A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 278: The trouble of language barrier

Singapore, Zhengjiabao.

Under the terrain of crisscrossing waterways, this river land is covered with buildings of all sizes.

Most of these stilt houses are built directly on the river surface, half earth and half river. The houses are very close to each other and connected by convenient flying bridges, turning the independent buildings into a whole.

Looking at it from a night perspective, under the eaves, there are lanterns hanging, bringing continuous brilliance to this Zhengjiabao.

At this quiet moment in the night, in the shadow of the roof where the moonlight and lights cannot reach, a group of hooded people are hiding here stealthily.

"The mentor said that Mao Kuntu often stays in the temple of Uncle Shao Feng. We will act separately later. After we find the temple, we will come back here and wait, and then act together."

Ezio gave Nemo and the other two instructions, turned around and jumped lightly, then jumped along the eaves of the roof to another roof, stepped on the bricks and tiles silently, took a small run-up jump, and grabbed a hemp rope outside the bamboo building five meters away from him after jumping up. With ten fingers exerting force, he directly pulled his body up with his legs in the air!

After finding a foothold on the bamboo building with his feet, Ezio quickly climbed up the bamboo building on the roof, which was 30 meters above the ground.

This is a bird's-eye view point, and Ezio chose to synchronize.

Accompanied by an eagle's cry, Ezio, who was squatting on the bamboo building, seemed to follow the perspective of an eagle, gliding around with the bamboo building. The eagle's eyes pierced the darkness in the night, and saw some of the surrounding environment within the visible range clearly.

The BGM of "The House of Old Perverts" was faintly lingering in my ears, and finally the eagle flew away, and the perspective returned to myself again.

Although it was not the first time to synchronize the bird's-eye view point, I have to say that every time I synchronize, this strange feeling is still so addictive.

With the opening of the bird's-eye view point, Ezio has a general understanding of the terrain and environment of this area.

Nemo and the other three behind him have also taken action, but Ezio feels that it is more likely that he will find the Mao Kun map first.

After all, he is a professional assassin with various magical abilities. There is no reason to give the book to those three outsiders, especially Wen Na.

Turn on the eagle eye, within a range of 70 meters, all the enemies around are instantly invisible, and they are locked under the eagle eye vision. Even those in the building cannot escape Ezio's eagle eye.

Zhengjiabao is the base camp of Shao Feng, the pirate king of Singapore. It is not necessary to think about what kind of people can live here.

They are either pirates or relatives of pirates, or some innocent poor people who were forcibly tied here after being robbed by them and waiting for ransom.

Ezio has no good feelings towards these pirates.

But now it is important to get the Mao Kun map, so Ezio must act low-key.

If he stirs up a hornet's nest in the enemy's base camp, it doesn't matter if he fights, but he is afraid that the Mao Kun map will be taken away and hidden somewhere else, which will be troublesome.

The sooner this thing is found, the better.

After all, no one knows how long Miss Barbie's mother's soul can last, so every second counts.

At this time, all accidents must be avoided.

"First of all, we have to know where the shrine of Shao Feng's uncle is."

Ezio half-crouched, and had already turned on the low-key mode and chameleon ability. While the whole person was invisible, his presence was greatly reduced.

With silent steps, Ezio stepped directly on a rope connecting two buildings and walked to the middle of the rope as if walking on flat ground.

He looked down at the pirate who was dozing with a long sword under his feet, and looked around to see that no one else noticed this place, and suddenly jumped up!

Like an eagle hunting, he swooped down on the pirate from top to bottom!

If he was assassinated, he would have died when Ezio ejected his hidden blade.

But Ezio had no use for him, so he just pounced on him and pressed him to the ground, then held the pirate's neck with one hand and covered his mouth and nose with the other hand, and dragged him directly to the bushes behind!

After dragging him into the bushes and hiding, Ezio immediately activated the power of the Staff of Eden and used illusion to control the pirate's brain.

After a few seconds, the pirate stopped struggling and confirmed that he had controlled the other party. Ezio let go of the other party, and then wiped the saliva on his right hand back on the pirate with some disgust and disgust.

"Tell me! Where is Uncle Shao Feng's temple!"

Ezio frowned and asked in a low voice.


The pirate was silent for a long time, still closing his eyes, but in the end he tilted his head and asked.

The language he spoke was Chinese, and it was the dialect of southern Fujian. Ezio was confused at the time!

What the hell is this?

How can I understand?

No, he may not understand what I say either...

Realizing the big problem of language barrier, Ezio suddenly fell silent.

When he was in Italy, he could speak Italian.

When they arrived in London, England, with the help of Hope, they quickly learned English.

But now that the universal learning machine Hope is gone, what should he do?

Looking at the pirate in front of him who is still under the control of illusion, Ezio feels so tired.

Could it be that he has to find a pirate who knows English?

Zhengjiabao is so big, there must be people who know English.

But how can I know who knows? Who doesn't?

"Or... ask the instructor to help me and let him implant the Chinese language in me first?"

Suddenly, Ezio had this idea.

But soon, Ezio shook his head and rejected it.

No, no!

It was not easy for him to act independently. He had always relied on his mentor before. It was rare that his mentor had such high expectations for him. He had to perform well.

Isn't it just looking for someone? With Hawkeye, how can he be afraid of not finding someone?

Thinking of this, Ezio knocked out the pirate in front of him with a punch, and let him lie aside with a knife in his arms, as if he was lazy and fell asleep.

Affected by the illusion, this man couldn't remember that someone had just attacked him.

After doing all this, he ran a few steps to the room and ran all the way to the port where the Zhengjiabao pirates moored their ships.

Among the pirates who often go out to sea to rob merchant ships, the possibility of knowing foreign languages ​​is much greater. The person he is looking for should be there.

The compact architectural design of stilt houses and flying bridges everywhere is very suitable for Ezio's actions.

All the way, Ezio never went downstairs.

Ezio quickly came to the port area, squatting on another bamboo building. He looked across a distance of 100 meters and watched a junk slowly approaching the shore.

When the big ship approached the shore, the sailors jumped off the ship and tied ropes to the pier to prevent their ships from drifting away with the waves when they woke up at night.

"Hurry up! Come and move the things! Don't be lazy!"

A fat, tall and strong man got off the ship and shouted at the pirates next to him.

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