A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 122 Maybe you are easier to bully

"Why are they only looking for you?"

On the side, Steve was also fighting with a shield, but unlike Hope, there were no other ninja soldiers looking for him, and he couldn't watch Hope fight alone, so he could only take the initiative to attack.

After knocking down a few people, Steve looked at Hope surrounded by a group of black ninjas with doubts on his face.

"How do I know!"

Hope replied, and just as he was about to lift his legs to kick the ninja in front of him, he suddenly found that his feet were being grabbed and unable to move.

When he looked down, he discovered that a ninja soldier had sneaked under his feet and reached out from under the floor with a pair of hands to grab his ankles.

Only then did he discover this hope, and soon found that his body was also being restrained.

Also under the floor, a ninja soldier quickly emerged, and a pair of arms reached under Nozomi's armpits to hold him firmly in place!

It seems that because they found that there was nothing they could do about Hope in a head-on battle, these ninja soldiers began to try other methods to control Hope.

The effect of this control is still very good. This group of ninja soldiers can turn their bodies into shadows to freely shuttle between the walls and the ground, which makes their actions very strange and unpredictable. This also undermines the lack of hope of dealing with this method.

But if you think that this alone can deal with you, I hope they are a little too naive.


Raising his hand, he grabbed the ankle kicked by a ninja soldier in front of him. Hope turned his eyes and saw someone stabbing with a samurai sword next to him, so he directly swung the ninja soldier in his hand and smashed it away!

With another wave of his hand, steam surged out of the glove in his hand. Hope exploded with great force from his right arm and swung the ninja soldier in his hand like a baseball bat!

With the sound of "bump", all the ninja soldiers in the row in front of him were swept away!

"Steam Hammer!"

With a loud shout, visible to the naked eye, Hope's arms began to turn red. He shook off the ninja soldiers in his hands, raised his fists high, and steam continued to emerge from the gloves.


Both fists hit the ground hard!

The ninja soldier holding Hope behind him was powerless to stop Hope's movements. After a pair of fists hit the ground hard, you could clearly see a circular shock wave spreading around with Hope as the center!

With a loud "boom", the floor beneath Hope's feet began to crack layer by layer. The ninja soldiers hiding under the floor were immediately squeezed out of the ground by the rising stones, and then fell to the next floor as the floor completely cracked. , buried by large and small pieces of stone slabs.

As for hope, before the ground of this rooftop collapsed, it had already jumped to the other side.

"Hopefully be careful!"

Steve next to him yelled again, and when he turned around, he saw dozens of shurikens being fired towards him.

Raising his hand, he was about to blow them all away with the power of steam.

But he saw Steve on the other side not far away also raised his hand, and an invisible force surged out.

The dozens of high-speed rotating shurikens began to gradually slow down in the air, and when they reached a distance of one meter in front of Nozomi, they had completely stopped in mid-air.

This is when Steve has activated the telekinesis he gained after receiving the enhancement yesterday.

Because of time issues, Steve's telekinesis is not very strong yet, but he can already control these shurikens.

Looking at the dozens of shurikens suspended in the air, the ninja soldiers were all stunned. They all stopped their desperate attacks and turned their attention to Steve.

The ninja soldier holding the dragon-head detector used the detector again, but this time there was no response from the detector.

No matter whether it was Hope who had some reaction before or Steve who was now using telekinesis, the dragon head detector did not give any movement.


This is what this ninja soldier thinks.

It tilted its head and reached out to pat the detector in its hand, but there was still no response.

After all, it didn't know that the reason why the detector in its hand responded to Hope before was because Hope had indeed come into contact with the Chicken Talisman, which was the energy residue of the Chicken Talisman.

But now that the Chicken Talisman has been put into the space backpack, and the energy residue has long since dissipated, the detector naturally has no response.

But no matter what, since the muscular man has now used the power of the Chicken Talisman, the Holy Master's Chicken Talisman must be in this man's hands.

At this thought, the ninja soldiers who were still numerous after fighting for so long looked at each other.

For some reason, Steve suddenly felt a change in the atmosphere, and a deep malice struck from all directions.

Silently, the ninja soldiers that were still surrounding Hope all dived into the floor, and then all reappeared next to Steve.

In just a moment, on this rooftop, all the ninjas who were surrounded by hope were completely covered in darkness. Instead, Steve was suddenly surrounded by darkness.

Steve's fighting ability is indeed powerful, his physical fitness has reached the peak of ordinary people, his fighting skills are also absolutely top-notch, and he has an indestructible vibranium shield as protection.

But Steve wasn't Hope after all.

Although Hope beats this group of ninja soldiers like beating his son, this does not mean that the combat effectiveness of this group of ninja soldiers is inferior.

Each of them is a model for special forces from various countries. Their shadow escape skills and agility far beyond ordinary people make them the most terrifying killers in the darkness.

In terms of fighting skills, each of them is at the expert level, more proficient than Hope.

As for lethality?

You can understand by looking at the shurikens nailed to the wall and the ground next to them, as well as the marks made by the katana.

Therefore, it is really dangerous for Steve to be besieged now.

"Why are they only looking for me!"

Suddenly he was under siege, and Steve asked another question that was completely opposite to the previous one.

"Uh... maybe, they suddenly feel that you are easier to bully?"

Hope stood alone, looking at Steve who was surrounded by dozens of people and was in a hurry, and couldn't help scratching his cheek.

Steve raised his shield, and was immediately kicked by two ninja soldiers on the left and right. He couldn't help but take a few steps back. Suddenly he heard Hope's words, and he was almost so angry that he flew out his shield and hit Hope on the head. Bag.

"No matter what! Come here and help!"

Steve roared, swung the shield with his left hand, and slapped a ninja soldier next to him to the ground. He punched out with his right fist, knocking another person over again.

"Okay, okay! It's just that these ninja soldiers can't be beaten to death. Wait a minute. I'll call Xiaoyu over. I have a way to deal with them directly!"

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