In the past few years, he has learned a lot of classics, history, and collections from this world. Although he cannot be said to be a great scholar, he has achieved some success.

At least the children he taught are of a higher level than before.

Even in the whole Shita Town, Master Han is also famous.

He even attracted students from the county to study.

Not long after the child returned, he passed the imperial examination and came back to visit Han Tianming.

The county teacher also wanted to invite Han Tianming to teach in the county school, but was rejected by Han Tianming.

He knew that although his teaching had some merits, it was the child's own diligence.

Whether it was the days Han Tianming spent with him or his willingness to travel a long way to study.

It has been determined that he will not be bad.

Later, there were also people who came to Han Tianming for fame and reputation, saying that they were studying, but in fact they were just showing off.

Such people, Han Tianming generally ignored them and just refused.

Teaching in the village peacefully and watching the children grow up one by one is already a great satisfaction.

Some people also advised him to find a wife, but he refused.

It's not that he can't integrate into this place, but for mortals, love affairs are unnecessary for a hundred years.

In the summer of the ninth year, I heard that Marshal Yue was killed in Fengbo Pavilion.

It should be a season of lush vegetation, but there is a touch of desolation.

In front of the gate of the Han Family Ancestral Hall, Han Tianming gently beat his left leg.

Since returning from the north that winter, this leg has been sick. Even though Han Tianming doesn't have any minor illnesses on weekdays, he can't do anything about rheumatism.

He is fifty-four this year, not very old. Compared with his previous cultivation realm, he is only equivalent to an infant.

But now, there is indeed a sense of old age coming out of his body.

The sky is changing, and a heavy rain is coming.

In the autumn of the fifth year, Han Tieniu fell in the rice field at the age of sixty-five.

He was harvesting rice when he suddenly became ill.

Some people are like this, they are healthy all their lives, but when they really fall down, it only takes a moment.

If you can die in a rice field with a good harvest, you will not live in vain.

Han Tieniu has four children, all of whom were taught by Han Tianming.

The eldest and the second were drafted and never came back, and they will never come back.

The third has already started a family and has a daughter.

As for the youngest, he is 22 years old and has not yet been engaged.

At first, he was a child who wanted to study. When he was 13 or 14 years old, Han Tianming used his connections to send him to the county school, and he worked very hard.

The student who listened to Han Tianming's teachings and passed the imperial examination later became a Jinshi. In the past 14 years, his official career has been prosperous.

He was an official in the prefecture and heard that Han Tianming sent a child to the county school.

He was very concerned and took the youngest child of Han Tieniu to the prefecture.

It was not a big deal for a child from a poor family to study in a small place, but suddenly he came to a glamorous world where his peers were all dressed in fine clothes, and it was inevitable that he would lose himself.

In more serious cases, he even felt ashamed of himself.

His desire to study was not as strong as before, and he only passed the examination for a scholar, but could not go any higher.

Seeing that he could not pass the examination, although the student kept him, he was unwilling to waste his time under someone else's roof.

It happened that Han Tieniu passed away, so he also returned to Qingniu Village under the pretext of attending the funeral.

Han Tianming saw him several times, but the boy deliberately avoided him.

Maybe he felt that he had embarrassed Han Tianming, or he felt that he was not worthy of the student's cultivation, anyway, it was very unnatural.

A new grave was added to the back mountain.

Han Tieniu was well-known, not only in this village, but also in neighboring villages.

Relatives and friends cried and shouted, and at this time Han Tianming really had a relatively long-lasting contact with the child.

But he didn't say anything, just patted his shoulder.

After spending so many years in this mortal world, Han Tianming had already forgiven that things in this world are not always as expected.

He naturally had expectations for this child, after all, he was the son of an old friend.

Otherwise, he would not have sent him to the county school.

But now he is no longer the high-ranking immortal cultivator, and things in the world are unpredictable, and he cannot control all changes.

Just like when he first came here and had his first field, after sowing the seeds, he could not control anything.

No matter how hard he tried to catch insects and weeds, it was no match for a heavy rain or a strong wind in the middle of the night.

The final harvest depends on the sky.

No one can change this world, even if he is an emperor, he cannot really guarantee his own safety.

He will be captured, and because of a word from the Liao people, he will go against the will of the people and execute Marshal Yue.

What's more, he is just a human teacher.

For so many years, the children he taught have both good and bad.

Some died young, some were full of vigor and vitality, but most lived a mediocre life.

In the winter of the tenth year, Master Han, the most respected master in Qingniu Village, died at the age of seventy.

He taught many disciples in his life, but not many people were able to come to the funeral.

Or, in other words, there were far fewer followers than the official who came from the capital to attend the funeral.

However, although the official was grand, he was also sincere and sincere, so he was a disciple of Han Tianming.

He wrote a good poem at the funeral.

Before Han Tianming lost consciousness, he saw a few sentences, which were written:

"I have passed by the Qingniu Temple three times, and I have not seen the old immortal for ten years..."

The first time I came here to study, the second time I came to pick up the youngest of Han Tieniu's family, and the third time is now.

As for Han Tieniu, the youngest of the family, he finally cheered up a bit in the past ten years and passed the examination.

Being promoted by that high official, he also entered the officialdom.

As for what will happen next, Han Tianming has no idea.

On the Ice Lotus Platform, Han Tianming slowly opened his eyes.

There is a strong color of vicissitudes in the eyes. Looking at the surrounding situation, it is just a cup of tea.

Just a cup of tea, fifty years in the painting.

In the past fifty years, Han Tianming has experienced a lot.

Birth, old age, illness and death, widowhood and loneliness, I have seen the destruction of my family and country, and I have seen the vegetation of the world.

"A mortal's life is like duckweed, how can it bear the turbulent times..."

He couldn't help but sigh. Fifty years of personal experience came to his mind at once, making him realize a lot.

There were no words for a moment.

"You wake up pretty quickly!"

Feng Lingyin smiled and said, a hundred years in the world is like a stick of incense, and Han Tianming only needs a cup of tea. He must have only spent about fifty years.

Such a short life is probably not easy to live smoothly.

"It's the same for the first time. If you experience it a few times, you'll be fine as long as you get used to it."

She comforted Han Tianming.

Han Tianming nodded, and finally the Nascent Soul in his body appeared in front of the immortal stone again.

But I saw the fairy light changing, and a clear shadow of a flying fairy danced gracefully.

Perhaps even Han Tianming himself had not noticed that there was actually some golden light emerging on the Nascent Soul villain.

As Han Tianming's consciousness entered the painting again, Feng Lingyin's voice sounded softly.

"The more miserable and miserable the mortal experience is, the more you can gain various experiences."

"This boy's Nascent Soul actually has a ray of divine light..."

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