A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 105 Creating a Dimensional Chat Room

In the next few days, just as Ezio and his friends had predicted, the whole of Rome seemed to have been shaken by a great earthquake because of the loss of the Pope's scepter.

At this time, the Vatican controlled the political power and military.

The Pope's identity was equivalent to the highest leader of the entire Rome.

His scepter was stolen, which was equivalent to a slap in the face of the Roman high-level officials. How could people not be angry.

What's more, this scepter represents not only the identity of the Pope, but also its own value is difficult to estimate.

As a holy object, one of all the fragments of Eden, it contains power beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It is also an irreplaceable treasure for the entire Vatican.

However, no matter how hard they searched, even if they turned the whole of Rome upside down, they could not find the golden scepter that was more than one person tall. On the night he returned that night, he hoped to use the law of [Equipment Transformation] to consume the Staff of Eden with the hood on Ezio Altaïr's armor as the main body, and directly integrate and strengthen the hood.

This strengthening not only makes the hood unexpectedly soft, but also greatly enhances its defense, and it is no problem to be cut by a knife or an axe.

The most important thing is that the special ability of the Staff of Eden is also completely inherited. As the owner of a special bloodline, Ezio can use that power.

However, the effect of using it depends on Ezio's proficiency and control of it.

As a holy object, the Staff of Eden has two supernatural powers.

The first is a seemingly simple energy binding.

The energy of the Staff of Eden can be used to bind the enemy in the air. In this process, the user can deal with the enemy at will.

The second is illusion.

This is the most important ability of the Staff of Eden, and it is also the most difficult ability to control.

But anyway, this trip to Rome is a great harvest.

Especially for Ezio, his strength has definitely increased by leaps and bounds.

What he needs to do next is to settle down and get familiar with his current strength.

The last few days passed by in a dull manner.

Kuba has completed the operation and is in the ongoing recovery period.

Nemo goes out early and comes back late, and is seriously investigating the runaway Miss Barbie Crawford.

Winner pestered Hope to buy him a new banjo and an accordion. As a bard, he sings on the street every day.

As for Hope and Ezio, they practice against each other every day to train their abilities.

Finally, the second time travel in the Assassin's Creed world ended, and Hope returned to the main world.

After a month of cooling time, the next time he comes to the Assassin's World event, Hope will be able to travel freely in this world at will.

By that time, Hope is ready to release the time flow rate of the Assassin's World and keep it synchronized with himself.

After all, that world also needs its own development, and it is not the same thing to always lock it.

Anyway, I can come and go at will in the future, and I can rush there directly if something happens.

As for the problem of communication between several worlds, it was also solved after this time of crossing back.

With Hope as the center, the dimensional bracelet has built a chat group that can cross all dimensional worlds.

Anyone who receives Hope's invitation can join the group chat, and even if they are separated by a whole world, they can communicate completely barrier-free.

As for why this new function suddenly appeared, Hope estimated that it was probably related to his subconscious concern.

Because he can cross various worlds, he naturally wants to let each world communicate with each other.

This time in the Assassin's Creed world, Hope has been groping and trying to master the power of the dimensional bracelet, but there has been no progress.

But just when he returned this time, a mysterious energy in the bracelet seemed to be moved by him.

Immediately afterwards, this dimensional chat room has quickly taken shape.

Although the energy was touched very quickly this time, it was almost only in an instant.

But this is a milestone progress for Hope to master this magical power.

I am not afraid of the difficulty of the process, but I am afraid that I can't even find the beginning.

Now that I finally have a beginning, I hope I will naturally have a direction to work hard in the future.

The dimensional chat room defaults to link Hope's dimensional partners, such as Steve Rogers, Jackie Chan, Ezio, and Captain Levi.

As long as they want, they can communicate at any time through this chat room.

However, because the time flow speed of each world is different, only Captain America's name is lit in the entire chat room.

The others are all in a gray and uncommunicative state because of the time lock.

However, this state is only temporary.

After Hope has traveled through those worlds three times, he can safely synchronize the time flow speed with them.

Steve saw it coming back, and he was also slightly stunned, obviously aware of some differences in himself.

Now he can already feel that he can use a strange thing called a dimensional chat room.

Just when he was about to ask Hope for some details, he saw Hope raised his hand to him, and immediately shut up and said nothing more.

And Hope himself now began to check the gains of this second trip to the assassin's world.

The gains were not much, just strengthening Hope's Leap of Faith and Eagle Vision by one level each.

But it's better to have something than nothing.

Law Protection:

Level 2 Leap of Faith Enhancement: No damage when landing within a height of 5 meters.

Level 2 Eagle Vision Enhancement: Effective field of vision range is 20 meters, and it will not exit the Eagle Vision state during intense exercise.

The enhancement range is not very large, especially the five-meter no-damage of Leap of Faith is a bit tasteless.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the potential of these two law protections is good, and the effect will be even stronger when it is further strengthened.

And now the Leap of Faith can also offset the impact of a five-meter fall, which is actually not bad if used well.

After confirming the gains this time, Hope breathed a sigh of relief, because this was the second time he crossed the assassin's world, so there was no physical enhancement, but Hope was generally satisfied.

With a smile, Hope sat aside, and then signaled the captain to ask the questions he wanted to ask.

After Steve spoke, Hope nodded without surprise, knowing that he wanted to ask about the dimensional chat room, so he told him the function of this thing.

After learning that this thing can actually chat across the world, Steve also showed a surprised expression on his face.

To him, a mobile phone is a very magical thing.

This dimensional chat room is even more so.

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