A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 6 Giovanni Auditore

Soon, the group of Pazzi family soldiers approached and found the horse abandoned by Giovanni on the road from a distance.

With a few "clangs", the soldiers quickly alerted, drew out the long swords at their waists, and began to disperse and trot towards the horses.

As the soldiers got closer and closer, Giovanni, who was hiding in the woods, looked uglier and uglier.

Originally, if the other side was just a group of soldiers, Giovanni still had the confidence to escape, and if he was not injured, he could even kill the group of soldiers.

But now he was injured and in a very bad physical condition.

Among the group of soldiers on the opposite side, there was actually one person leading a hound.

A dog's nose is much more sensitive than a human's.

Not to mention the smell on Giovanni's body, the blood oozing from his wound alone is a mark that is difficult to remove.

If the hound is not dealt with, even if he escapes now, Giovanni knows that he will be caught up again soon.

"You! Go over there and have a look!"

Among the soldiers, a leader patted another soldier on the shoulder, and pointed to the place where Giovanni was hiding.

We can't wait any longer!

Giovanni's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pull out the flying knife from his waist, and threw it out with a sudden swing of his hand, stabbing it into the buttocks of the horse on the side of the road!

"Yi Lulu--!"

The horse was suddenly stabbed in the buttocks, and the severe pain made it go crazy. It raised its front hooves and raised its head to let out a long neigh!

The sudden movement of the horse instantly attracted the attention of all the soldiers.

But before they could react, the crazy horse neighed and ran towards several soldiers in front of the road!

A 500-kilogram, 1.8-meter-tall horse ran wildly. Those with a little bit of brains knew to avoid it, otherwise it would hit it head-on and be crippled if not dead.

But just as they were trying to avoid the galloping horses, Giovanni, who had been watching in secret, made another decisive move!


Under the bright moonlight, another flying knife flashed by!

There was only a muffled sound of "Puff".

The hound held by the soldier was shot with a flying knife in the throat. It whimpered, shook its head and fell to the ground, with a lot of blood flowing from its neck.

That was the effect of the blood groove on the flying knife bleeding.

"Beware! There is an enemy!"

The soldier holding the hound looked at the hound that fell beside him, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"It's the assassin! It's the assassin! Mr. Pazzi's target!"

Someone among the soldiers shouted again, and everyone was as if they were facing a great enemy, and they did not dare to neglect it at all.

"He's there!"

The captain of the soldiers shouted, raised his hand and pointed in the direction where Giovanni was hiding.

But he was still a step slower. Just as the captain's voice fell, Giovanni, who had just jumped out of the woods, had quickly pulled out a dagger stuck in the soldier's throat.

Just now, he jumped out of the woods at lightning speed and used the dagger on his body to quickly pierce the throat of a soldier closest to him.

"You can't stop me, Pazzi's lackeys! Florence will never fall into your hands!"

Although Giovanni was injured, his eyes were still fierce.

A wounded tiger is still a tiger, and it can't be stopped by those losers who can only pretend.

"Clang" sound!

Giovanni drew out the long sword hanging on his waist and pointed it at the soldiers who were gradually gathering in front of him. His left hand had quietly grasped a smoke bomb, ready to throw it at any time to cover his escape.

But at this moment, the space in front of him suddenly blurred, and an uninvited guest suddenly appeared between Giovanni and the group of Pazzi family soldiers, which seemed very abrupt!

The clothes on the newcomers did not belong to this era, and they looked a little strange to Giovanni and others.

But all this was not important. The most important thing was that no one present could see clearly how this strange... boy suddenly appeared here.

Just this guy who suddenly appeared instantly disrupted all the plans of Giovanni and the group of soldiers.

"Where is this?"

In a moment of distraction, Hope had already found that his position had completely changed.

Turning his head to look at Giovanni and others who were full of vigilance and surprise, and then looking up at the city of Florence not far away, Hope was able to fully confirm that the knowledge on the dimensional bracelet was correct, and he had indeed traveled to another completely different world.

So the current situation is...

Hope looked at Giovanni, then at the soldiers who were slowly gathering around him, and stepped back.

No matter what, at least he couldn't let himself be surrounded by them.

Just after arriving in this world, Hope had already seen several icons that no one except himself could see.

These icons can be seen as coordinates, and I hope to be able to extract certain information on each coordinate, so that I don't have to be in the dark due to insufficient information when I come to a strange world.

According to the knowledge given on the bracelet, going to these coordinates will hopefully have a high probability of encountering various events, so it will be easier to get more benefits for my growth.

However, these coordinates are just an auxiliary function provided by the bracelet. How to choose is entirely up to Hope.

But one thing that is more noticeable is that, unlike other icons, only one icon representing a partner is golden, which is particularly eye-catching.

And connected to the golden partner icon...

Hope turned his head and looked at the man wearing a white coat and a hood on the side. The information given by the bracelet was: Giovanni Auditore, the father of Ezio Auditore da Firenze in this world. Contacting this person will make it easier to contact Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

The so-called [Partner] is the best comrade-in-arms selected by the bracelet in various worlds who is most suitable for getting along with oneself and can turn his back to the other party.

Generally, the [Partner] selected by the bracelet has a certain degree of randomness, but anyone who is selected as a [Partner], then the other party's character, combat effectiveness or other abilities are worthy of praise.

Even if they are still very weak now, once they are given time to grow up, each of them has unlimited prospects.

The so-called power does not only refer to one's own personal power.

If you can make friends with various strong people and friends in various worlds, then if you regard them as external aid, they will also be a force that cannot be ignored.

In order to expel the monsters from human territory as soon as possible, I hope to feel that making friends widely is also a must.

In this case, the current situation should be...

Protect the father of your future partner and defeat the invading enemy with him!

ps: The protagonist is connected to station B behind him, and he often watches and checks information on it, so he also knows the plots of various worlds. In addition, I will not copy the original plot when writing a book. If you like to read the original plot, you don't need to continue reading.

During the new book period, collection and recommendation are very important.

I hope everyone can support me.

If the results are good, I will be more motivated to write books~

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