A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 38: Captain and Digimon

"Are we telling the truth or are we telling lies?"

Nick Fury moved closer to Hope and asked in a low voice.

"Tell the truth. You have to tell it sooner or later, otherwise you won't be able to explain our sudden appearance."

Captain America was standing next to him, already holding a shield. After hearing Nick Fury's question to Hope, he also intervened to express his thoughts.

Hearing this, Hope nodded, took two steps forward, came to the blond man who was obviously the leader, and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Hope, and the person next to me is Steve Rogers. You can call him Captain America, or Captain. The other one is Nick Fury. We are all from another world. It is our first time to come here. The landing location is difficult to control, so he suddenly appears in your team. I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding caused.”

After saying that, I hope I also gave a slight salute to the man, which was enough etiquette.

"Another world?" The blond heard this and showed the same expression as Nick Fury when he heard about Hope's identity. He looked very strange.

Behind him, a short man with black hair and dead eyes stared at Hope tightly and said coldly: "Are you treating us as fools?"

"Of course I don't think you are fools, but we suddenly appeared in your team. You can't refute this, right?"

Hope is still full of smiles.

Coupled with the protection of the [Personality Charm] law that was just obtained, what he said made everyone around him believe it involuntarily.

After thinking carefully about Hope's words, there seems to be no other explanation that can explain the sudden appearance of Hope and the three of them.

But if they really came from other worlds, it would be a bit too damaging to one's outlook on life.

People in this world are more difficult to accept the existence of other worlds than people in the Marvel world.

After all, the way he hopes to lose the king in this appearance is also a bit caught off guard.

"It's normal for you to find it hard to accept. Otherwise, just think of us as a group of travelers for the time being. That way it would be much easier to accept, right?"

Looking at the expressions of the people around him, Hope made another suggestion.

As Hope said, if you just treat them as travelers, things will not be so weird.

But Captain Erwin would not accept such a perfunctory attitude. He frowned and looked at the three Hopes for a while, and then said: "Ordinary travelers will not travel outside the wall casually. I will temporarily accept that you are from another world. The identity of the visitors is established. So in this hypothetical situation, why did the three of you suddenly come to our world? "

"Exploration, lurking, or assassination and sabotage?"

Although the incident happened so suddenly, Erwin didn't even think about the issue of visitors from another world.

But when I met him at this time, his outstanding qualities allowed Erwin to quickly get into the role.

"No, no, no, we don't have the slightest malice." After hearing what Captain Erwin said, Hope waved her hands to deny it, and then said: "To be precise, we should come here to find allies. My world is being attacked by a group of monsters. , now that a large amount of land has been lost and a large number of people have died, it is difficult for us to rise up and fight back, so we need help from other worlds.”

"Monster? In that case, your situation is somewhat familiar to ours." Erwin nodded, pulled the reins, and let the horse under him calm down a little, and then said: "Because of this, if If everything you said is true, then I'm afraid we can't give you any help. In fact, the situation here is also very bad, and the war between humans and giants has always been tragic. "We can't protect ourselves, let alone send additional troops to reinforce you."

"I think you have a slight misunderstanding."

Hope smiled, turned around and pointed at Captain America and Nick Fury beside him, and said: "What we want is not a large number of troops, but a small number of elite individual soldiers with strong personal power. The two of them are the two of us who came from another country." A reinforcement from the world."

"Furthermore, since we are allies, assistance must be two-way. We can't just ask you to pay. If you need it, we can also give you the greatest help. For example, I came here to find two partners. And I can greatly strengthen their strength, which is equivalent to strengthening your strength. After all, they are still people in your world, and what I need is to let them know when the war starts on our side. They contribute a little bit.”

"This win-win situation is good for both me and you. Since you are also facing the threat of human genocide here, I think we still have a common language. The most intuitive point is that as long as there is victory No matter how slim the chance is, you and I don’t want to give up, right?”

After Hope's words, Captain Erwin couldn't help but feel a little moved on his face.

I hope that what I said is well-founded, and coupled with the powerful auxiliary effect of personality charm, there are only a few people who are still thinking patiently.

Most of the surrounding soldiers were already listening and fully believed Hope's words.

Indeed, as Hope said, if all this is true, Hope their sudden changes may really be the dawn of breaking the deadlock between humans and the giants.

"So, who are the two...companions you mentioned? How could they attract a group of people from another world like you?"

Erwin didn't speak, but the man with dead eyes behind him spoke again.

"To be precise, I only found out who those two people were when I first came to this world. They were not attracted here. Moreover, the so-called partners were not chosen entirely based on my subjective consciousness. There are also some reasons. , it’s the entire world you live in, and some of the media that connect it.”

As Hope spoke, he also looked directly at the man with dead eyes, and said: "As for those two partners, one is a guy named Eren Yeager, and the other one is you, Li Will Ackerman.”

Hearing the name Ackerman, Levi's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he said tit for tat: "You just said that it can make me stronger? Can I see what kind of method it is to become stronger? "

Upon hearing this, both Erwin and the surrounding soldiers stared at Hope with burning eyes.

Although what I said before is very fancy, if you don't really come up with something real, it still seems a bit too unreal.

Of course, I hope I know what they mean, but at this time, the specific conditions of [Strengthening Partner] are not met, so I hope it’s hard for a clever woman to make a plan without rice.

In response to this, Nozomi could only shrug, and said: "Of course I can make you stronger, but some specific conditions have not been met yet, for example, a media [digital] that links your [voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya] Terminal], and then [Light Attribute Humanoid Fighter Wild Wolf Beast Fighter Soul], you can become stronger with these things.”

Levi's brows furrowed even more as he listened to things he had never heard of before.

"I've never heard of these things, so how do we get them?"

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