"Actually, it's very simple. I'll draw the digital terminal and the fighter's soul later and give them to you. You can just find a skilled craftsman and type them out as they are."

Originally, everyone around them thought it would be very difficult to find these high-end things, but suddenly when they heard Hope say this, everyone suddenly had the illusion that they were being fooled.

Such a cool thing, but it turns out that all it takes is a random craftsman to build it?

"Hey, are you kidding?"

Seeing that the atmosphere around him became a little weird, Captain America took a few steps forward, nudged Hope with his elbow, and then whispered into his ear to ask.

"Of course it's not a joke. Those things are just a medium to begin with, and the most important thing is me."

Hope didn't lower her voice when answering Captain America's words, so both Erwin and Levi could hear him.

"In that case, what about my enhancement? Is it the same as his? I need to build something?"

Although he wasn't looking forward to the power, Captain America was still a little curious about strengthening it.

Obviously, Hope's enhancement was a bit magical, and it was different from the super soldier potion enhancement he used.

"No, no, all you need to do to strengthen the conditions is to go to a specific location. This is the same as my other partner Ezio." Hope smiled and added: "One location is relatively simple, and that is Hong Kong. The other one is more troublesome, you need to take a rocket to outer space.”

"Space? Okay, I probably understand."

Captain America nodded, did not ask any more relevant questions, and withdrew with a strange look on his face, once again handing over the venue to Hope and the others.

"There is nothing wrong with the craftsmen you mentioned. After this investigation outside the wall is completed, I can arrange the best craftsmen for you when I go back. However, now..."

Erwin was only halfway speaking when a flare suddenly rose from a distance, directly interrupting his words.

Seeing the signal flare rising into the sky, Captain Erwin's face instantly became solemn.


A fast horse came, and a soldier from the survey corps' communication squad came quickly to beat the horse.

On the way, other Survey Corps soldiers stepped out of the way, allowing the messenger to quickly send the message to Erwin.

"What's up!"

Erwin pulled the reins and turned the horse's head to face the messenger who was riding towards him.

"A giant fifty-meter-tall giant appeared at the gate of Shiganshina District! And it has destroyed the city gate. A large number of giants around it have begun to move towards Shiganshina District! The giant...is attacking!"

Speaking of the latter, the soldier's face turned pale with fear, and his teeth chattered involuntarily.

"Super giant giant?" Erwin frowned and suddenly asked: "What is that giant giant doing now?"

"I don't know. It disappeared out of thin air after it kicked down the city gate. Our people were far away and only observed through telescopes. We don't know the details." The messenger forced himself to calm down and gave this answer. .


Erwin nodded, suddenly took out his flare gun, and fired a blue flare into the sky, followed by another purple and green flare.

Captain America noticed that after these signal flares were fired, the other soldiers who were widely spread out on the plain began to turn around and head towards the north.

"Attention, all troops! End this extra-wall investigation and immediately return to Shiganshina District for support!"


The soldiers roared, turned their horses, and began to run towards Shiganshina District.

"They are all a group of elite soldiers."

Since Nick Fury came to this world, he has never given up observing and analyzing everything around him. Seeing the resolute expressions of most of these soldiers, I also admired them a little.

"We are going to support the battlefield now, what are your plans?"

Erwin turned to look at the Hope trio, his expression serious.

"Of course I will accompany you there. Your enemy is a giant, right? It should be easy to distinguish your opponents. It just so happens that we can take this opportunity to understand each other's strength and prepare for future alliances."

As Hope spoke, she raised her hand and patted the head of the steam pony next to her.

Chimera, who was connected to Hope, moved her body, and then, as the people around her looked dumbfounded, the steam pony's body mechanically stretched and deformed, and finally fixed to the size of a giant steam horse.

"It's so, so, so amazing! Hahahaha!"

Among the surrounding soldiers, a woman with glasses looked at the Chimera and turned into a giant steam horse. She suddenly smiled like a crazy man.

"Get on your horse, Captain, Fury."

Hope said, already riding on this tall horse.

Seeing this, Captain America and Fury quickly followed suit.

"Hey, it's actually a leather seat cushion. It's quite comfortable."

Riding behind Captain America, Nick Fury touched the motorcycle-like seat underneath him and was suddenly amazed.

Before he could sigh for a long time, as soon as Hope twisted the accelerator, the giant steam horse under the seat was already jumping at an extremely fast speed.

Four strong and slender horse hoofs kicked, kicking up the soil and weeds on the ground, leaving a series of horse hoof prints, but their figures actually started to distance themselves from Erwin and the others.

The speed of the steam giant horse is definitely very fast, which can be seen from the scenery that is constantly retreating rapidly on both sides.

The high-speed wind also makes Nick Fury's windbreaker rustle.

But the three people riding on the steam giant horse did not feel too much bumps. Unlike real biological horses, the steam giant horse also has a shock-absorbing function, which makes Hope and others feel very restrained.

Moreover, when sitting on the steam giant horse, when it accelerates, there are some things on the seat bag and the belly of the machine that fix the passengers like seat belts, so there is no need to worry about being thrown off because of the high speed.

While the steam giant horse is running at a high speed, steam will continue to spray from its body. From a distance, this picture is also extremely mechanically perfect.

"Give me another horse, I will chase them."

After seeking the consent of Captain Erwin, Levi got another horse from the freight carriage team, and he rode two horses to chase Hope and others.

On the other hand, the 104th Training Corps recruits who were originally maintaining the fixed cannon on the city wall were also thrown into chaos by the sudden appearance of the Super Titan.

Especially the Eren trio.

Because the Shiganshina District is their hometown, and the gate of their hometown was destroyed at this time, they watched more and more Titans outside the wall gather, and they were worried about their families and were simply anxious.

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