A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 112 Jinji Wonton (3rd update)

"It's true, mom and dad are a little too annoying."

In Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong at night, when Hope and others came out of an apartment in a building with wry smiles on their faces, they heard Xiaoyu kicking the pebbles at her feet and complaining.

"Well, you can't blame your parents, right? After all, you are just a child. When I was your age, my mother didn't even let me open a soda bottle for fear of hurting me. But what happened? Now I have become An agent, who would have thought?"

Coulson had a smile on his face and followed Jade to comfort her.

Just after they got off the plane and arrived in Hong Kong, because Xiaoyu's home was also in Hong Kong, it was natural for everyone to accompany Xiaoyu home to see her parents.

Xiaoyu, who had just been sent to the United States not long ago, suddenly came back with three strangers. Xiaoyu's parents were shocked at first and thought something had happened.

Fortunately, I hope none of the three look like bad people.

Hope is only sixteen years old, has a baby face, and has the charisma and affinity bonus.

Not to mention Steve's impression as Captain America. Even if the other person doesn't know Steve's identity, he will know that he is a good person just by looking at his temperament.

The last one, Phil Coulson, is the most kind-hearted among almost all the agents. His warm smile makes him an honest and good person.

After communication with Colson, who was well versed in human relations, and phone calls from his father in the United States and Bavaria, as well as Jackie Chan's reassurance, Xiaoyu's parents felt relieved.

The few of them had dinner together at Xiaoyu's home, and then chatted for a long time before leaving until midnight.

Colson prepared a hotel for Hope and the others to stay in. Xiaoyu's parents originally wanted her to stay at home to sleep, but Xiaoyu kept begging, so they had no choice but to let Xiaoyu continue to follow Hope and them.

"I hope, since I came to Hong Kong, I have noticed that you look at the sky from time to time. Is there something up there?"

Steve looked at Hope's movements and asked with some confusion.

"No, I don't know either."

Hope shook her head, with a thoughtful look on her face, and said, "I just feel that this country is different from other countries. There seems to be a mythical beast guarding it."

"Mythical beast? What mythical beast?" Steve completely believed in Hope's judgment, so he felt even more curious.

When he heard the word "divine beast" that obviously represented extraordinary power, Coulson, who had been enlightening Xiaoyu in front of him, also pricked up his ears.

"It seems to be a river crab mythical beast. I don't know the specific situation very well." Hope said, rubbing his belly with some distress, looking at the time pointed by the clock on the building across the street, and said: "It's so late. Now, let’s go find a place for a late-night snack? I’m a little hungry.”

"Okay, okay, I know there is a food stall nearby. The wontons there are delicious. I will show you the way."

As if the topic was changed, Xiaoyu, who was already very lively, regained her energy again. When she heard that she wanted to have a midnight snack, she immediately raised her hand to lead the way.

After all, as a child who grew up in Hong Kong, she is more familiar with this area than the three of them combined. Naturally, she hopes that all three of them will like Xiaoyu.

Walking in the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, high-rise buildings are densely covered with all kinds of neon lights. They are colorful at night, and there is a constant flow of people below. The conversations of citizens and the horns of cars driving on the road interact with each other. .

Walking here often gives Hope the illusion of returning to the main world, and it feels particularly friendly.

The most important thing is that the streets and alleys here are full of all kinds of delicacies, with a wide variety of styles and varieties, which is more to your liking than in the United States.

"This is it."

Xiaoyu was familiar with the road and they walked to a store on the roadside with hope.

Hope looked at the big red letters on the glass door next to her and remembered Wonton.

"Brother Jin! Can we have wontons today!"

Xiaoyu shouted hello as soon as she walked into the store.

"Oh, it's Xiaoyu? Didn't you go to the United States? Why did you come back so soon?" The Jin brother Xiaoyu mentioned was a somewhat Mediterranean man with glasses and thick hair everywhere except the top of his forehead.

This Brother Jin is the boss of Jinji Wonton. He is from Tianjin and speaks with a Tianjin accent. At this time, he is holding his waist and directing the employees to do something. The boss is very impressive. After seeing Xiaoyu come in, she also had a smile on her face.

"Some of my friends are coming to Hong Kong for a trip, and I'm coming back from the United States."

Xiaoyu was very familiar with the owner of this food stall, so she found a seat against the wall and sat down.

When Hope and others saw this, of course they sat down with Xiaoyu.

The area of ​​​​this store is not very large. In addition to a refrigerator and a food stall, there is only room for a few tables. They are also relatively compact, and almost all the customers are crowded together to eat.

This kind of small storefront is very common in places like Hong Kong. I hope I will often encounter it in the main world, so it doesn't feel like anything.

On the contrary, Steve and Coulson, two out-and-out crooks, were much more reserved.

Although the Chinese country in the Marvel world had been lonely for a period of time, its foundation is there, and there are still a large number of extraordinary martial artists who can block bullets with their bodies, tear apart Japanese soldiers with their hands, blow up planes with grenades, and blow up the enemy's head with a single shot from 800 miles away. Therefore, it quickly rose again during World War II and became the first country to end the war, and also drove out Japan and Britain, who colonized Hong Kong.

With the rapid recovery of economic strength after the war, the Chinese country in the Marvel world quickly became a world power on par with the United States.

And Hong Kong, for various reasons, became a bridgehead for China to connect with the world in the early days.

It is precisely because of this that while ensuring the explosive growth of both economy and culture, Hong Kong is like a small world, accommodating the humanities and customs of countries all over the world.

In this place, the culture and system of the Western world and the Eastern world are integrated, giving birth to her unique temperament now.

Therefore, many people who are interested in China will choose to come to Hong Kong as their first stop for tourism, and then consider whether to continue to go deeper into the mainland.

"Oh! Friends, your friends are much older than you."

Brother Jin walked to Xiaoyu with a smile, still with his hands on his waist, and after looking at Hope and others, he said: "It's rare for you to come back and bring friends with you, so let me treat you to wontons today. But let me make it clear first, I will only pay for your wontons, and you still have to pay for other things as usual!"

"Hehehe! Brother Jin, you are still the same, okay! Thank you!"

Xiaoyu smiled, but the guests at the table behind them were dissatisfied. A man with a cigarette in his hand looked at Brother Jin and complained: "Are you kidding me, Brother Jin, why don't we have wontons, and you serve them as soon as they come?"

Please give me some recommendation votes. It's rare to ask for recommendation. Someone is giving me food. It's pitiful~

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