A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 123 Dark Queen Cheng Xiaoyu

Hope used the chat room to contact Xiaoyu.

Just after saying this, Xiaoyu replied in the chat room.

Cheng Xiaoyu: [I'm already here, just downstairs from you (*^_^*)]

"What? So fast?"

Hope was stunned at first, then ran to the rooftop and looked down, and immediately saw Coulson and Xiaoyu standing together, Xiaoyu waving at Hope with a smug smile on her face.

Hope realized that Xiaoyu must not have stayed in the hotel properly, but followed them immediately after they left.

Hope: [That's great, you wait downstairs first, I need your help. ]

Hope sent another message to Xiaoyu, and then called Steve over there.

Steve, who was paying attention to the chat room dynamics, also saw the chat history of Hope and them. Although he hadn't figured out what Xiaoyu could do to help in this situation, out of trust in Hope, he still ran towards Hope after repelling several ninja soldiers.

Taking out the three-dimensional mobile device from the space backpack, Hope flew up directly, passing through several ninja soldiers at a very fast speed, picked up Steve and flew out of the rooftop.

On the street below, countless pedestrians looked up at Hope flying quickly between the buildings like Xiaoyu, and they were all stunned.

Farther away, the sirens of police cars had already sounded.

Hearing those sirens, Coulson had a headache.

After all, this is not the United States. He knew that he would definitely be scolded again when he returned.

"Quick, quick, quick! Come here! We have to cooperate with Brother Hope!"

Seeing Hope flying into an alley with Steve, Xiaoyu excitedly pulled Coulson to run over there.

Above their heads, ninja soldiers in black were also jumping back and forth between the tall buildings, chasing in the direction of Hope and the others.

"Xiaoyu! This way!"

Hope, who had put away the three-dimensional mobile device again, stood outside a narrow alley. Seeing Xiaoyu and the others coming, he quickly waved to them.

"Brother Hope! What do you need my help with?"

Xiaoyu ran to Hope's side quickly, and Coulson followed behind her.

"Here's to you. Go in and wait. I'll let the ninja soldiers in later. Cooperate with the captain. When he knocks one down, you grab one. Although they are not masks, they can directly strengthen you."

As Hope spoke, two balls of blue strengthening light appeared on his hands. After holding Xiaoyu's hands, the two lights attached to Xiaoyu's hands.

Staring with curious eyes, Xiaoyu looked down at her hands emitting blue light, feeling very magical.

"Let's go, let's go in, the captain is inside."

Seeing that several ninja soldiers had landed in front of the alley, Hope immediately pulled Xiaoyu and Coulson into the alley behind him.

"Come on!"

Seeing that Xiaoyu and the others had entered the alley, Hope immediately smiled and waved provocatively at the ninja soldiers in front of him.

Seeing this, the ninja soldiers looked at each other and rushed towards Hope at once. Some of them jumped high and tried to pass over Hope's head.

In response, Hope suddenly raised his arm, and a translucent giant hand quickly appeared, swatting back the jumping ninja soldiers like a fly swatter!

However, there was still a fish that slipped through the net and jumped over Hope's head, falling directly into the alley behind him, and rushed towards Steve inside without looking back.

For the fish that slipped through the net, Hope didn't even look at it, completely ignoring its existence, letting it jump over him, just staring at the group of ninja soldiers in front of him, not letting them pass.

Because the alley was very narrow, Hope was blocking here alone, and it became a one-man-block-ten-man-can't-pass.

However, perhaps it was because the IQ of these ninja soldiers was not very good, or maybe Hope would let a few of them in from time to time.

From one person at the beginning, to two, three, and six later.

It is precisely because of this that this group of ninja soldiers are so stubborn that they keep rushing towards Hope, and they will not take a detour or anything.

But finally, in the end, no matter how stupid these ninja soldiers are, they also found something wrong.

That is, in such a period of time, they have continuously rushed in dozens of brothers, why is there no reaction until now?

Even if the group of people inside are very strong, after killing the group of ninja soldiers, those dead ninja soldiers will be resurrected after a while, right?

But now...

The few ninja soldiers present looked at each other, and finally had a bad premonition.

"Brother Hope? Why didn't anyone come in?"

In the alley, Xiaoyu's uncontrollable excitement came out, which made several ninja soldiers outside the alley shudder.

Looking at the ninja soldiers who were obviously beginning to retreat, Hope scratched his head helplessly and said, "They should have reacted. You don't have to hide inside. Come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoyu and the other two came out of the alley behind him.

Xiaoyu walked in front, and she looked the most excited with her hands still glowing blue.

Steve and Coulson had complicated expressions, looking at the little Xiaoyu in front of them, as if they were looking at a dark queen who was about to be born.

"So there are five more."

Xiaoyu put her hands on her hips and looked at the five ninja soldiers in front of her, as if she was looking at something in her pocket.

As for the ninja soldiers who had already noticed something was wrong, after seeing Xiaoyu, the familiar yet unfamiliar majestic aura on her body made them tremble a little.

"Come out! My servants!"

Xiaoyu raised her hands and saw her hair fluttering. More than 40 ninja soldiers suddenly appeared on the ground and walls around her, surrounding the last five ninja soldiers.

"Go! Catch them!"

With Xiaoyu's order, the surrounding ninja soldiers took action and caught the last five ninja soldiers in front of Xiaoyu.

Looking at the last five ninja soldiers who were pressed to the ground and unable to move, Xiaoyu was very excited and ran over to pat them with her glowing little hands.

The next moment, the ninja soldiers who were patted were distorted and virtualized, and finally turned into shadows and entered Xiaoyu's body.

It can be seen that the ghost face tattoo on her forehead has become deeper.

"Okay, all of you retreat!"

Hearing the sound of the police car approaching, Xiaoyu quickly waved her hand and asked the group of ninja soldiers who had just been controlled by her to retreat.

Hearing this, the ninja soldiers knelt on one knee in front of Xiaoyu, lowered their heads, and kept such a sincere attitude, turning into shadows and sneaking into the ground.

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