A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 2: Joining the Sunlight Corps

"Horner's craftsmanship has improved again. This goggles is much better than the Legion standard. Can you see clearly even in a dark environment like the underground? What materials are used for it? Forget it. ! I don’t understand, I just need to know how to use it.”

In the No. 7 underground mining area of ​​the Steel City, Hope jumped off the steam train that had just arrived at the station and looked around wearing the goggles given to him by Horner.

In the daylight viewing angle of the goggles, even in some relatively dim environments, you can roughly see details clearly, which is much better than the military goggles issued by the Sunlight Corps.


He raised his hand and gently twisted the small gear on the side of the goggles. The sunglasses in the goggles were retracted, and a pair of gray-black lenses flicked down. The goggles turned into sunglasses.

This kind of sunglasses is used to avoid accidental damage to one's own eyes when using daylight bombs underground. It is an indispensable equipment for the soldiers of the Sunlight Corps.

In comparison, the Blade Corps and the Shield Corps that fight on the ground are used less.

"Hey! Soldiers over there! What are you looking at! Come here quickly!"

On the busy platform, a tall and muscular man shouted in the direction of Hope. Seeing Hope looking over, he waved his arms with a straight face!


When Hope saw this, he quickly stood up at attention, raised his chest and raised his head, and gave a military salute.

Pulling up the goggles and pushing them up to his forehead, he ran towards the big man at a trot. Behind him, some recruits who had just gotten off the car and were looking around also hurried to gather.

Looking at the twenty-two recruits lined up in front of him, the strong man had his hands behind his back and a very serious expression. Many of the recruits were a little nervous.

The atmosphere above the platform seemed a bit dull for a while, with only the occasional whine of steam locomotives warming up on the rails, and the busy sounds of workers moving goods.

"Recruits! First of all, I have to congratulate you for successfully graduating and leaving the recruit camp. This means that your overall quality is at least qualified. But here, the Sunlight Corps! You must put your skills in the recruit camp into practice. Abandon all innocence! Otherwise, you will probably die here!"

"How scary the Earth Ghost is. I don't think I need to say more. You should have been tested by the instructors countless times during your three years of study in the recruit camp. So, now, in the past, you have imagined facing the Earth Ghost Queen. The way of death, I can guarantee you, all of them are possible!"

"Today, there are twenty-two of your new recruits assigned here. By tomorrow, there may be only twelve left! Six! Or none at all!"

The strong man roared and lectured at Hope and the new recruits, full of momentum.

Perhaps he was shocked by the big man's momentum, and a recruit next to him was so nervous that his legs were shaking.

"Hey! You! Why are your legs shaking! Can you be called a soldier like this? Do you want to fight against the devil with your trembling body like a little lamb? Tell me! Are you a soldier? Is there any misunderstanding about his identity?”

The big man saw the trembling recruit at a glance, and immediately stepped forward, raised his hand, grabbed the other man's collar, and lifted him up!

"No, no! Sir, I'm just a little nervous."

The recruit's voice trembled as he looked at the big man's face with the Chinese character so close at hand.

"Get your emotions together, soldier! If you are afraid of facing me, then when you face the earth ghost, I really can't think of any reason for you to live."

The big man put the recruit back on the ground, turned around and walked back to his position, then turned back to face the recruits, and continued to say loudly with a straight face: "My name is Thamus, I am responsible for the entire Steel City Seven The commander of the security team in the No. 7 underground mining area. I won’t go into details. There are eight teams in the No. 7 mining area. Now I will announce the list. Those whose names are read will join the assigned teams. Your captain will tell you in detail."

With that said, the military commander Tams reached out to take the list handed to him by a soldier beside him, paused, and then continued to shout with his loud voice: "First place! I hope! Your grades are very good. , go to the third team, it’s more suitable for you.”


His name was called first, and Hope immediately responded loudly.

Seeing a blond man behind Tams raise his hand, Hope also knew that that man was the captain of the third team he was going to join. He immediately tightened his backpack and walked towards the man.

"The recruit wishes to report to the captain!"

The induction list continues behind him, but Hope has already introduced herself to her captain.

"Very good, I have read your information. Our third team is in great need of excellent fresh blood like you. Welcome to join. My name is Leto, and I will be your captain from now on. If you don't understand anything, you can always ask me. Come and ask me. Just wait aside for a while, there will be a few new recruits who will join our third team later.”

The third captain, Leto, was always smiling and seemed to be an easy person to get along with.

Not long after, the new recruits in the No. 7 underground mining area had been assigned. Hope and three other people, followed by the third captain Leto, left the platform and headed to the barracks dormitory.

The recent losses in the No. 7 Underground Mining Area have not been too great, so the number of new recruits this time is only 22 of them.

On that steam train, there are far more recruits joining the Sunlight Corps this year than just them.

So, no matter what time it is, the sacrifice rate of soldiers is still quite high.

Among them, the mortality rate of recruits who have just graduated from the recruit camp is even higher. So it is still necessary for veterans to lead recruits like them.

Captain Leto arranged them in the dormitory and got to know several soldiers from the third team who were resting. I hope that these recruits can take a break for the time being.

Today is the first day of arrival, and there is no task assigned to them. The main task is to familiarize themselves with the new environment.

Tomorrow, the second day, they will follow their team and start to perform tasks in the underground mining area of ​​​​the seventh district.

Sitting on his bed, Hope is carefully maintaining the standard equipment that he just received today.

A steam pistol, a steam one-handed knife, and the rest are some consumables such as sunlight bullets and pas.

"I'm finally employed. I just said goodbye to Horner this morning and arrived at the battlefield this afternoon. I'm still a little dazed when I think about it."

Xiang said, picking up the goggles Horner gave him, but his mind suddenly recalled the scene six years ago when the town where he and Horner lived was attacked and occupied by monsters.

"It's been six years... I can finally take revenge..."

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