A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 263: The Sly Ghost

"Okay, if you're awesome, come on, and I'll just watch the excitement."

Hope stepped aside indifferently and watched Jason's performance.

Seeing Hope Shixiang push away, Jason snorted coldly, said nothing more, and turned his gaze to the river ahead.

Still on the top of the ship, the Slippery Ghost was still sitting there smoking alone, but the Great Tengu and Inugami were still looking over here.

Jason originally thought that the two bosses would come up to deal with him first, but what he didn't expect was that the big tengu spread his wings and flew away, and the same was true for the dog god. After taking one last look at Jason and Hope, he jumped. Go up to the building next to you and leave quickly in the other direction.

"What's going on?"

Jason didn't realize anything yet. There was no concept of teammates in his mind at all.

I hope I contacted other people through the headset and gave a warning: "The Otengu and Inugami have left. The target should be other members of the Black Ball Team. You are also among them, so be careful."

"Okay, we're converging, no big problem."

It was Miss Li who answered the hope. Through the sniper rifle, she also saw the Inugami coming towards them.


Miss Li fired first, hoping to hear the gunshot, but she didn't know how to achieve the effect.

But here at Hope, the slick guy who was smoking and making no movement finally stood up.

As it stood up, this guy's body grew strangely, and soon, it turned into a beautiful woman over two meters tall.

Walking barefoot off the hull, the monsters floating on the river, like bridges, lifted up the woman transformed by the slippery ghost and let her walk on them.

Just like this, we walked all the way to the center of the river. The woman raised her head and opened her hands, as if she was singing silently. The monsters around her were like enthusiastic fans in a concert, swaying crazily and screaming loudly.

The trio of furry bears standing on the roof looked at the situation below and all felt a little chilly. This strange and inexplicable atmosphere made them very uncomfortable.


At this moment, a sudden gunshot rang out, and a large piece of the neck of the woman transformed by the Slicker was instantly knocked off, and her head fell toward her back, leaving only a piece of flesh and blood still connected to her body.

"Yeah! We succeeded! Hahaha!"

On the other side of the bridge, James and Ralph high-fived each other. It was obvious that they had done that just now.

Seeing James and Ralph on the other side, Jason's face under the mask became even more gloomy.

He had long regarded this 100% boss as his prey, and James and the others' behavior of snatching the prey undoubtedly made him angry.

"Just wait for death. Do you think it's that simple to be a 100% boss?"

Jason said viciously, wanting to watch the slick guy kill those two guys who overestimated their abilities.

Naturally, the slick ghost with half his neck broken on the river could not die. At a speed visible to the naked eye, his head returned to its original position and all injuries were restored.

Not only that, during the recovery process from the injury, Slippery's posture changed again.

His height continued to increase, and in a short time, he had turned into a bald man with a smooth body and a slender body.

It's just that although he has no clothes, this guy is just a talker, and even the mosaic is omitted.

"Quick! Shoot!"

James and the two also noticed something was wrong. They quickly picked up their strongest weapons, two gravity guns, and pulled the triggers frantically at the Slippery Ghost.

However, before the gravity of the circle fell, the Slippery Ghost's enlarged eyes emitted two rays of light that gradually became wider and narrower like a flashlight!

Wherever the light passed, the masonry cracked, and the friendly monsters who were accidentally injured collapsed into pieces of flesh. As the Slippery Ghost's sight moved, a powerfully damaged road was plowed out along the way.

As for the two James, they also collapsed into a puddle of minced meat the moment they were exposed to the light. The reinforced suits did not play any protective role.

However, before the two died, the trigger they pulled still had an effect.

The Slippery Ghost, which had just shown its power for a few seconds, and the monsters at its feet were all hit by the gravity gun!

Pressed by the gravity of the circle, the performance above the water is also particularly eye-catching.

The circular river surface with a diameter of ten meters was directly pressed down. The squeezed river water rushed high and overturned the ship next to it. There was also a lot of river water that washed away the streets on both sides of the river, leaving behind A bunch of miscellaneous things.

However, the power of the gravity gun is still dispersed too much in the water.

The Slippery Ghost and a bunch of monsters were squeezed out of the river. Not to mention the other monsters, the Slippery Ghost broke out of the water in a short while and stood on the bridge intact.

As the Slippery Ghost fell, the three-meter-tall slender red phoenix-eyed head slowly shrank, and once again turned into the common form of the Slicky Ghost with a big head and a small man in a kimono.

With wooden clogs on his feet, Slippery Ghost clasped his hands in his hands and trotted across the bridge step by step with a natural and calm demeanor, facing Jason who was in a state of alert.

There was a "ta-da" sound as the clogs stepped on the bridge, and soon they were in front of Jason.

"Oh my, what is this? What is this?"

The slippery ghost still clasped his hands and tilted his head to look at Jason in front of him.

Not only did it stand there and look, it also circled around Jason several times, with a face full of curiosity and confusion, and all the flaws on its body, it looked like it had no fighting power at all.

But after what happened just now, no one would be so stupid as to treat the Slippery Ghost as an ordinary old man.

He secretly observed the Slippery Ghost's movements from the corner of his eyes. Finally, in an instant, Jason seemed to have caught an opportunity and quickly attacked!

The two sharp blades on his elbows quickly crossed several times, and the cables behind his head swung, instantly cutting the Slippery Ghost into four pieces!

Jason's speed was so fast that the three people watching the battle on the rooftop had not seen the movements clearly, and the opponent had already launched the attack.

However, after Jason finished the attack, he quickly jumped back more than ten meters and landed directly next to Hope.

There was a reason for him to be so alert.

The Slippery Ghost's body that was cut into four pieces turned into the appearance of the Slippery Ghost one by one while spinning and flying in the air. They all turned somersaults and stood on the ground safely.

The four sly ghosts who appeared in front of everyone were now calm and unhurt.

Seeing the four sly ghosts attracted to each other and merged into one again, everyone swallowed their saliva.

The fear in their hearts grew wildly and could not be suppressed.

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