A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 280 Change of plan

Running out of the temple, I could see a blazing fire rising into the sky from the building complex in front of me. Intermittently, with the sound of gunpowder exploding, I could see some places exploded, causing a more serious fire.

The noise was really too loud, and the whole Zhengjiabao was awakened.

There were people everywhere, and even if Ezio was standing at the door of the temple, he could see fierce pirates running out of the surrounding houses with swords in their hands.

"What are they doing?!"

It was a secret operation, but they actually started to blow up the camp directly. Should we be so aggressive?

Although Ezio was also prepared to be aggressive, he was not so brainless.

Considering that there must be some changes that he didn't know about, Ezio became invisible again and ran towards the direction of the riot.

Not long after, Ezio came all the way from the roof to the place where the riot occurred.

Looking down, he immediately saw Nemo and Miss Barbie running to the south with a group of people.

That was where they stored their ships.

It was not the Jackdaw, but a temporary rental to take them from the port to Zhengjiabao along the river.

It was not big, a small boat about ten meters long, without any weapons and equipment, so it could only be used for transportation and to transport some small amounts of supplies.

Among the group of people led by Nemo and Miss Barbie, there were a few people Ezio knew.

They were the women who were captured not long ago.

It looked like Nemo and Miss Barbie found them when they were looking for the location of the temple.

Then it was most likely that Miss Barbie, who was impulsive, couldn't stand it, so a conflict occurred.

"What's this? What should Mao Kuntu do if this goes on!"

Ezio had a headache, but there was no other way at this time, so he could only help Nemo and the others rescue the people first.

The fire caused by the gunpowder explosion spread quickly in these wooden houses, and a group of pirates were urgently extinguishing the fire under the order of the leader.

But the number of pirates who were separated to chase Nemo and others was definitely not small.

Ezio took a quick look at the streets and alleys and could see hundreds of people chasing and blocking them.

This was not counting the other pirates who kept coming from all directions.

After all, this was their base camp, and there were thousands of pirates stationed there all year round!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The M500 revolvers had been put away, and now they were all using Beretta 92F. That kind of high-powered pistol and the pistol they were using now had the same effect on ordinary people, one headshot per shot.

In this case, it was more suitable for the current battlefield to use Beretta with a higher bullet capacity and faster reload.

Both of them had excellent marksmanship, and they could hit the target every time even in such a chaotic situation.

Although it was not guaranteed that every shot would hit the head, the pirates did not have any bulletproof equipment, and it would not feel good no matter which part of the body was hit.

Not to mention, even if Nemo and the others could not hit the head, they would shoot at the opponent's torso.

All the pirates who were shot would definitely feel bad even if they did not die.

Two people, four guns, and a dozen captives, they started killing along the alley!

Every time a gunshot was heard, one person fell to the ground.

Some pirates were obviously afraid of the two men's powerful force.

They had been looting at sea for so long, and they had never seen better guns than those in the hands of Nemo and the others.

Not to mention continuous firing, after the bullets were used up, they did not need to replace the gunpowder and bullets as time-consuming and laborious as their muskets, and a new magazine could be used directly.

The gap in technology for hundreds of years made these pirates suffer.

But after leaving behind more than 30 bodies of their companions, these pirates began to change their action strategy.

Although their weapons were not as good as the other side, they had more people after all.

They did not rush forward to die foolishly, although if everyone went together, the other side could not react and could beat the other side to death.

But that would definitely cause casualties in the case of the enemy's counterattack before death, and the pirates did not want to die like this.

Therefore, in the end, the pirates just surrounded them from a distance and did not approach Nemo and his group rashly.

Then, another group of pirates were sent to climb onto the roof, ready to snipe them directly on the roof.

Anyway, all the pirates did not think that this group of people had the possibility of escaping.

This is Zhengjiabao, the territory of Pirate King Shao Feng, where you can come and go as you please!

More than a dozen people climbed onto the roof, looking at Nemo and Miss Barbie running with a group of people in the alley below, and raised their muskets, ready to shoot and kill them at any time!

Two groups of people stood on the roofs on both sides, and with the aiming angles crossed, the guys below had nowhere to hide!

Nemo and Miss Barbie also noticed the noise on the roof.

They reached out to touch the grenades hanging on the rings on their chests, and immediately prepared to take them off and throw them up to kill the pirates.

However, before they could make a move, one of the pirates seemed to be insane, as if they were frightened by their own people on the roof of the opposite building. Then they raised their guns and pointed them at the pirates on the opposite building.

Being pointed at by their own people, these pirates were also confused, obviously not knowing what was going on.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of flashes of fire passed by, and a large amount of gunpowder smoke floated out from the muzzles of the muskets. The pirates who were shot in the chest had already fallen to the ground in disbelief.

Some unlucky ones fell off the roof and fell in front of Nemo and his marching team.

"What's going on?"

Barbie looked up at the scene of fighting on the roof behind her and was also a little shocked.

As a detective, Nemo reacted quickly and replied immediately: "It must be Ezio who is here. He knows illusion. It must be that the pirates who shot the guns used illusions to make the other pirates think that they are our people."

"Let's go quickly, the opportunity is rare, we are almost there. There is such a big commotion here, and Winner must have known about it. He hasn't come to support yet. He must have waited for us on the ship first. This is also part of our previous plan."

After listening to Nemo's words, Barbie nodded seriously. She also understood that it was her impulse that ruined this operation.

But looking at the dozen women and children who came out by herself, she didn't regret it at all.

Just now, a pirate was ready to torture these women, and the youngest one was the one.

If she watched helplessly and did nothing, she would not be able to live with her conscience.

There is always a way to deal with Mao Kuntu's matter. At worst, she can do it again. Miss Barbie has never been afraid of anyone!

She even thought about using the power of her family to directly ask the navy to come and destroy these pirates.

If they can't steal, they will tear down your house!

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