A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 439 Embarrassment

"Captain Levi, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore."

In the dimensional chat room, Allen sent a voice message to the soldier commander.

Outside the chat room, on Manhattan Island in New York, a fifteen-meter-tall Attack Titan was struggling to support a leaning building that was about to collapse.

Inside the building, there were many people in distress, all of whom had frightened expressions on their faces.

Under the building, there were police cars and fire trucks parked in the distance, as well as many gray-faced people, looking at the giant Allen with various complicated eyes.

Although it can be seen that the giant in front of them is probably a good person and on their side.

But after all, the huge body of fifteen meters high was there, and the exposed gums made the Attack Titan look a bit ferocious, so many people still didn't dare to get too close.

"It's really useless."

Levi's cold voice came, and he despised Eren, but he still rushed into the building quickly, maintaining the appearance of the wild wolf beast, the three-dimensional mobile device was running, and the whole person turned into a silver light, quickly filling the building. The victims were brought out one by one.

Although they were not handled gently, many people were directly thrown to the ground by Levi, with pain in their buttocks.

But none of them were angry. Instead, many of them were grateful to Levi and the others for saving their lives.

A few minutes later, Levi landed gently on the street on the other side and said to Allen, who was still struggling to carry the building, "Okay."

Hearing this, Allen breathed a sigh of relief, then summoned up all his strength, pushed up the building violently, and then rolled out to the side, causing the building to hit the ground heavily with a "bang!" Loud noise! Dust was raised several meters high, as well as a large amount of debris that was scattered after being smashed.

Looking at Attack Titan, who was half-kneeling next to the building, with steam starting to come out of his body, Levi frowned. The anchor of the three-dimensional mobile device was shot out, and the shaft quickly rotated, pulling Levi to it. On the back of Attack Titan.

Standing on the broad back, the light blade in his hand passed through, and Allen, who was out of strength, emerged from the back of his neck.

Picking up Eren, Levi left quickly.

It's getting late now, and most of the rescue work in the city has been completed.

The rest of the matter, these extraordinary beings no longer need to take action again, the police and fire fighters can handle it themselves.

Captain America also spoke in the chat room, informing everyone to gather at the Avengers Base.

If you continue to be active outside, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

After all, the situation is now set, and those difficult government agencies have begun to take action.

This sudden battle was something no one expected.

And those extraordinary human abilities that stood out in this battle naturally came into everyone's sight.

Not to mention those ordinary people who want to fight, for those politicians, it is obviously both fearful and coveted by them.

Now the phones in Area 13 and SHIELD have been ringing a lot, with calls from various departments in the United States asking for details.

Without exception, they are asking for information about the extraordinary beings on the battlefield.

If they don't leave at this time, they might really get entangled with the government and end up in unnecessary trouble.

The current Avengers base is located on the east coast of the United States. Considering various reasons, it was not built in a big city, but chose a vast and sparsely populated suburb.

This was originally a huge arsenal, and it was naturally an industry owned by Sterk.

But with Tony's modifications in recent times, it has now changed drastically.

An Avengers logo with an "A" on the door is very conspicuous.

Through Uncle Jiu's portal magic, everyone in the three battlefields of San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York was transferred back.

Now the Reunion Hall was filled with everyone who had participated in the battle before, including Chen Xiaoyu who had contributed a lot to the final rescue operation.

It's just that Nick Fury, as a member of SHIELD, did not receive Tony's invitation.

However, because Hawkeye also joined the Avengers, he came to this base smoothly.

The current direct relationship between SHIELD and the Avengers is actually okay.

After all, one of the founders of SHIELD is Tony's father. Among the other two founders, one is an old friend of Captain America, and the other is his old friend and boss.

At this point in time, everyone is related, and naturally they are more happy with each other.

As for why he's not called Nick Fury, of course Tony doesn't like him very much, it's that simple.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

In the hall, Hope's figure suddenly appeared, looking in very good condition.

"nailed it?"

Tony looked at Hope and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I ran away from him twice on the way, but fortunately I caught them both. In the end, I fought for my own immortality and hugged it and fell into the sun together. The feeling is really hard to describe. At first it You still want to use the power of the dog talisman to compete with me, but as you all know in my health field, the immortal body is of no use to me, so..."

Hope said and shrugged, the meaning already obvious.

Looking at Hope's appearance, everyone also sighed.

This thing is really the biggest plug-in.

It's fine now. From now on, if anyone doesn't like it, they can just grab it and lift it up to the sun. No one can bear this torture.

"What about the charm?"

Jackie Chan is still quite concerned about the talisman that was stolen in New York.

"It disappeared, and was evaporated together with Qin Shengzhu. I reluctantly searched for a while, but found nothing, so I came back. For this, I'll go back and ask my father, he must know what happened."

While saying this, Hope thanked Allen, Levi and others who were sitting on the other side: "Thank you very much for coming to help. It's really hard for you this time."

"No, no, no, it should be, you also helped us a lot."

Godai Yusuke smiled embarrassedly and raised his hand to scratch the back of his head.

"You're welcome, this is also considered a cooperative transaction between us. After all, we are allies." Levi crossed his legs, crossed his arms, and had a dead fish eye expression.


Although I know that the captain has such a personality, Hope still laughed dryly twice, thinking that if I give Levi a set of useful cleaning tools, this person should be much easier to talk to.

Before Hope came back, the atmosphere of everyone in the Avengers Hall was actually a bit weird.

There are people from several worlds gathered here.

Some of them met for the first time, and some of them had only met a few times, and they were not particularly familiar with each other.

Some people who came from ancient backgrounds were not used to modern society, so they seemed to be more reserved and just sat on the sofa quietly without saying much.

But it was okay, after all, everyone had a common bond.

That was hope.

So, if everyone spent some time to communicate with each other, it would be easy to get familiar with each other.

Among all these people, Hawkeye was the only one who was very pitiful.

As a member of the Avengers, he had hardly met most of the people here.

Listening to their chats about assassins, outer gods, giants, and Kamen Riders, I felt that I couldn't keep up with the conversation at all, and in the end I could only hold the wine glass and smile awkwardly.

I'm stuck...

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