A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 283 Deep Sea Opal

Shao Feng asked Jack what he was doing in his territory, and Jack's crew member Alex replied that they were looking for the mysterious alchemical medicine Shadow Gold.

Jack always said this, so he said he was a pirate, but more like a seafaring adventurer, always keen to find all kinds of magical things hidden in the world.

Even if those things were of no use to him.

Later, Shao Feng invited Jack, his first mate Hector Barbossa, and Carolina to his cabin, where he made a decision that as long as Jack helped him steal the deep-sea opal, he would give Jack a potion bottle containing Shadow Gold. Barbossa and Carolina both objected to this deal, but Jack nodded in agreement.

Then, Shao Feng told Jack that the opal was on the bottom of the sea, and it was so deep that a diving bell was needed to get down. At the same time, he also revealed that the opal was said to be guarded by a creature called the Rainbow Serpent. He told Jack that his attendant Lian would follow him to make sure there was no trickery.

This was only the second time that Shao Feng came to look for the deep-sea opal. It was the first time that the whole group was wiped out that made Shao Feng know the existence of the rainbow snake.

In fact, Shao Feng did not hold much hope for this treasure hunt, but Jack's slickness was well-known all over the world, so Shao Feng decided to trust him once.

A few hours later, Jack, Lian, Bill Turner, and Diego de Leon successfully returned from the bottom of the sea with the opal, and the Queen and the Black Pearl set sail for Singapore.

Shao Feng's plan was successful!

The famous black gem, deep-sea opal. According to myths and legends, anyone who possesses it can gain wealth, power, and fame. But the legend also warns the world that anyone who steals the opal cannot gain its power, and only those who accept it as a gift can benefit from its glorious light. On the other hand, those who are stupid enough to steal it are said to be cursed forever.

Others may not know this curse, but Shao Feng knows it. It is the rainbow snake that lurks in the deep sea and destroyed his three warships with a few turns.

Although it is unknown what method Jack used to successfully steal the opal without being cursed by it.

But it doesn't matter.

To truly obtain the power of the opal, you must accept it like a gift, not any violent robbery or theft, which can only be cursed.

It is precisely because of this that Shao Feng's brother Liang Dao sent Shao Feng to sea to find opal.

But it doesn't matter now. Shao Feng has accepted Jack Sparrow's gift, and the power of this deep-sea opal has begun to act on Shao Feng.

"Attack, all the pirates on my side - you all know that I should be the pirate king, not my brother. Not Liang Dao!"

"Absolutely impossible! Listen to me, loyal warriors!"

This is the conversation between Shao Feng and Liang Dao.

With the power of opal, Shao Feng got everything he had.

Successfully overthrew Liang Dao's rule and took the position of the third Singapore Pirate King.

And through the invisible power brought by opal, the power of his men continued to grow.

Eventually, it became a powerful force with 300 warships, thousands of subordinates, and a strong power to rule one side!

Among all the pirate kings, Shao Feng, the Singaporean pirate king, is the most powerful.

This can be seen from the fact that others can only hide in the city, but he built a walled port and became a local emperor.

Shao Feng knew that all his roots came from there.

So, when the deep-sea opal was stolen, his anger can be imagined!

But after chasing for such a long distance, Shao Feng gradually calmed down.

With the analysis of the current situation and the understanding of the deep-sea opal, Shao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and became confident again.

When the deep-sea opal was in Shao Feng's hand, it was obviously just a beautiful white, crystal clear gem, but why was it called a black gem by the world?

The reason is the curse in it.

As long as the deep-sea opal was obtained by improper means, the power of the curse has already appeared.

Rainbow Color, far away in the Australian waters, began to swim out of the deep sea, chasing the people cursed by the opal.

As Rainbow Color got closer, the pure white gem would gradually turn black.

Until it returned to its owner's hands.

"Rainbow Color will bring back the opal, and will also drag those ungrateful thieves into the deep sea. This time will only take a month at most. Whether they can come back from the underworld or not, they will have only one way to die."

Shao Feng was very confident about this. Rainbow Serpent was on their side. Even if those guys died in the underworld and did not come back, Rainbow Serpent would bring the opal back to its vicinity. At that time, they just had to wait for it to leave and then salvage it.

No need to rush at all!

Shao Feng, who felt that he had already secured this, threw away all the burdens and was now ready to find an island for supplies and take a good bath to rest.

On the other side, Ezio and others had no idea about the deep-sea opal, and they still followed the route recorded on Mao Kun's map and sailed towards the "edge of the world".

As we get closer to the Arctic Circle, the temperature around us gets lower and lower.

A thick layer of frost also formed on the sails and hull of the Jackdaw, but it did not affect the speed of the Jackdaw.

The sea today is not just seawater. Large pieces of floating ice are enough to deter many ships today.

Fortunately, the Jackdaw has the ability to travel on land, and can drive directly over the floating ice when encountering it, which does not affect their sailing speed at all.

The temperature on the deck is still a bit unbearable, so if it is not necessary, Ezio and others still stay in the warm cabin most of the time, which is quite comfortable.

Another two days passed, and the Jackdaw slowly sailed into a glacial river.

In this world that is all white at a glance, Ezio and his friends also saw some traces of shipwrecks, and they didn’t know why they drove here.

"According to Mao Kuntu’s route, we should be there soon."

At this time, there were only Ezio and Kuba on the stern.

After listening to what Kuba said, Ezio looked at the huge waterfall in front of him and asked nervously, "Are you sure you need to take this route?"

Such a huge waterfall, rushing down directly, makes people feel uneasy no matter how they think about it.

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