A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 440: Subsequent Chaos

A group of people from other worlds came to help fight, so the people in Fuman World naturally had to do their best to be the hosts.

After Hope returned, a large group of people first introduced themselves to each other and chatted awkwardly, and then Tony proposed to hold a cocktail party to thank everyone present.

Naturally, everyone did not refuse, as they got to know each other. After all, they were all Hope's friends, and it would not be good to have a bad relationship.

However, the time of this cocktail party was postponed for one day.

During the day today, the fire dragon made a big fuss in the city. Although they cooperated with the police and the military to temporarily resist the enemy.

But it does not mean that the matter is over.

The damage caused by the fire dragon to the city undoubtedly destroyed a large number of public facilities, and some power supply equipment was inevitably damaged.

In places like the United States, day and night are two worlds. Electricity and no electricity are also two worlds.

After the fire dragon's attack, the chaos caused to society will not disappear because the fire dragon retreats.

On the contrary, the chaos will continue further on the night of the power outage today.

This chaos is not caused by the fire dragon. It is caused by those bad elements in society.

Taking advantage of the chaos, many of them will choose to come out to smash, loot and commit a series of crimes.

Because they know that now that the fire dragon has attacked the city, the local police who maintain public order do not have so much manpower and energy to manage them.

It is easier to fish in muddy water.

After watching those bad people carry out successful criminal actions, more people who originally had no intention of committing crimes will join in because of the broken window effect, which will further expand the chaos.

This will be a trouble no less than the fire dragon attack during the day.

The existence of human beings is very complicated.

A little change in himself and a little change in the environment can make him make all kinds of incredible choices.

And desire is always inseparable from human beings.

I hope to have the ability to travel through the world. According to his own mind, while completing his revival of the human beings in the main world, he also wants to maintain his own identity in each world.

Other worlds are not yet certain, but in this Fuman world, his identity is a superhero.

In this case, he must consider what he has to do as a superhero.

And the consideration of post-war chaos suppression is naturally included.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, these superheroes are often involved in various major events. Either saving the world or fighting internal wars. They are not seen going out to show up in normal times.

Captain America is busy carrying out his mission, or busy fighting Hydra.

Iron Man, as a tall, rich and handsome man, is naturally also high-class. Either he is a technical geek, or he flies half the world to fight terrorists.

The other people are the same, each has their own things, and the opportunity to interact with the masses is very rare.

It is a rare opportunity to come out to save the world, and the aftermath of the battle has destroyed the city.

After the fight, they don't care about anything and just leave a mess.

Only Tony, who has a rich family, funded himself to set up a post-war reconstruction organization, and everything was handled by the Stark Group.

It was originally a good intention, but it turned out that their big group entered the game. It directly squeezed out other contracting companies, and finally a villain opponent of Spider-Man, Vulture, emerged.

It can only be said that although the superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are doing well, they have a tendency to form their own circle. They have not integrated with the general public.

This also leads to the fact that although everyone knows the existence of superheroes, they seem particularly distant and unreal to them.

On the contrary, they still remember the ruins and civilian casualties after the war.

Naturally, as long as someone deliberately wants to lead the rhythm, these people will quickly turn against them.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are street heroes. But the only one who is friendly and tall is Spider-Man.

On the other hand, everyone says that DC next door is dark, but that is only related to their energy for growth.

Under normal circumstances, many superheroes are not dark, but on the contrary, they are extremely bright and positive.

For example, DC's conscience, the Flash, and the god on earth, Superman.

As time went by, the people who didn't understand at first also built up a deep relationship with the superheroes in the process of getting along with them again and again.

The style of the Central City where the Flash is located is so bright that it doesn't even look like a universe.

The streets are full of superhero peripherals and sculptures. Everyone is proud of being a superhero in their city and is very positive.

This is the same as Spider-Man. Someone will always see your hard work. When you go out, many people will greet you warmly, just like friends.

Hope always feels that as a superhero, you should not just focus on your own affairs and ignore the ordinary people.

You should come from the masses, go to the masses, get closer to ordinary people, and build good relationships.

He did this in the more than one month he was the Infinity Man in San Francisco.

It turns out that the effect is not bad.

When the degree is well grasped, both the police and the masses have a good sense of the Infinity Man.

That is really helping them reduce the crime rate and really helping their lives.

And his performance in the fire dragon attack, on the basis of the original good foundation, can make his popularity rise to a higher level.

This is like a catalysis of popularity, and at the same time, it is also a catalysis of the foundation.

However, this foundation is not very stable at present, so he must go out for patrol tonight to suppress the chaos at night and further stabilize his popularity among the masses.

As for the governments of various countries, the influence is not great.

He has already demonstrated his fighting power in the battle, and those people dare not say anything openly.

And this attack also naturally makes the profession of superheroes, which was not easy to understand before, accepted by people.

The masses know that the earth is not safe, but with the existence of superheroes, their safety can be guaranteed.

As long as a period of time passes, this will be the consensus of everyone, and superheroes will be able to truly gain a foothold on the earth.

After listening to Hope's idea, Tony and others also agreed. There is no objection to the suggestion of postponing the party for one day.

As for the visitors from another world such as Godai Yusuke, they can just enjoy a short vacation with peace of mind.

For the superhero matters, they don't need their help for the time being.

It was okay that they were short of people before.

If they go out now with a big fanfare, it will easily provoke some people's sensitive nerves.

After discussing these, everyone made some assignments and left for their own cities to fight crime.

I hope to learn from DC. In normal times, let each of them have their own city, so that it is easier to deepen the relationship with the people.

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