A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 106 Three powerful new weapons

"Ding ding ding ding!"

Across the road, a traffic signal bell was struck by two small hammers driven by gears and chains. It made a clear sound, reminding passers-by on both sides of the road that it was now open to traffic and that it was forbidden to cross the road.

After waiting for a while, the bell stopped ringing, and two long lines of steam spurted out. Accompanied by the noise of pedestrians talking, the people on both sides waiting to cross the road stepped on the zebra crossing and walked towards the other side of the road.

On the road, steam cars were parked one after another, with white steam still coming out of the exhaust pipes. A child selling newspapers passed by on a bicycle, selling them the contents of his satchel with a smile on his face. Today's latest morning paper.

“Apart from the fact that there are a lot of people and it’s a little crowded on the road, the atmosphere here is pretty good and very lively.”

The tall Rogers and Hope walked together on the sidewalk, each holding a large bag filled with various mechanical parts that they had gone to a few blocks away this morning at Horner's order. Purchased.

Behind the two of them, Nick Fury, who had become more and more familiar with them, also smiled and said in a rap tone that comes with his racial talent: "To be honest, it was nothing at the beginning. I am living in Hope City during this time. After spending so many days, I realized how big this place is. It’s really hard to imagine how much work it would take to hollow out such a huge mountain and then build a city inside it.”

"After all, the mountain of Hope City was developed more than two hundred years ago. The reason why it has reached this level is mainly thanks to the hard work of generations of people."

Hope held the big bag in both hands and smiled back at Nick Fury.

The three of them walked together through the very lively and busy streets filled with people. After a short time, they returned to the mechanical workshop used by Hope and Horner in Hope City.

Since returning from the assassin world last time, Hope has been in the main world for many days.

During these days, most of the time was spent in the mechanical workshop with Horner. The main purpose was to create the steam weapons that he wanted that could be used with the power of steam.

The results are quite gratifying. Now that the time has come, I hope that the three weapons I envisioned have almost been completed.

Only the final finishing touches are left.

It happened that some needed materials were used up in the workshop, so I hoped they would come out early in the morning to buy them.

Now Hope, because he is a law-based scholar, has also obtained the status of a member of the Hope Parliament.

You don't have to do anything at ordinary times, and you can receive a normal salary every month, which is relatively generous.

In the mechanical workshop, after Horner got the mechanical materials he wanted them to buy, he immediately started working in full swing.

It wasn't until late at night that I finally finished all the three steam weapons I wanted.

All that's left to do is to leave it to Hope to test it out for herself, and then make some fine-tuning accordingly.

Hopefully, the three imaginary weapons will be turned into a physical reality within a few days by the talented mechanic Horner.

In addition to Horner's extraordinary talent in this area, the most important thing is the accumulation of technology over the years.

Because of the three weapons he proposed, he had made similar finished products before, so if he was asked to make another one, there would naturally be no problem.

The size of the steam gloves is not exaggerated, it is about the same size as ordinary armed gloves, but it is produced by steam after all, and it is still full of the beauty of steam machinery.

Gears, chains, bolts and drive shafts are completely exposed to the air, and the brassy tones are mostly the natural color of the materials used. Classical but with a mechanical future, it shows an elegance unique to steam machinery.

In addition to the main body of the glove, the steam glove also has an extension connected to the forearm, which is a part similar to power armor.

After injecting power into it, not only can the power of boxing be improved, but because the gloves have a piston, it is hoped that the gloves themselves can make piston movements while keeping the arms still, just like a pile driver. Generally, he uses great force to hit the enemy one after another.

Of course, for Hope, the most important thing about this glove is that it can operate its steam power in detail, converting steam power into mechanical power, thereby effectively increasing his arm strength.

After putting on the gloves, Hope moved his arms, and then inspired the power of steam to pour into the gloves. As the steam spurted out from the gloves, Hope smashed a hard stone into pieces with one punch. He nodded with satisfaction.

He was very fond of this new weapon, sword and so on, and indeed he didn't want to use it more and more.

It's more refreshing to fight with fists and fists.

In addition to steam gloves, I hope I also tried two other long-range weapons.

Needless to say about the steam bow, every time the bow string is pulled, the meshing rotation of the gears and the small steam column spray from the steam engine on it give people a refreshing feeling of blood spurting.

The shooting feel is also very comfortable after going through and debugging.

I hope that my shooting skills are pretty good. With this steam bow and some aiming auxiliary lenses that Horner gave me for my goggles, I can definitely be called a marksman.

The final highlight is the long-range weapons with heavy firepower that I hope are relatively lacking at this time.

Although the image of the wrist-type rotary machine gun is somewhat different from what Hope imagined, Horner still made it in the end, and the effect is quite good.

This is a heavy machine gun that can be equipped on the arm.

The image of the equipment is somewhat similar to putting an iron barrel on the forearm of both hands.

The end of the iron barrel close to the palm is a circle of 26 bullet holes.

As long as Hope injects steam power into this wrist-type machine gun, the machine gun's rotary table will rotate rapidly and pour bullets at a rate of 300 rounds per minute.

With Hope's space backpack, it can continuously provide ammunition to the machine gun. In other words, as long as the problems of overheating and wear of the barrel can be solved, this is an absolute life harvester!

As for the problem of overheating and wear, it is also easy for Hope to solve it. Just keep strengthening it. If it is strengthened to 99+, it is estimated that there will be no big problem with the artifact.

And Horner made two of these heavy firepower killers.

Hope can carry one with each hand. When the time comes, when he stands on the battlefield and raises his hands, he will have two heavy machine guns with unlimited ammunition and great attack power.

Who can withstand this?

Hope is having a great time testing new weapons.

Nick Fury on the side is more and more amazed as he watches. He warns himself countless times that he must be better than Hope and must not make enemies with him.

Otherwise, being an enemy of Hope, Nick Fury thinks it will be a nightmare.

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