A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 319 Pretending to be dead

"You are not Kuuga, why are you fighting me?"

Standing on a charred land, the one-kilometer-wide battlefield between Hope and Gamio has been completely destroyed. The ground is full of traces of various battles, and the trees are all charred and collapsed.

In the distance, forest fires have begun to spread violently.

At this time, there is no time to prevent the occurrence of fires.

And it is fortunate that it is on this Dengrong Mountain, otherwise, if it is in the city, the damage will be even greater.

"I am not Kuuga, but I am also a Kamen Rider now. From the standpoint and perspective of humans, what's wrong with fighting you?"

At this time, Hope still maintains the state of Kamen Rider Steam, but his body is also covered with various scars and charred wounds, but when talking to Gamio on the opposite side, his tone is still flat.

Gamio is worthy of being the first generation of Gurongi King. Even if he is not in his peak state now, his strength has completely crushed Hope.

Just in that period of time just now, Hope has turned on 100% steam full power to fight the opponent.

At one point, relying on the power of hundreds of tons of punches and kicks, as well as the master-level kung fu skills, Hope even suppressed Gamio for a long time and even crippled one of its arms.

However, the state of 100% steam full power could not last too long. After a few minutes, the situation was reversed in an instant. With the hard power suppression, Hope was suppressed by Gamio again.

Although this first-generation Gurongi king could not get angry supernaturally, he mastered supernatural lightning and lightning with equally powerful power, as well as very powerful telekinesis.

This made Hope unable to even get close to Gamio ten meters after losing the explosive state of steam full power, and was always beaten by this wolf-type Gurongi.

However, it was also fortunate that this guy was used as a whetstone. The dimensional bracelet that was originally slowly analyzing the Yamadam spirit stone suddenly accelerated, and the speed of analysis was more than a hundred times faster than before.

The various abilities contained in Yamadam are the main purpose of Hope to come to the Knight World.

Transformation or not is secondary.

The ability to manipulate microscopic particles, materialize, and absorb energy, these are what Hope wants.

The main reason why Hope wants to seize the second Agur belt to transform herself is that to analyze a kind of ability, you must have more contact with that ability.

The more you contact, the deeper you go, and the faster the analysis speed.

Because it is not a dimensional bracelet-based binding world like the assassin's world, the analysis ability does not have a speed bonus, so Hope can only try every means to grind slowly.

However, this time, because of the battle with a strong enemy like Gamio, Hope has used all his strength, and the speed of the dimensional bracelet analysis has become faster and faster.

This surprised Hope.

Although wearing a belt can also use those abilities, there is still an essential difference between law-based and law-based.

"Humph! Humans? You Lindo haven't changed after so long. I respect you as a warrior, so I will tell you mercifully. I am resurrected, and this is an unchangeable fact. In this case, I will continue what I have not completed before."

Gamio slowly floated up, with violent lightning flashing in his hands, and declared in a low voice: "I will summon the ultimate darkness, let the Lindo in the world turn into Gurongi, and let you all become my people. Become a great race like us, you should accept it with gratitude."

After such a period of fighting, the originally drowsy state of mind has been awakened. Now Gamio has completely restored the arrogance of the super ancient period, and by the way, it has determined its life goal as a big boss.

"You are a warrior, in this case, I will give you a way to die as a warrior!"

As Gamio spoke, the two balls of lightning jumping in its hands were gathered together by it, and then shot towards hope like a ball of lightning laser!

Hope couldn't even dodge this light-speed attack, and could only stand there, and was instantly pierced through the chest by the lightning laser!

His entire chest was pierced from front to back, leaving only a charred, transparent hole.


Hope, who was dead, fell backwards to the ground with his eyes wide open, motionless, and completely lifeless.

At this time, with the sound of steel falling to the ground, Iron Man Tony Stark made a brilliant appearance.

Looking at Hope lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and then looking at Gamio who had already shifted his sights, Tony suddenly regretted coming here to show off.

Obviously, even Hope had no chance of winning against Gamio, and no matter how confident Tony was, he couldn't help but feel a little insecure.

But who is Tony Stark?

He was so proud that he would not show it on the surface even if he felt insecure in his heart.

Instead of showing any guilt, Tony, who was too proud to show his face, hooked his finger at Gamio provocatively: "Come on, little dog, do you want to play catch?"

As he said this, Tony took out a metal ball from his back and used the magnetic launcher in his hand to launch it far away at Gamio!

Looking at the metal ball launched by Tony, Gamio frowned, and a bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from nowhere!


Lightning struck the metal ball, and the entire metal ball exploded instantly. In an instant, a large number of binding ropes made of special materials automatically accelerated and tied up Gamio who was suspended in the air.

In just two seconds, Gamio was tied up tightly.


Tony cheered, and immediately felt that he had won, and raised his hands again.

This time, all the weapons and equipment on his body were revealed.

The missiles all over his body and the palm cannons in both hands were all aimed at Gamio who had been tied up.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Hundreds of micro missiles were fired, and the palm cannons in both hands continued to fire. Two long lasers were fired.

Originally thought to be an attack that was bound to win, it suddenly stopped when it was about to fall on Gamio.

The hundreds of micro missiles all stopped moving in the air, and the two high-output lasers hit Gamio without any pain at all.

"Is this the Lin Duo of this era? Interesting."

Gamio casually stretched his arms, and the binding ropes that could withstand hundreds of tons of tension all broke.

Raising his hand and gently tapping the missile warhead in front of him, Gamio looked at Tony jokingly, and waved his hand lightly. Suddenly, hundreds of missiles controlled by Gamio's telekinesis all turned their guns and aimed at Tony Stark who was still firing lasers.

"Wow! This is a big joke."

Tony broke out in a cold sweat at the time, and quickly stopped the palm cannon attack, sprayed fire from his feet, and quickly broke through the speed of sound and accelerated into the air!

Looking at Iron Man rushing into the sky, the hundreds of missiles also instantly accelerated to catch up!

But at this moment, there was a sudden explosion from the place where he originally hoped to die!

Gamio also turned his head in that direction.

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