A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 3: Earth Ghost, one of the three major monster races!

It has been a week since I officially joined the Sunlight Corps.

During these seven days, Hope has fully demonstrated his excellent adaptability and good talents. While other recruits are still stumbling, he has perfectly demonstrated the appearance of a qualified soldier.

In the human territory, the Hope Parliament is the political center of the entire human territory, with the Grand Speaker as the main figure and the top outstanding members of various industries as the auxiliary. It controls all aspects of the operation of the human territory.

Under the command of the Hope Parliament, the three major corps consisting of the Blade Corps, the Shield Corps and the Sunlight Corps represent all the combat power of mankind.

Let’s not talk about the Blade Corps that Hope dreams of joining. Just say that the Sunlight Corps where it is now is also an indispensable and absolutely important line of defense for the entire human race.

Unlike the other two corps, the main battlefield of the Sunlight Corps has always been located in the underground area of ​​the human territory because of the special nature of the enemy.

The Sunlight Corps, which is stationed in the underground and dark environment all year round, mainly guards important underground mines and underground human settlements. In addition, daily patrols and clearing out all the demons found in the human domain are also one of their jobs. They are not just a defensive corps.

As for the enemy that has been fighting with the soldiers of the Sunlight Corps for many years and has even become the nightmare of the soldiers of the Sunlight Corps, it is the Earth Ghost, one of the three major monster races that has been threatening the survival of mankind in this doomsday!

The Earth Ghosts wander in the dark environment and are born cold-blooded killers.

Because of the special nature of their physique, sunlight will make them feel extremely uncomfortable and make their super self-healing ability ineffective. Therefore, the Earth Ghosts usually like to act underground and only occasionally climb up to the world on the ground at night.

And the soldiers of the Sunlight Corps have to deal with and regularly clear them out, and they are also them.

However, because of the special characteristics of the earth ghosts mentioned above, in an environment without sunlight, the strong self-healing ability of the earth ghosts can almost make them ignore all attacks from the soldiers. That is why, in the history before the sun stone was discovered, the battle between humans and earth ghosts can be said to have always been filled with blood and flesh, so tragic that people can't watch it directly.

Fortunately, the great law-based scholars of the human side discovered the sun stone, a stone that can be used to store and release sunlight, decades ago. With the power of the sun stone, the soldiers finally succeeded in suppressing the self-healing ability of the earth ghosts.

So far, humans have been able to survive a little in the face of the offensive of the earth ghosts.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the corps, which is clearly fighting in a dark underground environment, is indeed named the Sunlight Corps.


The battle between humans and the demons is far from simple...

"Quick! Pari! Tripis! There is still hope! You escort the workers to retreat! Inform the others in the No. 7 Mine of the situation here! We will cover your retreat!"

In the narrow and dark mine tunnel, only the steam lamps on the side of the cave wall, more than ten meters apart, illuminated.

In the refraction of light and shadow, Captain Leto, holding a steam one-handed knife, roared at Hope and others with a ferocious face!

Not far from here is a Paspar vein that is being mined. The task of the three teams today is to protect the workers who are mining Paspar in this area.

Thanks to the Steam Iron God Cult, the mining equipment used by the workers now is very labor-saving and advanced, and after mining the raw stones, they only need to put them into the mine cart on the track next to it. After filling a car, start the equipment and let them transport them to the central warehouse of the No. 7 Mine by themselves through the track.

Originally, the three teams were only carrying out an ordinary guarding mission today. Such a mission of guarding the workers in a specific mining area is suitable for new recruits like Hope to perform, and Hope has indeed performed it many times in the past week since they started working.

But in this world, accidents are always unpredictable.

This is the consensus of all humans living in this world.

Even the soldiers with sunstones still have to face a high probability of death in the face of earth ghosts beyond their ability.

This is also the consensus of humans in this world.

Not long ago, a total of twelve soldiers from the three teams were suddenly attacked by a large number of earth ghosts in the mining area. In just a dozen seconds, three new recruits who had just joined with Hope and one veteran died.

Then, during the retreat organized by Captain Leto, before leaving the relatively spacious mining area, two soldiers and several workers were knocked down and dragged away by the fast-moving earth ghosts. Now their lives and deaths are unknown. But Hope knows that the possibility of their death is greater.

Until now, after such a surprise attack, the three teams of twelve people originally only have six people left, including Hope and his team, as well as more than twenty workers who got on the mine carts and more than a dozen workers who escaped on foot.

The number of mine carts is limited. They are used to transport goods in batches and cannot take away all the workers at once.

Therefore, it is necessary to arrange soldiers to escort and to arrange soldiers to cover the rear.

If Leto did not arrange it this way, it would be absolutely impossible for humans who only rely on their legs to travel to escape the pursuit of the ghosts.

As the captain, Leto and the other two with the strongest combat effectiveness in the three teams stayed behind to cover the rear. It can be said that they almost had the belief that they would die, and wanted to buy time for Hope and others to evacuate.

"Let me stay, Captain! My fighting power is not worse than that of my predecessors! I can help you!"

Hearing Leto's arrangement, Hope's first reaction was to refuse.

Now the situation is urgent, and Leto is not the kind of indecisive person. Hearing Hope's request, he did not turn back to preach to Hope and then let him go. Instead, he agreed without any hesitation.

Hearing that Captain Leto agreed to let him stay, Hope was expressionless, holding his weapon, and stepped forward quickly, standing with Leto and others.

Behind him, the other two soldiers had escorted the workers away quickly.

And in the mine tunnel in front of them, in the dark depths, waves of eerie and crazy laughter kept coming, and getting closer and closer!

That was the unique sound made by the earth ghosts.

Even veterans of Leto's level couldn't help but sweat on their faces when they heard those laughs.

"Put on your goggles! Get your solar bombs ready! Make sure to delay them here!"

Hearing the sound of the ghosts getting closer and closer, Captain Leto immediately gave an order and shouted!

Upon the order, Hope also raised his hand and prepared to take out the solar bomb from his waist bag.

But at this moment, it seemed that he had discovered something. Hope's pupils shrank suddenly. Looking at the cave wall beside him that suddenly began to twist and collapse without any warning, he shouted: "Danger!"

As he said that, Hope subconsciously grabbed Captain Leto beside him and threw him backwards!

Originally, he was also ready to fall sideways, but a strange pulling force came from the twisted space behind him, which actually pulled Hope away directly. Like a rag doll, he spun in the air for several circles and fell heavily five meters away from Leto and the others.


The cave wall suddenly collapsed!

In the smoke and dust, Hope and Captain Leto were immediately separated.

As for the other two soldiers, they were unfortunately buried alive by the heavy rock and soil that collapsed.

"Ahem! What! What is going on?"

Looking at the collapsed mine tunnel in front of him, Hope's face was full of disbelief!

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