A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 111 Phil Coulson (2nd update)

"The visas you requested have been processed. You can board the plane at any time. Be more careful when you act. After all, we are in that country. Our influence there is the smallest in the world. Do you understand?"

Nick Fury's helpless voice came from the brick-like mobile phone. Hope nodded repeatedly, but his footsteps kept following Xiaoyu who led the way in front of him towards the gate of San Francisco Airport. He seemed a little absent-minded and didn't want to talk to the black agent at all.

To be honest, Nick Fury was really helpless.

When facing Hope, for the first time, he felt that his job was not an agent, but a nanny.

During this period of time, Hope really did what he casually said, "You can find me at any time if you have any questions."

So, Hope really called Nick Fury for anything.

Either he didn't know how to use some modern machines, or he entered the nightclub in a daze, and almost had a conflict with the people inside. Nick Fury was so scared that he quickly sent the agents on standby a few hundred meters away to sprint in and pull people in.

Another time, because of Hope's age, he inexplicably got into an extracurricular activity of a middle school student, and ended up participating in boxing training with them. After knocking out two people on the spot, the teacher in charge realized that something was wrong and called the police to arrest the person, almost making a big fuss.

At this time, Nick Fury, who was frantically cleaning up Hope's ass, realized the greatness of Cheng Xiaoyu.

Although Xiaoyu is still a child, this child is smarter than an adult.

When she is by his side, Nick Fury doesn't have to worry about Hope causing any trouble for him to deal with.

Therefore, Nick Fury treats Xiaoyu better and better, and brings him some gifts almost every time they meet, and Xiaoyu behaves more and more like a little adult.

In terms of adaptability, although Steve seems a bit old-fashioned and out of touch with modern society. But after all, he is a veteran who participated in World War II, and his mental age is very mature. Unlike Hope, he is not curious about everything, so he didn't cause any trouble.

But it wasn't long before he could rest in peace, when Hope suddenly called him and told him that they decided to travel to Hong Kong and asked him to help with the plane tickets and visas.



Don't you know what your identities are?

It's okay to hang out in the United States, this is their territory, and there are agents everywhere to clean up their asses.

Now they are planning to go to China?

It's a world power that is on par with the United States. If they make trouble there, the Strategic Danger Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Office will not be able to clean up their asses.

If it was only Captain America, he would definitely not agree to let him go abroad at will in less than a month since he woke up.

But it's different with Hope in it. Hope is not an American. If he wants to leave, who will stop him? Stop him like this? What reason do you use to stop him? Will Hope be disgusted after being stopped?

These are all Issues to be considered by the Strategic Danger Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Department.

Fortunately, Hope casually mentioned going to Hong Kong to strengthen Steve's strength, which made Nick Fury feel like he was pardoned.

In any case, this is a legitimate reason. Captain America Steve Rogers has been through decades of positive publicity, and his American spirit image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If he had to go abroad to strengthen him, this reason seems reasonable, right?

Nick Fury thought so, and sent a formal document to his superiors.

It didn't take long for Hope's application to go abroad to be approved, and all the procedures were completed as quickly as possible, as well as three direct flights to Hong Kong.

Yes, only three.

Dad yelled, "Who will look after the store if he leaves?" So Xiaoyu, Hope, and Steve had to make this trip to Hong Kong.

The three of them arrived at the gate of San Francisco Airport. At this time, a black car honked its horn.

The three of them turned their heads and saw a white man with an excited smile and a slightly high hairline getting out of the car.

"Hello, hello, hello!"

From a distance, Hope saw that the man had put his hands deep and walked straight towards Steve.

Steve saw this and had to stretch out his hand in his trouser pocket and shook hands with the man.

"Captain America! Oh my God! I, I, I, I! I actually saw you! The living Captain America!" The man was very excited, but he had to Restraining his tangled expression, he held Steve's hand with trembling hands, shaking it up and down, making Steve only smile awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort the man.

"Really, really, I grew up listening to your story! I can't believe it. You know, when I heard that you were dug out of the ice and still alive, I jumped up! It was like a dream!"

The white man was still shaking Steve's hand, until he found that Steve was watching them holding hands for a while, then he let go awkwardly, a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I was too excited and held it for a little too long."

As he said, the man took a long breath and exhaled a long breath, which made him relax a little.

"Let's go, I brought you a ticket. In addition, you need me to follow you this time. I'm sorry, but it is abroad after all. It will be fine later. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Fei L. Coulson, it's an honor to meet you all, especially you, Captain."

Seeing that the man's excitement finally calmed down, Steve smiled, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying, "Nice to meet you, Agent Coulson."

Seeing that Colson, who was patted on the shoulder by Steve, showed signs of getting excited again, Hope quickly said: "When is the plane? Should we go in?"

"Yes, yes! We have to go in."

Coulson nodded, and while walking inside, he turned to Hope again and smiled: "Thank you very much, Mr. Hope, you saved the captain."

"And I, the agent, you can't ignore me just because I'm young."

Xiaoyu reminded him very dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's my fault, beautiful lady." Upon hearing this, Colson quickly bowed to Xiaoyu, with a very friendly smile on his face.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu nodded with satisfaction, put her hands on her hips like a little adult, raised her head, and said: "You are very good, much better than that black charcoal-headed agent. I like you very much."

"Yes, yes, thank you, I'm honored."

Colson nodded repeatedly, the smile on his face gradually turning into a bitter smile.

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