A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 5: Traveling through the world of Assassin's Creed

"It's so amazing. Were they all wiped out in an instant?"

The shimmering blue particles are still floating slightly in the mine tunnel, but those earth ghosts that were originally a headache have all turned into a puddle of minced meat and fallen to the ground, no longer threatening Hope's life safety. .

"Is this thing... a dimensional bracelet?"

Hope didn't understand what the word dimension meant before, but mysteriously, he now felt a lot of knowledge that he didn't understand.

Therefore, he probably also understands some of the current situation.

The dimensional bracelet is not wide, only about two fingers wide, and it is only as thin as a piece of paper.

Since he said it was a bracelet and it was now worn on Hope's wrist, some people would probably believe him if he said it was a tattoo.

He twisted his left wrist slightly and found that the bracelet did not affect the movement of his hand. Hope then nodded with some satisfaction.

After pondering for a while, he raised his hand and touched the surface of the bracelet according to the instinctive hope in his heart.


A curtain of light appeared on the bracelet out of thin air.

This sudden light screen made Hope slightly startled. He raised his right hand in the air and was in a daze for a long time, not knowing what to do next.

In desperation, Hope could only carefully observe the light screen projected from the bracelet on her left hand.

Anyway, the ghosts have been cleared away, and it will take some time for Captain Leto to call people over for rescue. So let’s take advantage of this time to study this weird dimensional bracelet.

"Well...it's a text I recognize."

The light screen is not big, and there is not much content on it. There are seven pictures in total, as well as some small words below the pictures.

Those small characters are exactly what I hope he has learned since he was a child, so they are very familiar.

The seven pictures were arranged in sequence, and Hope looked at them one by one.

Assassin's Creed world, Legend of Zelda world, demihuman world, giant world, Spell Marvel world, light sword alien world, and random search to add new worlds.

According to the new knowledge I gained after wearing the bracelet, these pictures should represent worlds.

In other words, excluding the random search to add new worlds, are there already six worlds bound and linked to this bracelet?

Hope looked in disbelief, looking at the bracelet on her hand with a look of shock in her eyes.

"If all this is true, then... maybe my world can be saved?!"

"The day of human counterattack may be coming soon! One day! We can drive all those monsters out of human territory!"

After the shock, Hope suddenly clenched her fist, and her heart suddenly became excited.

Although there are still many things I don’t understand, but...

This is an opportunity!

This is an opportunity for humanity to rise again and take back its territory!

No matter what, hope won't let it go!

"So, based on that knowledge, it seems that I can travel to any world that has been bound to the dimensional bracelet as long as I want to, right? Time flow rate? What does this mean? Um... Okay, I understand, it turns out it is In this way, can you choose between two modes? One is that only the time in your own world flows, and the other world is stationary. The other is to select other worlds to synchronize with your own time flow..."

"Since time can be stopped in one world, it means that I will have more time to grow, right? As long as I go to other worlds to exercise first, and then stop my own world, then I will be able to grow a lot more for nothing. With this time difference, I can better deal with all problems that cannot be solved in a short time.”

Hope raised her hand to touch her chin, and quickly thought of the benefits that the time synchronization between the two worlds could bring to herself.

"No matter what, if time can be stopped, I will try to go to other worlds first. No matter how much knowledge the bracelet gives me, it is not as intuitive as trying it myself."

As an activist, Hope made this decision quickly after taking a preliminary look at his bracelet.

Raising his right hand, Hope reached out and clicked on the picture representing the Assassin's emblem on the light screen without thinking.

As for why it chose the world of Assassin's Creed, there is actually no particular reason.

The main reason was that he didn't recognize any of the six worlds in the bracelet. In this case, he simply chose the first picture on the left and clicked in.

Anyway, according to Hope's own idea, he plans to visit each of these six worlds, so that he can roughly understand the differences between those worlds.

At the moment when the world was chosen, the figure of hope also disappeared in this underground mine.

At the same time, the entire world of steam apocalypse also stopped in an instant.

1476, night, Italy, suburbs of Florence.

Giovanni Auditore, who had just returned from Rome, was riding a horse on a gravel road.

He seemed to be in very bad condition. As he was riding on the horse, he could only hold the reins with one hand and cover the wound on his left shoulder with the other hand.

It was a penetrating wound, caused by a throwing knife.

While on the road, he had already done some simple treatment for his wounds.

But time was urgent, and he was still on his way home. The distance between Rome and Florence was not very close. At this time, his wound was getting more serious, and the blood could not stop flowing out with the horse's hooves.

Under the cold moonlight, Giovanni's face under the hood was pale, and his thin lips were dry and cracked.

Suddenly, he seemed to be keenly aware of something. Although the magnificent city of Florence was already within reach under the moonlight, Giovanni still pulled the reins and stopped the horse.

In the quiet suburbs, without the "clack" of horse hooves, it was even more quiet and a little weird for a while.

Gradually, some fragmented sounds began to come from the direction of Florence, but soon, the sounds there were getting closer and faster.

Obviously, the owner of the sound did not have any intention of hiding his whereabouts.

It was a team of soldiers, and there were quite a few of them.

Wearing red clothes and the family emblem on them indicated their identity.

Those were soldiers from the Pazzi family, the mortal enemy of the Auditore family.

At this time, such a group of soldiers suddenly came to the outskirts of here. Giovanni knew without thinking that they must be coming for him.

Glancing around, Giovanni calmly turned over and dismounted, exerting his instinct as an assassin, and quickly hid in the woods nearby, ready to escape.

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