A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 258 Namo Gatlin Bodhisattva

There are crisscrossing rivers in Osaka, and the water area accounts for more than one-tenth of the city area. More than 1,400 unique and large bridges on the river connect the entire urban area. It is known as both the "Water City" and the "Osaka Eight Hundred" "Eight Bridges".

I hope they have crossed several bridges along the way.

Finally, we stopped on a bridge that was relatively wide and long and could be called a bridge.

Looking down through the guardrail, you can see a large number of densely packed and bizarre monsters emerging from the river and climbing up the surrounding streets through the slopes on both sides.

"It really stinks!"

Cheng Zhang complained. He put down the mechanical backpack on his back and held it in his hand. They were two six-barreled heavy machine guns produced by Black Ball. Their rate of fire was average, but their power was extremely powerful. One hundred and fifty Weapons earned in exchange for points. There are also two shoulder cannons hidden in the mechanical backpack, which have a lot of firepower!

He is indeed the firepower of the team!

Giotto still wears two pairs of mechanical gloves, but in fact, all the equipment on his body has been strengthened.

Although he is not that flashy, no one can underestimate him in close combat.

"Attention, make good judgment, directly capture those with low risk, and kill only those with high risk. We are a foreign affairs bureau, and the rules of action are not just for ordinary humans on the earth. If you don't want to provoke a racial war, The bottom line must be kept.”

After hearing Hope's final warning, both of them nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Cheng Zhang led Pang Dahai, and Giotto led Picasso. The two beasts separately dealt with the monsters that appeared on the street.

These two beasts also have weapons and equipment produced by Black Ball.

In addition to the standard reinforced suit, Picasso, a military dog ​​who can draw, is equipped with a pair of retractable jet flying wings on his back, which can turn this free-roaming dog into a tengu.

After several months of training and overcoming various problems, Picasso, who can be called a genius among dogs, flew like a six.

Pangda Dahai, a panda who joined the Black Ball team a little later, is already very powerful as a bear.

After adding the enhanced server, it becomes even more terrifying.

On its back is a heavy machine gun with an AI system that automatically identifies enemies and automatically aims and attacks!

A giant panda is running wildly on the street. The machine gun on its back rotates 360 degrees, automatically aiming at the enemy and pouring ammunition. This scene is difficult to forget once you see it once.

The desired target is the BOSS with the highest points displayed on the controller.

These BOSS chapters are dangerous for them to deal with, and it will take too long to deal with them. It is better to do it in person.

The unknown team to the north will have satellites to monitor their behavior, so there is no need to worry about them. What they have to do now is to deal with so many strange, monster-like aliens in Osaka as soon as possible.

"It's really a hundred ghosts walking in the night..."

Running with Pang Dahai on the empty streets, Cheng Zhang couldn't bear to look at the human corpses around him.

But there's nothing we can do. At least most of the people have been evacuated before. Otherwise, the corpses here would probably line up a street now, and there wouldn't even be a place to stand.


A child's scream came from the corner ahead, and Cheng Zhang and Pang Dahai hurriedly ran towards that direction.

Turning the corner, Cheng Zhang suddenly saw a two-meter-tall monster wearing traditional Japanese bridal clothes, without eyes, and with all black teeth grabbing a little boy on the ground.

This is the Black Teeth Bride, a monster in Japanese legend.

I won't go into details about the specific reason. Looking at the black-toothed bride who kept saying "it smells so good" and opened her mouth wide, ready to bite the child's whole head off, Cheng Zhang directly pulled the trigger!

"Da da da!"

The machine gun in his left hand turned and fired in a short burst. Several thick bullets immediately hit the black-toothed bride's head completely!


Pang Dahai barked, which startled Cheng Zhang. He ran over and picked up the child who was lying limply on the ground, and ran all the way back.

Cheng Zhang knew that the spiritual giant panda had gone to take the child to a safe area and came back soon, so he continued walking to the next target by himself.

The controller on his hand shows the distribution of monsters around him. He just needs to eat them one by one like playing Pac-Man.

"Iron Rat?"

Every two steps, Cheng Zhang saw another big mouse wearing monk's clothes. It was squatting quietly outside a shop. When Cheng Zhang looked over, it also looked at Cheng Zhang without showing any sign of concern. Aggression.

"Amitabha, we are also destined to be together. You are an eminent monk, and I am also a Buddhist. In this way, after all, you are entering the country illegally. If I don't attack you, it is okay to arrest you, right?"

Listening to Cheng Zhang's words, Tie Shu nodded, and really let Cheng Zhang fire the capture gun to tie it up.

The blue light swept over and began to teleport Iron Rat. Iron Rat opened his mouth and said something to Cheng Zhang. Cheng Zhang seemed to understand. He smiled, raised the two heavy machine guns in his hands, and said with a smile: "I am a believer in Gatlin Bodhisattva." ”

Hearing this, the big mouse, who had been calm at first, suddenly seemed to have his faith stained. The whole mouse became irritable and cursed at Cheng Zhang. Unfortunately, he was teleported away from the earth in less than two seconds.

Cheng Zhang shook his head and continued to move to the next target while chanting loudly: "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six pure depleted uranium bombs. Three thousand six hundred turns in one breath, great compassion and great mercy to save the world!"

As he said this, he had turned a corner again, looking at the scene of a large group of monsters and ghosts on the street eating humans, and suddenly yelled and pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun in both hands!

"Da da da da da da da!!!!!!"

The barrels of the two heavy machine guns turned wildly, and a large number of shells flew out, physically transcending all the dozen monsters on the street in front!

The war has started, and Cheng Zhang has accelerated the pace.

Xuanye Ji and Miss Li who were wandering on the roof were also killing elite monsters purposefully in the sky.

On Giotto's side, this man from the Italian Vongola family, with flames burning in his fists, rushed through the monster group, punching a kid with one punch, which can be said to be extremely domineering.

The corpses everywhere on the street stimulated the bloodiness of the people.

Some people were angry because humans were dismembered by those monsters, so they moved faster, wanting to rescue as many people as possible.

Others enjoyed this carnival of blood and killing.

They didn't care about the lives of civilians at all. For them, this was a hunting game.

Those ordinary creatures didn't matter at all. Even if they blocked the way, they might be killed directly by them.

This was their carnival.

And this group of people was the Black Ball Team from Europe!

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