Han Tianming came to a prosperous era when he transformed himself into a mortal this time.

When he first heard the name of the country Tang, even Han Tianming himself was surprised.

Because he had heard of such a dynasty, at least it was recorded in the history of Song State where he stayed last time.

But after he settled down, he checked some historical facts and found that there were quite a few discrepancies in the records.

After the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty changed with the passing of time. Even if he wanted to find traces of his life in Song State, he could not find them.

He lived a stable life in this life.

Han Tianming relied on some pharmacology he knew to practice medicine everywhere.

He was also used to birth, aging, illness and death, and lived to be over ninety years old.

After leaving the painting realm, the divine light on Han Tianming's Nascent Soul became more and more brilliant.

But he felt that it was still not enough, and there was always a lack of perfection.

So he started his third journey of transformation into a mortal.

In the third life, Han Tianming appeared in a country called Daming.

This was a new dynasty established after being ruled by a foreign race for decades and finally overthrown.

The emperor who unified the world was an ordinary farmer's son.

The world was just beginning to settle down, and although there was a lot of work to be done, Han Tianming saw the vitality of the new dynasty.

This was the first time he decided to enter the officialdom.

With the experience of the previous two lives, Han Tianming was familiar with the classics, history, and collections, and was able to observe the needs of the people and understand the sufferings of the world.

Although he did not understand the so-called way of being an official, he was lucky to meet a wise monarch.

So that his official reputation became better and better, and his rank became higher and higher.

When he was an official for four years, the newly compiled history book was completed.

Han Tianming was excited to borrow it, but in the end he felt disappointed.

Song came after Tang, so he saw the history of Tang first.

It was an extremely brilliant era, and it seemed to be a dazzling pearl among all dynasties.

Talents emerged and culture flourished.

I don't know if Han Tianming's reputation as a traveling doctor is not loud enough, or because decades of foreign rule have destroyed a lot of history.

Han Tianming has never found his name in the history books about the Tang Dynasty.

When he saw the Song Dynasty in the history books, Han Tianming's mood could no longer remain calm.

He even went to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households, and looked through the maps and household registers.

In the end, he couldn't find Qingniu Village, let alone himself.

He couldn't help but feel lost.

Back in the mansion, he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. Looking at the history book on the desk, he finally opened it again.

Cicadas chirped, Han Tianming did a lot for the people of this world, and his mood became more and more quiet and peaceful at this time.

There was only the sound of turning pages in the book in the room.

After finally turning a page, Han Tianming saw a familiar name.

That was the student who followed him to study for a period of time, passed the exam, and later became a high official.

His voice, appearance, and smile seemed to still be in my ears and eyes.

His life was colorful.

Study hard when young, rise to prominence overnight, study hard for ten years but no one cares, become famous overnight and known to the world.

Han Tianming went to check his life, but found no trace of himself.

But he found the poem.

"Three times I passed by Pingshan Hall, half my life was in the sound of snapping fingers."

There was no Qingniu Village.

Soon, he was relieved.

Originally, with the child's diligence, even without his guidance, he would have been successful.

It turned out that the world was vast, and he was just a passer-by.

Don't care about the name after death, just be sincere and do your best, that's enough.

So, Han Tianming no longer just sticks to the Tang and Song dynasties, but read the entire history book.

The history book seems to be vast, but it's only a short two thousand years.

The life span of a spiritual cultivator is three thousand years, but it is composed of the lives of countless mortals...

Han Tianming's thoughts became more and more clear, and his three-life experience was finally complete at this moment.

In the midsummer, the most respected Right Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty, who was personally invited from Qingtian by the Emperor, died.

When the news came out, the whole country was in mourning.

The Right Prime Minister had no children in his life, but many people wore mourning for him.

Han Tianming had no idea what happened next.

In front of the Immortal Stone, Han Tianming's Nascent Soul was already shining with golden light.

After the transformation into a mortal, he was completely enveloped by the divine light.

All kinds of enlightenment surged into his mind, and the Nascent Soul was transforming.

Han Tianming's whole body was changing.

He opened his eyes and flew to Xiling!

The terrifying momentum shocked the entire Qingling Island.

Countless people looked up and watched.

"What realm has the master reached?"

The monks felt this powerful pressure, with astonishment and admiration in their eyes.

Above the sky of Xiling, wind and clouds gathered and quickly became extremely dark.

Thunder surged, illuminating the world from time to time.


The lavender thunder, like a sharp sword, illuminated the whole world!

It also shocked countless people.

In the mountains, the birds and beasts were panicked and trembling.

"It turned out to be the Purple Sky Divine Thunder!"

Outside the spiritual cultivation land, the golden body stood.

His eyes were also in the direction of Xiling, and he was quite surprised when he saw the thunder coming down.

This is one of the top divine thunders, which can only be attracted when the most talented geniuses are undergoing tribulation.

Even he was quite surprised.

But soon, he was relieved.

Han Tianming's talent, of course, needs no further explanation, and the power of his innate sword body has only just begun to show.

The sword heart is not yet complete, and there are sword bones and sword bodies to be completed in the future.

Only part of his talent has been revealed.

Otherwise, he is not worthy of being called the emperor of swords!

And his accumulation is naturally deep enough.

His spiritual energy cultivation has not improved much, and his soul power has also improved by more than one step.

And he did not take shortcuts on the road to becoming a god.

He really went through the process of becoming a mortal.

Although it only took half an hour in the main world.

But in the painting world constructed by Xian Linglong, he actually spent two hundred years!

With such accumulation, it doesn’t seem so surprising to attract the Purple Sky Divine Thunder.

Outsiders cannot know the difficulty.

The power of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder has been experienced by the entire Han family.

A thunder came down, and the lightning platform constructed by Han Tianming was split.

Fortunately, the spiritual veins of Qingling Island are now very strong, and coupled with the stability of the Four Symbols Zhouxing Array, this can ensure that the island is safe.

However, the terrifying momentum still made everyone smack their lips.

Countless people looked at the place where the thunder struck with worry, not only the cultivators, but also all the members of the Han family.

Everyone's heart was attracted by Han Tianming.

The purple thunder struck 81 times, which lasted for three days and three nights!

Countless people in the Han family were sleepless and worried.

Especially Cheng Lingsu, she stood at the edge of the thunder, and she might be affected if she took another step.

The strong wind blew up her long hair in front of her forehead, but she did not retreat.

The dark clouds above the sky finally slowly dissipated, and there was silence in the center of the thunderstorm, as if everything had returned to silence.

Everyone's heart was in their throat.

Cheng Lingsu flew desperately to the thunder platform that had been turned into powder.

Halfway through the flight, suddenly a huge breath like a new life slowly spread out from the wasteland...

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