A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 10 Giovanni and others are imprisoned (Second update)

"So, are we planning to rob?"

Federico had already taken the lead and walked towards Vieri, and Ezio and Hope followed quickly.

But Hope was still a little closer to Ezio, and whispered to him about his doubts.

"Someone said you were very direct, not tactful enough?" Ezio glanced at Hope and asked, "Don't you like this?"

"I don't dislike it, but I just think we should cover our faces or something, it seems a bit bad to let the other party see our true faces like this."

It seemed that Hope didn't expect Hope to say such a thing in the end. Ezio suddenly stopped and thought for two seconds, then hurried forward to pull Federico back.

The three of them huddled together and muttered a few words, then ran to the tailor shop next door and bought three rags to cover their faces with the last money they had.

After doing all this, the three of them trotted in the direction where Vieri left, and soon found each other in an alley again.

After looking at each other, the three of Hope walked towards each other in tacit understanding.

Before Vieri could react, he was dragged into a dark alley by Ezio, and even the mouth that was about to shout was covered by Federico's quick eyes and hands.

About four or five minutes passed, and passers-by occasionally passed by, but when they saw the scene inside, they quickly quickened their pace and left.

After finishing the job, they successfully got what they wanted, and the three of Hope walked out with a brisk pace again, without even looking at Vieri who was beaten up and in a mess, and hurriedly left the scene of the crime.

"I think we will become good friends."

After bullying their old rival Vieri together, the two brothers Ezio obviously got closer to Hope, and they seemed much more familiar when they talked at this time.

The three of Hope didn't take Vieri's robbery seriously.

According to the original plan, they went to the old market in the Santa Maria Novella district to shop with a bag of florins.

The time spent playing passed quickly. They had lunch outside, but dinner was served back at the Auditore Mansion.

The chef had already prepared dinner, and the long table was full.

Giovanni, who had finished a day's work outside, was sitting in the main seat. When he saw Ezio and the others coming back, he nodded to the three of them casually and asked Hope how he had played today.

It was obvious that Giovanni was a little tired at this time. Hope didn't say much, but just smiled and answered a few words, and the group of people started eating.

The passage of time is often inadvertent.

In a blink of an eye, four days have passed since Hope came here, and there are only less than three days left to end this first journey through the other world.

In the past few days, under the leadership of the two brothers Ezio, Hope has also roughly visited the entire city of Florence, and finally has a general understanding of this world.

On the morning of the fourth day, Hope helped Auditore's youngest son Petruccio collect some eagle feathers on the roof. After gaining the favor of the little brat, he said hello to Auditore's family and left Florence alone with a bag of food on his back.

After all, it was rare to have so much extra time. Hope not only had to understand this world, but also didn't want to fall behind in his own training.

So once he was free, he would take enough food out of the city to train himself in various ways.

From the first second of crossing the world, Hope's physical appearance had been fixed. But correspondingly, he could continuously train himself by accumulating time, so as to become stronger step by step.

In other words, after Hope's first crossing, his body would not grow up, and no matter how long time passed, he would always look like a 16-year-old.

This matter could not be said to be good or bad, but the bottleneck of his growth was also correspondingly opened. As long as there was enough time, he would persist in training every day, and his strength would accumulate, he would be able to continue to become stronger.

This was also one of the motivations for Hope to work hard on himself every day.

At the beginning, Ezio came to train with Hope for a while out of curiosity.

But within half a day, he was too bored and went back to the city to find other fun.

As usual, Hope trained until dusk in the afternoon.

After packing up the things on the ground, Hope carried his small bag and walked towards the Auditore Mansion in the city with sweat on his forehead.

On the way home, Hope had gradually adjusted his physical condition through breathing and slowly recovered from the previous intense training.

But he had just arrived at the Auditore Mansion when a hurried figure rushed out.

Caught off guard, Hope subconsciously used grappling skills to stop the other party.

The other party obviously didn't expect that he would be controlled just after he went out. Just when he wanted to resist, he saw Hope's face and was stunned.

"Hope? You're back?"


Hope recognized Ezio at the same time, and asked as he let go of him: "What are you doing in such a hurry? You're not usually like this."

As he spoke, Hope walked around Ezio and looked into the Auditore Palace.

When he saw this, he couldn't help but frown.

The originally neat mansion was now in a mess. Giovanni's wife Maria, his daughter Claudia and a maid stood inside, looking a little lost and helpless.

Maria in particular was now even more distraught. Just standing there, she needed the support of Claudia, a 15-year-old girl.

"What happened?"

Hope turned her head and looked at Ezio, asking in confusion.

Looking at Hope's eyes, Ezio finally calmed down a little, but after looking around, he still pulled Hope and said, "This is not a place to talk. Let's find a place to hide first."

"What about them?"

Being pulled by Ezio, Hope turned his head and looked at the three ladies in the mansion.

Hearing this, the maid stood up and said, "Mr. Hope, we are going to hide at my sister's place now. It's safe there, so you don't have to worry."

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you. We'll find you later."

Having said this, Hope also followed Ezio with a solemn expression and left first.

Not long after, the two came to a shabby house with few people to temporarily hide from possible spies in the city.

Sitting on the ground, Hope folded his arms and fell silent after listening to Ezio's story.

The matter seemed simple, that is, people from the Lord's Palace came and took away all the men of the Auditore family.

But there must be more and more complicated hidden stories behind this.

As for those hidden stories, Ezio might not know them.

It's just that Hope thinks that this matter may be related to the Pazzi family.

After all, when he just came to this world, the soldiers of the Pazzi family were still preparing to surround and kill Giovanni.

"Anyway, let's wait until dark and go to the Lord's Palace to have a look."

Ezio nodded in agreement without even thinking.

There are five chapters today. Please give me some votes.

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