A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 264 I'm just passing by...

"Come on, brother, why are you still standing here? Don't you want to challenge the boss alone?"

Hope brought out a bowl of ramen from nowhere and ate it while slurping it while urging Jason vaguely.

Seeing Hope's appearance, Jason roared angrily, as if he was provoked, and rushed towards the slippery ghost on the opposite side again!

Facing Jason's charge, the Slippery Ghost also began to grow in size, and soon turned into a strong man similar in size to Jason wearing an enhanced suit.

The strong man's head is still that of a slippery ghost, but his arms are equally thick and strong hanging down to the ground, and behind the elbows, the same two sharp blades point to the sky.

"Ding ding ding!"

Four sharp blades collided, and on the bridge deck, the two men engaged in a dazzling hand-to-hand combat.

Faced with Jason's attack, Slippery Ghost did not dodge at all, and Jason soon cut out a series of slits on his body, like a rubber sassafras cut by a utility knife, but it could not be cracked.

And Jason, after taking a slash from the Slippery Ghost and directly cutting off a large piece of flesh on his back, he did not dare to confront the Slippery Ghost again, and one of them swam around like a loach like a loach. , the attack is just a touch away, try to avoid yourself being injured.

In fact, at this point in the fight, Jason also understood that this 100% boss was different from the bosses he had fought before!

Too strong! It's so strong! There is no chance of winning at all!

Although he enjoys the process of life and death hunting, it does not mean that he is not afraid of death.

What is certain is that after his death, no one in the team will be willing to resurrect him.

Therefore, he had to think about his own way of survival.

The two knives slashed out again, leaving two bright red incisions on the Slippery Ghost's pectoralis major. Jason caught a glimpse of Hope still eating ramen out of the corner of his eye, and gradually made a plan in his mind.



After an explosion, a sound like air leakage came to Jason's mind.

The cables behind Jason were blown up, a large amount of white smoke came out of the enhanced suit, and the entire area of ​​the bridge was suddenly covered in white smoke.

Seeing what happened suddenly below, Bai Xiong's pupils shrank and he exclaimed: "No! Jason is about to run away. He wants to welcome the Slippery Ghost to Hope!"

Indeed, as Bai Xiong said, after realizing that he could not kill the Slippery Ghost, Jason prepared to let Hope act as a human shield and took the opportunity to leave quickly.

In the white mist, Jason quickly broke away from the thick enhanced suit and started running in just an ordinary enhanced suit.

Noticing the movement behind him, Jason knew that the Slippery Ghost must be chasing him.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he ran past the position where he had previously hoped to stand. Jason was already certain that his plan was successful.

He escaped so suddenly that he took less than three seconds.

He was certain that neither Slick nor Hope had any reaction.

And if he brings the slippery ghost in front of that annoying kid, the two of them will inevitably have a fight.

Taking advantage of this moment, he had to hide and hide quickly, and then look for other opportunities.

As for the life and death of hope?

Who cares, except for his own life, the lives of others are like ants. He should feel honored to be able to buy time for his own survival!

The calculating smile on his face had just risen, but he only felt a chill running across his back, and then, a huge force came with severe pain!

Jason, who was slashed in the back by the Slippery Ghost, was thrown away!

A large amount of blood was sprinkled in the sky, and at the same time, it fell to the ground and rolled around several times!

"How is it possible! How is it possible!"

Why is there no obstacle at all!

Although his character is not very good, Jason has always had good eyesight. Even if the kid's strength is not as good as his own, he will not be able to stop the slick guy for a second.

And once the two of them fought, the slippery ghost would definitely not let each other go, so why was he attacked after running a few steps? !

Gritting his teeth and resisting the pain that felt like his back was being torn in two, Jason turned his head, but he didn't see Hope at all, and his eyes suddenly widened.

How is that possible! Where has he gone?

On the other side, on the roof where the Ice Bear trio were, the trio looked at the boy silently licking ice cream beside them with shocked expressions. Ice Bear asked in disbelief: "How did you get up here?"

One second, Hope was down there eating ramen, and the next second, Hope was eating ice cream next to them. How could the three Shirokuma not be shocked.

"Take the stairs."

Hope smiled, then walked directly to the edge of the roof, waved to Jason below and shouted: "Hey! Why are you still lying down! Aren't you going to fight the boss? We are all cheering for you! Stand up quickly ah!"

"How is that possible! How did you get up there! I clearly ran past you just now! There's no way you could have seen it wrong!"

Looking at Hope on the roof, Jason also asked White Bear's question, but this time Hope didn't want to answer it again.

He finished the ice cream in his hand in a few mouthfuls, feeling the coldness in his mouth, and Hope suddenly shuddered.

After a while, he recovered and hoped to put away his smile. He looked down at the pretender with some contempt, clapped his hands and muttered: "You still have to let me take action."

After saying that, he ignored everyone and jumped forward, falling directly to the ground.

In midair, Hope's figure had already disappeared, as if the whole person had evaporated out of thin air.

"What's going on? Where's the person?"

Seeing Hope's sudden disappearance, the trio on the roof were all stunned.

But then, under the effect of the extremely low sense of presence, after just a moment of stunnedness, everyone present seemed to have forgotten Hope in an instant, and the conflicting memories before and after made them very confused.

The next second, the sly ghost who was standing there suddenly rolled his eyes up and fainted directly.

In the eyes of a group of people who saw a ghost, Hope's figure appeared again.

"You! It! You! It! You! What's wrong with you! How did you do it! This is impossible!"

Looking at the sly ghost who didn't even react at all and was knocked unconscious by Hope, Jason, who was lying on the ground with blood all over the floor, looked unbelievable!

He couldn't believe that the sly ghost who made him run away in panic couldn't even hold on for a second in front of Hope!

Is there still law here!

Is there still justice in this world!

Looking at Hope with two big knives in his hands, Jason finally asked the curse-like question: "Who are you!"

Hearing this, Hope smiled, pointed the knife in Jason's direction, and laughed loudly: "I'm just a passing steam knight, remember this!"

Thanks to the book friends [iBlue Fat Mani] [Riding a White Horse with a Child] for the reward!

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