A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 11 Breaking into the Lord's Palace at Night and the Plan (3rd Update)

In the dead of night, in the early morning.

In the Middle Ages, which lacked entertainment activities, by this time there were almost no pedestrians on the road.

Under the cover of night, two figures quickly walked through the streets and alleys and arrived at the magnificent Lord's Palace.

Looking at the tall and magnificent building in front of them, Hope and Ezio looked at each other, and finally shrugged, saying: "I haven't received the corresponding training. I can't climb up to such a high place. It's better for you to go up. I I’ll cover you below. By the way, the Palazzo della Signoria is so big, do you know where Mr. Giovanni and the others are being held?”

"I can roughly feel it through my eyes. I can't tell clearly, but my father once said that it seems to be a gift, the gift of being able to read the world."

Ezio touched the corners of his own eyes, and there was no trace of relief on his face.

Obviously, he felt very heavy because of what happened to his family suddenly.


Hope also suddenly remembered that Giovanni seemed to have said similar words to him on the first day he came here.

It seems now that the talent he was talking about at that time was probably Ezio's kind.

However, at that time, he was only able to see at night because he was wearing the goggles given by Horner, so he was probably misunderstood by the other party.

"Then I'll go up first."

Ezio said something, and then he vigorously began to kick on the wall of the Lord's Palace to use force, and like a wild cat, he launched himself onto a window sill three meters high.

With a place to shake hands, Ezio almost without hesitation began to climb up with the help of various grasping objects on the wall.

From a distance, it looks like a big gecko.

"What an amazing assassin in this world. No, Ezio doesn't seem to be an assassin yet. He seems to have just received corresponding training from Giovanni since he was a child."

Hope watched Ezio climb all the way to the roof of the Lord's Palace, then turned around and began to alert the surrounding environment to keep a lookout for Ezio above.

About half an hour later, there was some slight movement overhead.

Hope raised her head alertly, and then saw Ezio starting to climb back along the original path.

When his legs were still four or five meters above the ground, he simply let go of his hands and jumped down heavily.

It can be seen from this point that Ezio's physical fitness is definitely very good.

After all, the other party didn't take off his strength, and simply jumped down straight.

"How is it? Have you found Mr. Giovanni?"

Hope greeted Ezio and asked.

"Found him. He was locked up in a tower. He doesn't seem to be in very good condition. He should have been tortured."

Ezio said this, already gritting his teeth.

Seeing this, Hope patted Ezio on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, we will find a way to rescue Mr. Giovanni and the others."

"Well..." Ezio nodded silently, then opened his hands and hugged Hope hard, and then said sincerely: "Thank you, Hope. You know, this happened, my It’s a lot of pressure.”

"I understand, I can understand your mood."

Hope patted Ezio on the back, and then the two of them walked towards the Auditore mansion again.

While walking, Ezio was still talking to Hope about the conversation he had just had with Giovanni above.

"My father asked me to go home and get some things, mainly a letter. He said it contained some evidence and that if I gave it to Mr. Uberto Alberti, everything would be fine."

"Isn't this great? I remember that Uberto is an ally of your Auditore family, right? He is also the highest justice of the city. Since Mr. Giovanni said so, there should be no problem. "

Hope listened to Ezio's story and relaxed a little.

"You're right, but the matter hasn't been settled yet, so I'm still a little worried."

Ezio's tone of voice has become slightly more relaxed.

After all, no matter what, there is finally some hope now.

"It's just that I still can't completely place my hopes on Mr. Uberto." Suddenly, Hope recalled the instructor's teachings to him when he was still in the recruit camp, frowned, and then said: "Qiao Mr. Varney is an ally of the Medici family anyway. Although Lorenzo, the ruler of Florence, is out now, someone can still arrest the Auditore family and imprison them by declaring them guilty of treason. The enemy must be in Florence. Also has good dominance.”

"So, if even Mr. Uberto can't help, we have to rely on ourselves in the end. This matter is related to the lives of Mr. Giovanni and the others. We must not be careless. We must make two preparations. ”

"you mean?"

Ezio glanced at Hope in surprise, probably guessing what Hope was thinking.

"Yes, it's the same as you thought. If your letter has no effect, we will have to use force to solve the problem. I don't think you want to see your close relatives being accused of treason tomorrow. Should he be executed with his head behind his back?”

Although he had already guessed what Hope was thinking, Ezio couldn't help but open his mouth wide after hearing that Hope was confirmed.

After living peacefully as a nobleman in Florence for seventeen years, his thoughts have not completely changed, and it is impossible for him to have such bold ideas like Hope.

Hope is an outstanding soldier no matter what, and he has grown up in the apocalypse. As long as the goal can be achieved, it is normal to use various methods. Among them, violent methods are even more routine.

After a short period of surprise, Ezio's eyes gradually became cold and stern.

He nodded silently and said: "You are right. It is the right thing for us to do this when necessary. If Uncle Uberto had not saved father and the others, we would not have made any preparations. I am afraid I would have to watch My father and brothers were hanged on the execution block."

"So, what do you decide to do?" Ezio looked at Hope and asked. Unknowingly, he had begun to rely on Hope.

Hearing this, Hope raised her hand and touched her chin. At this time, the two of them had walked to the big square in front of the Lord's Palace. The execution platform was placed in the middle of the big square. Presumably, if the execution was really going to be carried out, ten Eight or nine are here.

Looking around again at the surrounding environment, a rough prisoner-robbing plan had already taken shape in Hope's mind.

In response, Hope also raised the corners of her mouth, gave a thumbs up to Ezio beside him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way. I will tell you my plan first, and then we will split up. Action, the next step is to make preparations as soon as possible before the execution. "

"Okay, tell me your plan and I will listen."

"First of all, you still have to go back and get the letter first. In addition, there may be a battle tomorrow, so you have to bring all the weapons you can and arm yourself as much as possible. There is something in Mr. Giovanni's secret room There are a lot of weapons, you can bring more..."

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