A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 284: Underworld Sea

"Left full rudder!"

"Left full rudder!"

Ezio shouted, using all his strength to start turning the rudder in front of him, turning rapidly in circles, and the entire hull of the Jackdaw began to slowly turn sideways.

Instead of rushing straight ahead towards the Tianqian Waterfall, now I am being pushed sideways towards the waterfall by the river.

"Quick, let's go into the cabin."

Ezio pulled up Bowser next to him, quickly rushed to the deck below the stern of the ship, lifted the hatch, and the two of them jumped in together.

Soon, the hull of the ship shook violently, and the entire ship rushed out of the waterfall. After briefly rising into the air, it fell downwards with dozens or hundreds of tons of water per second!

The Jackdaw, which was originally a large ship, was like a pitiful paper boat in front of such a large waterfall, and could only roll over in the water without any resistance.

If an ordinary ship of this era were to go down this waterfall, it would only end up being shattered into pieces.

Fortunately, the Jackdaw's hull was extremely strong, and its second-level hull defense capabilities could barely guarantee their safety.

Although through the portholes in the cabin, one can see the rolling scenery outside, the water has been released like a flood.

But at this time, no one in the cabin had the time to appreciate the scenery outside.

As the Jackdaw fell powerlessly into the waterfall, everyone in the cabin was rolling along with the Jackdaw!

Objects in the cabin were flying around, either smashing into pieces or hitting Ezio and the others.

It was as if everyone at this moment was in a tumbling washing machine, not to mention how uncomfortable that feeling was.

But fortunately, they were in a sealed cabin. No matter how hard they fell, it would only hurt a little bit.

If he was still on the deck outside, he really didn't know how he died.

Even if Ezio could breathe in the water, he would not be able to withstand this impact.

The drop of nearly one thousand meters made everyone in the cabin uncomfortable.

Although it feels like a very long time, in fact it doesn't really last too long.

At a certain moment, I heard a loud "Bang!"

The entire Jackdaw suddenly shook again!

With the huge fall down the waterfall, it plunged directly into the ocean.

After a long while, it rushed out of the water with a "crash" of buoyancy!

The Jackdaw swayed slightly on the endless sea of ​​the underworld. A large amount of seawater slid down the deck, and the entire Jackdaw was dripping downwards.

After that, cleaning up the ship is another heavy workload.

"How do you feel, gentlemen and ladies?"

Ezio lay motionless on the ground, with a bunch of things thrown around beside him.

You don't need to look to know that there will definitely be cleaning later.

"It's very bad. I feel like I was pushed to the ground and beaten up by a group of people. Now my whole body is hurting."

Nemo spoke first, and turned over, barely supporting his body and standing up.

The same goes for Ezio.

After standing up, looking at the mess in the cabin, they all sighed.

"What about you? Are you all okay?"

Ezio first went to pull Lisa up, and then asked other people.

Everyone gave a little feedback about their current situation. Lisa said that she would heal everyone's injuries, and Ezio went to the upper deck first.

The temperature in the sea of ​​the underworld is very low, only a few degrees higher than that.

However, I have tried my best to survive the severe cold of the Arctic Circle before, and now this temperature is still acceptable.

Arriving on the deck, Ezio first observed the situation of the Jackdaw.

When he found that his health was only one-tenth of the way down, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they persevered, otherwise, if the Jackdaw was destroyed, all of them would be finished.

After confirming that the Jackdaw was okay, Ezio looked at the situation around the underworld sea.

It is indeed like another world, the underworld seems to be an independent space.

They had clearly come here through the waterfall before.

At this time, except for a slightly wavy black sea water, nothing could be seen anymore.

Not to mention a waterfall.

It was as if their ship appeared in this world out of thin air.

When I raised my head, I saw that the sky was full of thick dark clouds and gloomy, with only a little bit of very weak light, which gave people a very bad feeling.

"Anyway, we must be in the underworld now, right?"

Ezio thought, and sent the message to Hope.

The hope that Ezio received the message there asked him to wait for a while, and then locked the coordinates of the Jackdaw and transmitted it directly.

Seeing the hope that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ezio nodded towards him: "Mentor."

"Well, you did a good job. I knew you could do it without me."

Hope smiled and patted Ezio on the shoulder. Unfortunately, this action was a bit awkward due to the height difference.

"Without further ado, we have to find Barbie's mother first."

Hope walks up to the poop and takes out a paper crane from the space backpack.

Under Ezio's gaze, Hope wrapped the hair that she had taken from Barbie around the paper crane and threw it into the sky.

"The monsters and ghosts leave quickly! The monsters and ghosts leave quickly!"

Hope chanted a spell in his mouth, and the paper crane in the sky suddenly bloomed with green light.

The thousand paper cranes wrapped in light seemed to have life, flapping their wings and began to fly towards a place!

Seeing that the tracking spell taught by his father was successful, Hope was relieved.

Success means that the target of the tracking is still there.

In other words, the possibility of recovering the soul of Miss Barbie's mother is higher.

"No problem, we should be able to achieve our goal this time."

After hearing Hope's affirmative words, Ezio was relieved and smiled, "Then I will tell them the good news."

Ezio ran back to the cabin, and soon, everyone with bandages on their heads and hands appeared on the deck.

Everyone was just a little bruised, not so serious, and they would recover naturally in a few days.

"You mean, this time I can definitely revive my mother, right?"

Upstairs at the stern, Miss Barbie seemed very excited after hearing Hope's description.

"Of course, I have mastered the resurrection law, and the tracking technique also shows that your mother's soul has not dissipated, so there will be no problem."

As soon as Hope finished speaking, Miss Barbie excitedly picked her up and spun her around, and even kissed her on the face!

Looking at Miss Barbie rushing down the deck and hugging others, Hope rolled her eyes.

The disadvantage of being 1.6 meters tall is that it makes you feel like a child.

The sailing was not affected by the emotions of the crowd, and it was still heading to their destination silently.

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