A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 318 Tony's Thoughts

There is a huge difference between the Mark 2 that Tony Stark wears at this time and the Mark 2 in the original work.

With the assistance of top scientists from the MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau in the subhuman world, and combined with the technology of the high-tech alien weapons in the black ball, the Mark 2 steel suit at this time has a better combat effectiveness than the one in the original work. The Mark 6 is not bad at all, and even with diversified weapon assistance, its output capability may be stronger.

The only loser now is that the core energy used by Tony at this time has not been upgraded, and it cannot reach the upgraded reactor made of the same elements of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube like the Mark 6. Therefore, it is still slightly inferior in terms of energy transmission and durability.

But in terms of air combat, it is enough to deal with the Peregrine Falcon Gurungi.

"Jarvis, come back, that little bird is enough for me."

Tony's strong self-confidence prevented him from doing two-on-one things, which in his opinion was simply an insult.

"Call music."

Glancing at the battlefield between Hope and Gamio where the fierce battle was taking place on the mountainside on the left, Tony withdrew his gaze and took a long breath, intending to quickly deal with his enemies and then assist Hope as a savior. .

In this way, not only did he gain face, he could also win the competition with great honor.

"Okay sir, Jingle Bells (Bombay Dub Orchestra Remix) - Joe Williams."

A cheerful tune sounded inside the mask, and it was played outside very coquettishly.

Nodding rhythmically to the tune, Tony tapped his mask: "Is it almost Christmas?"

"Yes, sir." Jarvis replied: "Thirteen days more."

"This music is not suitable. Let's change it to something more passionate." Tony was suspended in the air, looking at the peregrine falcon Gurungi below, which had already taken off again in the mountains and forests.

"Okay, sir. Already switched to "shoot to thrill"."

This time it was more passionate hard rock music as Tony requested.

"Well, this is good, it suits me very well."

The sky was filled with violent rock music playing from Tony's suit. This was a kind of enjoyment for Tony, but for the Grunge, it was very impatient.

Holding several hard feathers in his hands, the Peregrine Falcon Gurungi flew towards Tony while violently flinging out the feathers in his hands!

Accompanied by the "whooshing" sound of the wind, these feathers instantly burst out at a speed close to the speed of sound, and all of them accurately pierced Tony Stark, who was still carelessly floating in the air.


Just as Tony curled his lips in disdain, the feathers that rushed in front of him exploded one after another. Tony, who was unprepared at that time, was blown up and rolled in the air. With the sound of explosions, he fell straight into the forest below.

"Sir, the chest armor is 12% damaged and the audio system is damaged."

Jarvis reported the details. The music that was playing outside had stopped abruptly. Tony was also in a state of embarrassment. He sprayed flames from his hands and hurriedly stabilized his body in the air.

"Baby Bird, you're done! Uncle Tony is angry."

Tony Stark stared angrily at the Peregrine Falcon charging towards him again. He tilted forward, increased the power of the thrusters, and immediately erupted a sound barrier on the spot, charging towards the Peregrine Gurungi. past!


Like a bowling ball that was knocked away, he was rolled on the spot by Tony Stark who was accelerating instantly. Peregrine Gurungi finally stabilized his body.

But before it could react, Tony, who was a few hundred meters away, had already raised his arms. In the opened weapon storage box, a large number of micro-guided weapons had all been locked on the Peregrine Falcon.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There was also a large salvo of missiles, but this time, the Peregrine Gurungi had nowhere to escape.

Just after spreading its wings and flying a few hundred meters, it was immediately overtaken by a missile, and it suddenly exploded with peach blossoms all over its face.

Without waiting for it to react, dozens of other missiles behind it hit it accurately one after another.

For a moment, the violent explosion of fire suddenly dyed the entire sky above Dengrong Mountain red. The policemen who were at the foot of the mountain could see the fiery battlefield above when they raised their heads.

The continuous explosions lasted for almost a minute before stopping. In such a violent explosion, the Peregrine Falcon Gurungi was also in tatters, without a trace of good flesh.

The wings were completely torn off, losing the ability to fly, and fell directly from an altitude of a thousand meters.

"Sir, the target is not dead yet."

Within Iron Man's mask, Jarvis quickly zoomed in on the image of the fallen Grunge.

"I know. Under such a blow, a ten-tank tank should have been demolished, but I didn't expect it to be still alive. It seems that the hope is not exaggerated. Is the vitality of Mei Group's Gurungi already so strong? "

Tony also showed a thoughtful expression.

He was thinking, if such a powerful creature formed an army to attack the earth in his world, what else could the army on the earth do to stop it other than using large-scale weapons?

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but think of Jackie Chan, his father, the old popsicle Captain America, and, yes, the little girl who could summon ninja soldiers.

Perhaps, I can gather these people together to form a team dedicated to dealing with this kind of problem?

After all, he had heard from Hope in previous casual chats that there were other alien races in their universe, and their civilization was much higher than that of the Earth.

In this case, Tony had to prepare in advance to resist the attacks of those aliens.

Tony, who was flamboyant but cautious, would always do this to prevent the future.

Moreover, they had Hope, the most powerful backup, which also made Tony Stark feel that the pressure on him was relieved a lot.

In particular, the more Tony came into contact with Hope, the more he felt at ease.

World shuttle, pausing world time, resurrecting the dead, immortality, and a wide variety of and increasing abilities. Tony had no doubt that Hope would be able to beat the gods one day.

It was really a good thing that Tony Stark was only 21 years old now, and he had not experienced the death of his parents, and he was not the Batman of the DC next door.

Otherwise, he would probably be even more stressed when facing the existence of Hope.

He would not do anything else all day, just thinking about how to deal with Hope.

However, if it were really Grandpa, he might be able to come up with some ways to deal with Hope, as long as Hope had not lost his humanity.

"Sir, the target has been confirmed dead."

At this time, Jarvis' voice came out, interrupting Tony's thinking.

The projection in the mask showed the dead Peregrine Falcon Gurongi below.

"Okay, let's go help Hope." Tony collected his thoughts and flew towards Hope with a smile!

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