The noise of the busy city could be heard in my ears, and the bustling crowds were passing by, interspersed with the sound of some car horns.

The five people and two beasts who suddenly appeared on the street caused quite a commotion. Passers-by were surprised and moved out of the way of the Black Ball Team.

After looking around and then raising her hand to look at the controller, Ms. Li immediately conveyed the order to the MIB headquarters through the headset.

"This time the mission is in Osaka. Lock our coordinates and notify the local police station to evacuate the people."

Ms. Li is issuing evacuation orders and deploying personnel.

Cheng Zhang and Giotto checked their equipment and prepared it for battle at any time.

As for Xuanye Kei, when he saw someone on the side raising his cell phone to take a picture of himself and making scissor hand gestures to them, he had a big smile on his face.

Keeping a smile and moving closer to Hope, Xuanyeji whispered: "In the past few missions without you, the black ball seemed to be shielding us less and less. In the last operation, there were already many people who could I saw us vaguely. Now that I see it, the external blocking function is completely turned off. I guess there will be big news tomorrow.”

"Look, look! What is that?"

"Cosplay, right? The black suit looks cool, and that motorcycle! Oh my god! It's so cool!"

"Are they holding guns? Or toys?"

"A toy, right? It looks more like a toy."

"Wow! Is that a giant panda! I saw it opened its mouth! Is this a real giant panda?"

"Really, take a photo quickly!"

"Hold it for me, I'm going to take a photo!"

In addition to some pedestrians who saw and hoped for their sudden appearance, there were also many melon-eating parties who did not know the truth and crowded in to join in the fun, which caused the already lively neighborhood to become even more crowded.

"Everyone, everyone! Be quiet, be quiet!"

Looking at the growing crowd around him, I hope to raise my hands, hoping to calm down the people around me.

It's a pity that one mouth is not worth dozens of mouths around it.

No one listened to him at all. They were still talking among themselves, taking pictures with their mobile phones.

He sighed helplessly, signaled the team members to plug their ears, and used the lion's roar technique to roar loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet————!!!"

The sound was so loud that it spread down the street and throughout the entire neighborhood.

Passers-by hundreds of meters away can hear the shouts here.

The voices of a group of people were suppressed by Hope alone. Looking at the people around him covering their ears with frightened expressions, Hope clapped her hands in annoyance.

This is because he has withdrawn his strength, otherwise everyone in this group would become deaf.

Everyone in the Black Ball Team took out their MIB IDs, and the medals of Pang Dahai and Picasso were hung on their clothes.

Looking at everyone around him, Hope said with a serious expression: "MIB Black Ball Team is working. I am Captain Hope. I am informing you to evacuate here as soon as possible. We are on a mission and there will be battles later. In order to avoid casualties, please leave here as soon as possible. Follow the police’s guidance and evacuate in an orderly manner!”

Seeing a few more aunts wanting to talk, Hope immediately said to them: "Our MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau has a special post-war processing department. The financial losses caused by the operation will be calculated and compensated by MIB. There is no need to worry. Now, hurry up Just leave.”

As if to confirm the words of hope, police cars also sounded their sirens and shuttled through the streets, and evacuation announcements were also constantly playing on the car speakers!

"Are you leaving or not?"

"Let's go! Of course let's go! The police are out, let's leave first and check the situation."

"What the hell! I'm not leaving. You guys are so cowardly. How can you follow me like this!"

There were quite a lot of differences among the people, but in the end, the majority obeyed and evacuated. Some small group leaders refused to listen, so no one cared about them.

Anyway, when the fight actually breaks out, they will know they are afraid.

"Did you find anything?"

Hope asked Miss Li, who was already in the back seat of the motorcycle and controlling the on-board computer.

The detection radar range on the on-board computer is much farther than the controller they carry, so it can detect the situation better.

"No abnormalities have been found for the time being, but this is necessary to give people more time to evacuate and avoid causing greater casualties."

Ms. Li said that she suddenly saw a few red dots lighting up on the edge of the radar on the screen, but soon the red dots disappeared again.

"What's wrong?" Hope noticed the change in Miss Li's expression.

"We just detected a few targets, all with a score of about five points, but they disappeared quickly. In addition to us, there are other targets who are also those aliens." Miss Li frowned and thought of a possibility, and Said: "There are traces of the Black Ball Team all over the world. This mission may involve two teams entering the same battlefield."

"Isn't that great? We have a better chance of winning and can avoid causing greater casualties."

Xuanyeji smiled.

"No, it's not that simple. No one knows what kind of person that team is, and you also know the combat effectiveness of the Black Ball Team. If they fail to control their desires, they will be more dangerous." Cheng Zhang rationally proposed a possibility .

"Everyone, we are from MIB, we have official status, just follow the rules. When you meet other members of the Black Ball Team, tell them that we are MIB and record their identity information. If they are reasonable, we will cooperate with them. If they are unreasonable, ignore them and talk to them after this mission is over."

Xiang said so, but Kunye asked again: "What if they are all outsiders and attack us or civilians?"

This assumption is possible, and countermeasures need to be implemented as soon as possible.

Xiang smiled without thinking: "The same thing, follow the rules, and imprison them according to the degree of the crime, and disarm them first. If they threaten your life or the lives of civilians, you can kill them directly according to the situation."

The top leader of the Japanese MIB headquarters next to him nodded in agreement, indicating that there is nothing wrong with this approach.

"Let's go, we should act, there are more aliens."

The disgusting smell of dead fish and shrimp gradually began to float on the street next to him. Looking at the large red dots that suddenly appeared in the river in front of the computer screen, Miss Li screamed.

Xuanye Ji took the lead in riding the unicycle, carrying Miss Li to climb up the tall building next to them, and headed towards the river.

Miss Li was the sniper in the team. They needed to occupy the commanding heights, and Xuanye Ji was her observer while also responsible for protecting the other party's safety.

Hope and others, without a scooter, could only run along the road to the target location.

With the blessing of the enhanced suit, the speed of the team was not much slower.

Especially Picasso and Pang Dahai, the two fierce (cute) beasts, ran even faster, leading the way in front of the other party!

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