A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 279 Assassin's Creed!

The fat man was two meters tall, and his belly was probably two meters long. He was shirtless and covered in tattoos.

He held an extremely large axe in his hand. Although his belly was full of fat, the muscles on his chest and arms were exaggeratedly large.

A pair of thick and strong legs stepped on the mud, leaving clear footprints.

This fat man was called Wang Long, the captain of a junk ship among the many pirate ships under Shao Feng, and was known for his cruelty and bloodthirstiness.

He loved to fight with the enemy on board. He knew how powerful this man's record was by looking at the scars on his body.

Holding an axe in one hand, Wang Long took heavy steps and moved closer to Ezio step by step.

He was going to go back to put away his weapons, and then go to the big bathhouse to drink and take a bath.

As for the spoils of war looted from the ship behind him, that was not his business, and his men could handle it.

It really has to be said that among the nine pirate kings in the whole sea, Shao Feng, the pirate king of Singapore, has developed the best.

Not only does he have a big city, but he has also formed a fleet of 300 ships.

In this land, he is simply a local emperor.

Glancing at the junk, the pirates unloaded boxes of looted goods and currency from the ship, followed by a series of five women tied together by ropes.

These five women all have yellow faces, but judging from the fabric of their clothes, they should be from a wealthy family.

However, now each of them looks very embarrassed, and some of them have their skirts torn, their faces are full of bruises and blood, and their eyes are red and swollen. You can imagine what happened.

Among the people, the oldest one looks at most thirty years old, while the youngest one is only twelve or thirteen years old!

Her clothes are also a little messy, but generally intact. Judging from her mental state, she should not have had time to do those things that angered the heavens and the people.

A woman who looked 70% similar to her was holding the girl, with a look of fear and strong maternal strength in her eyes.

"They are all beasts. If the mentor was here, what would he do?"

Ezio thought so and took out the "Assassin's Guide" that he hoped to write for him.

[When others blindly pursue the truth and reality, remember-everything is false! ]

[When others are bound by laws and morals, remember-everything is allowed! ]

Everything is false means that the foundation of social civilization is fragile, and we must become the guardians of our own civilization; everything is allowed means that we are the designers of our own behavior, and we bear the consequences of our own behavior, whether it is glory or tragedy.

For thousands of years, all assassins have been acting according to this assassin's creed.

Although everyone has different views on "everything is false, everything is allowed", such actions are actually everything is false, everything is allowed!

When you are confused or have difficulty making a decision, just follow your heart. Whatever happens, the mentor will take the blame for you.

Ezio looked at the line of notes written by Hope under the Assassin's Creed, and finally took a deep breath, closed the book again, and his eyes became firm again.

He had decided on his next move.

Just as the mentor Hope often said when he was with him, don't think too much, just rush in and it's done!

Hawkeye selects soldiers, pulls hatred in high-profile mode, and clears the field with smoke bombs after pulling a bunch of people!

This is how an assassin should fight!

"Sorry, wait a moment, I'll come to rescue you soon after I get the Mao Kun map!"

Ezio took a last look at the group of poor women who were pressed away, turned around and followed Wang Long.

The man had already walked to the foot of the bamboo building. Ezio turned around, grabbed the bulge outside the bamboo building, and quickly descended to the roof.

After walking a distance in the alley with Wang Long, Hawkeye scanned the surrounding situation and did the same thing as before, and brought justice from the sky!

Although Ezio was only 1.82 meters tall, he couldn't compare with Wang Long, who was more than 2 meters tall.

But Ezio had undergone physical enhancement. He could exert the strength of four strong adults and directly pressed Wang Long to the ground, making him unable to move at all.

He just wanted to struggle and opened his mouth to shout, but was finally pressed to the ground by Ezio and bit a mouthful of dirt.

The power of the Staff of Eden was activated again, and he controlled this guy with illusion.

At this moment, there was no language communication barrier. Although Wang Long's English accent was strange and there were grammatical problems, Ezio still successfully asked the location of the temple.

Looking at Wang Long standing in front of him, Ezio stabbed his neck with a hidden sword without hesitation!

The throat was suddenly pierced by the hidden sword. Wang Long immediately opened his eyes and covered his throat, but he couldn't make a sound. He fell straight to the ground.

Wiping the blood on his hands and cuffs with the other party's clothes, Ezio was a little annoyed.

My skills and speed are not fast enough, otherwise, the blood would not touch me at all.

I don't know how long it will take to become the master assassin that my mentor said.

Ezio was thinking wildly in his mind. He bent down and dragged Wang Long's body up, hid it hastily, and then climbed onto the roof again. After turning invisible, he ran towards the location of the shrine.

As for the blood on the ground, Ezio didn't have the time to deal with it.

Anyway, it was late at night and it was not easy to be discovered.

And even if he was discovered, it didn't matter. Ezio had let it go.

He was confident in his own strength.

The complex architectural environment of Dengjiabao was very suitable for his actions.

This was the best battlefield for assassins to show their strength.

It took a few minutes for Ezio to rush to the location of the temple.

Now the situation had changed, and Ezio was not going to gather at the agreed place.

Time was running out, and it was more important to get the Mao Kun map first.

Once the things were in hand, everything would be fine.

The location of the temple was a little far from the sea, and it was closer to the inland. At least there were no rivers in this area.

In a slightly dry environment, a small temple stood quietly there.

Two pirates stood guard at the door of the temple. Apart from that, there was no one inside or around the temple.

This surprised Ezio a little.

Could it be that Shao Feng didn't care much about the Mao Kun map?

Thinking of this, Ezio did not hesitate too much. From 20 meters away, two flying knives were thrown out and accurately nailed on the foreheads of the two pirates.

He jumped down from the building and trotted all the way to the door of the temple.

The door was not locked, so Ezio pushed it open and walked in.

Inside were some oriental sacrificial arrangements that Ezio was not very familiar with.

But this is not the point.

The point is that after Hawkeye scanned several times, Ezio did not find the Mao Kuntu that should be here!

What's going on? !

Why is Mao Kuntu not here? !

The information he gave me, the mentor, is wrong?

Is this a trial that I hope the mentor will give me?

Ezio was a little absent-minded for a while.

But in the quiet night outside, a gunshot of "bang!" woke Ezio up!

This is the sound of Smith's M500 revolver!

Nemo and the others fired? !

These two chapters describe Ezio's actions, and they are very comfortable to write, without any card, hahaha!

Please support me with monthly votes~~

Although I am a salty fish, I want to be the saltiest one!

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