A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 282 Shao Feng's Past

A few days later, the Jackdaw had crossed the Bering Strait and headed for the depths of the Arctic Ocean.

When they were at the port before, Ezio and others had used the power of the Crawford family to settle down the poor women who were captured by the pirates, and they could send them home at any time if there was a chance.

Then, they went out to sea without stopping.

Because Hope was gone and there was no space backpack, the Jackdaw occasionally needed to stop at the port to purchase some daily supplies in order to conceal everyone's daily needs.

Now Ezio and Nemo stay together every day, the purpose is to crack the information on the Maokun map to find the correct route to the underworld.

The Maokun map is very large, with several movable rings on it.

As the rings rotate in different directions, the upper and lower information are spliced ​​together, and it is possible to obtain the information the user wants.

In order to crack the route to the underworld, Ezio and his team spent a lot of time, so the Jackdaw kept stopping and starting, and the speed could not be increased.

Finally, until today, they have completely cracked all the information of this route and can move forward at full speed.

"Full sail! We are moving forward at full speed! We are not far from our destination!"

Ezio jumped onto the side of the ship, holding the rigging with one hand and Mao Kuntu with the other hand, shouting with his arms raised!

The Jackdaw, which was originally half sail, instantly opened its full sail, filled with sea breeze, and accelerated all the way to the north!

"Ezio! Come and see this!"

Wen Na shouted at the poop.

Ezio immediately jumped off the side of the ship, stepped onto the poop by the stairs, took the telescope handed over by Wen Na and looked in the direction Wen Na pointed.

Looking at each other from a distance, hundreds of large and small junks were following far away in the sea thousands of meters away.

One of the flagships was recognized by Ezio. He had seen it at the port when he was in Zhengjiabao that day. It was Shao Feng's ship, the Queen.

This is also a ship with fierce firepower. His exclusive pirate flag on the main mast is waving in the wind, announcing its fierceness to everyone!

"I didn't expect that they would catch up so quickly. Did we delay for too long?"

Ezio put down the telescope and muttered to himself.

Then, he returned the telescope to Wen Na indifferently: "It doesn't matter. The speed of the Jackdaw is much faster than them. They can't catch up with us anyway."

No longer care about the large group of pirates following behind, it is indeed as Ezio said.

Unless it is also a magical ship with cheats, otherwise, it is simply a fool's dream to catch up with the current Jackdaw.

In this case, just ignore them.

Now their sea area is the Arctic Ocean, and there is almost no supply point.

If you force yourself to follow, you can only die here in the end.

But Ezio and his team are different.

The internal space of the Jackdaw is really too large, and there are a lot of supplies stored in it. It is only for them to use. They are really not afraid of fighting a war of attrition.

No one on the Jackdaw took the terrifying fleet behind them seriously, but Shao Feng's fleet was shrouded in a low pressure.

The speed of the Jackdaw was obvious to everyone.

They believed that the ship wrapped in iron sheets had strong defense.

But what they didn't expect was that it was so fast, which was beyond common sense!

Gradually, with the waving flags on the Queen, all the surrounding ships slowly slowed down. In the end, hundreds of pirate ships all stopped in this endless sea.

"There must be something wrong with their ship. The Black Pearl is said to be the fastest ship in the world, but it is not as fast as it. It must be a magic ship. No wonder they want to rob my Mao Kun map and deep-sea opal."

On the Queen, facing the inquiring eyes of a large group of sailors, Shao Feng, who had a bald goatee, fell into deep thought.

"Turn around, we'll wait for them in the Bering Sea. If we go any further, we may not be able to come back. They took my Mao Kun map and took this route. They must want to go to the underworld. Humph! What a bunch of lunatics! Do they really think they can go to such a dangerous place whenever they want?"

"We'll replenish supplies in the Bering Sea and wait for them for a month. At their speed, if they haven't come out in a month, they must be dead. Then we don't have to worry about anything. Someone will naturally get what I want for me."

Speaking of this, Shao Feng's eyes flashed, and he waved his robe: "Turn around! Return!"

The flag signal waved again, and the entire fleet accepted the order and began to turn around and return.

In fact, this almost all-out move was not understood by the pirate brothers.

They only knew that a group of thieves stole the pirate king Shao Feng's things.

But they didn't know how important that thing was to Shao Feng.

It seems that they are pursuing the Mao Kun map and the deep-sea opal.

For those younger brothers, the main thing is to track the Mao Kun map, a treasure that records the magical routes around the world.

It is rumored that as long as you have it, it is almost equivalent to owning all the treasure maps in the world, and there are endless wealth waiting to be excavated.

But only Shao Feng knows that all this is just a beautiful fantasy.

The Mao Kun map is indeed as magical as they have heard, but behind this treasure, there are unimaginable huge risks.

Shao Feng had experienced this risk a long time ago.

As a result this time, he lost three battleships and hundreds of loyal sailors, and he himself was in danger several times and almost died in that disaster like a shipwreck.

Thinking of the lightning and thunder and the bloody mouth on the rough sea, Shao Feng still feels a little chilly even now.

Of course, I was lucky enough to survive a disaster.

Finally, he relied on a passing merchant ship to return to land.

At that time, the pirate king of Singapore was not Shao Feng, but his godbrother Liang Dao.

Liang Dao found the deep sea opal on the Mao Kun map and was obsessed with the power of the deep sea opal described on the Mao Kun map. However, Liang Dao did not dare to look for it himself, so he sent Shao Feng there.

That adventure killed most of Shao Feng's forces and almost killed Shao Feng.

But Liang Dao was completely indifferent to this, which gave Shao Feng the idea of ​​​​overthrowing Liang Dao's rule.

"Liang Dao is a coward! He doesn't dare to find the opal by himself. He just wants the brave Xiao Feng to steal it for him, so that Liang Dao can have all the power and not be cursed!"

This is what Park Heyeon said to Jack Sparrow.

While sailing in the waters north of Australia, the Empress encountered the Black Pearl, the beloved ship of Captain Jack Sparrow, the notorious Pirates of the Caribbean king. The Pearl anchored near a coral reef, and the Queen also anchored not far away.

During this encounter, the two made a deal.

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