..."

Han Tianming suddenly said softly.

Everyone looked at each other, but Han Tianming heard it clearly.

"It's the sound of horse hooves, the Liao people's war horses!"

"Quickly put out the fire and hide!"

"They shouldn't enter the city!"

Han Tianming said hurriedly. After living in the mortal world for so many years, he already knew that there would be no miracles.

There is no power of gods, only the extremely real pain of life and death.

Even when he witnessed death, he hoped that his own cultivation could come, but there was no such possibility.

This is everything he must go through. Even at this moment, his injured left leg is still in pain, as if constantly reminding him of this fact.

Fortunately, the team was not large, and they quickly hid their tracks in the ruined city gate.

Soon, everyone felt the ground shaking.

Soon, a large group of people came from afar.

As expected, they did not enter the city gate. Han Tianming saw that the leader had an unconcealed smile on his face.

Perhaps they had won another great victory.

The Liao people went north on such a large scale that entering this ruined town would only delay time.

They passed by the city without caring whether there was anyone watching in the dark in this cold world of ice and snow.

The spines of the Song people were broken by their horses' hooves. Even the most courageous general of the other side, without soldiers or generals, could not compete with them.

The sound of horses' hooves was frantic, like a sudden rain, resounding in this vast world.

The snow on the top of the small town was shaken off.

Han Tianming hid his body again, and watched the large group of cavalry go away through the battlements that were already riddled with holes.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they soon heard another strange sound.

It sounded like iron chains colliding, and it was very dense.

In the white world, war horses were seen circling, and the Liao people were waving whips and driving a large number of prisoners in shackles.

They were dressed luxuriously and should not have appeared in such a situation.

People kept falling to the ground along the way, and the whips hit them. Some got up with difficulty, and some died.

In a trance, Han Tianming seemed to see a scene he had never seen before.

In the black and white world, several ferocious beasts were tied with thick and dark iron chains, dragging two dying dragons to the north!

It turned out that the Liao people’s saying of going south to capture dragons was true!

Han Tianming had already seen two staggering figures in dirty dragon robes among the large group of prisoners.

That was the emperor of the Song people.

Han Tieniu also saw that after the large group of people left, there was only dead silence in the white environment.

Among the more than ten people who came together, two were frozen to death.

This middle-aged man who felt strong felt a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

He looked at the white world around him, which was so cold and lonely.

Han Tieniu finally accepted his fate:

"Let's go back to Qingniu Village..."

Han Tianming had no objection.

Although he was not afraid of death, he didn't want to see the people around him die.

So everyone went south, and the places trampled by the Liao people's war horses were extremely desolate.

Bone exposed in the wild, no rooster crows for thousands of miles.

A few more people fell on the road, and several people burned their bones, leaving only a few handfuls of ashes to take back to Qingniu Village.

After leaving Heshuo and reaching the border of the Central Plains, they walked for an unknown amount of time before they saw human habitation.

"The Liao people went south, and the two saints were captured. What a shame! What a shame!"

Some people were extremely sad and angry, while others were indifferent.

The country was destroyed and the family was ruined, too many sufferings came at the same time.

It was two months later when the group returned to Qingniu Village.

They had seen too many miserable situations along the way. It was not easy to survive in this chaotic world of war and chaos.

I heard that King Kang had stabilized the government in Jiangnan, which was considered the new Song Dynasty.

The old rules could not be picked up, and Han Tieniu was not convicted of escaping.

After the severe winter, it was spring.

The people who agreed to spend the spring together had left, but the spring had to go on.

There were many more graves on the back mountain of Qingniu Village.

The bodies of those children could not be found, so they could only use the relics from the past to build some tombs.

In the spring of the ninth year, the situation of the new Song Dynasty was stable.

General Yue won victory after victory in the front, and the people all applauded.

Even ordinary people had smiles on their faces.

Everything seemed to be developing in a good direction and thriving.

Han Tianming's rice fields did not increase, and there were still only two.

However, the private school was opened again, and he no longer needed to pay tuition, and the sound of reading was integrated into the spring breeze.

He was already 45 years old, and his face looked a little old, but with a little smile.

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