A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 7 Decisive Killing

"Are you okay? I'm here to help you."

Hope pulled out his steam one-handed knife, quickly stood on the same front with Giovanni, and asked the other party about the situation.

With the help of the dimensional bracelet, the language spoken by Hope was cleverly transformed into fluent Italian.


Giovanni looked at Hope, the boy who suddenly appeared, with some doubts, and obviously had not figured out what was going on.

But on the other side, the remaining five soldiers did not want to delay any longer.

"Don't worry about the others, cut down the boy who suddenly appeared and the assassin together. The boy suddenly appeared, and he must have a holy object on him, don't let him go!"

"Do you have a holy object on you?"

Giovanni also turned his head and looked at Hope, then saw that the soldiers had already rushed over, gritted his teeth, had to put away the smoke bomb again, and approached Hope with a long sword.

As he approached, he shouted, "Be careful to protect yourself! I'll lead you out!"

"Although I don't understand what's going on, we just need to fight now, right?"

Watching the situation develop, Hope didn't know what the holy objects they were talking about meant, but he grinned and gave Giovanni a thumbs up with his left hand.


A soldier ran over first, yelling and raising his hand to slash at Giovanni.

With a "ding" sound, the knife was indeed blocked by Giovanni's sword.

Seeing this, Hope didn't hesitate at all, and with a single-handed knife in his hand, he picked up the long knife that the soldier had chopped on Giovanni's sword, and turned around and chopped the opponent's neck with another knife!

Instantly killed!

This was not the first time Hope had killed someone.

As early as when he was in the recruit camp, he was taken by the instructor to eliminate criminals, and he didn't hesitate at all when he started.


Hope had just chopped down a soldier, and the remaining four people behind him had already surrounded him.

But just as he approached, a soldier who wanted to sneak attack Hope was kicked by Giovanni's quick eyes and hands.


Not missing this opportunity, Hope turned around and slashed the soldier's throat with another knife, and the blood from the carotid artery spurted out far away.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!"

The sound of weapons hitting each other spread far away in the silent night. Giovanni was injured and could not hold on for a long time.

But with the presence of this experienced old assassin, the young and strong Hope also showed extremely amazing fighting power.

He picked up a soldier's weapon with his backhand, leaving the opponent's chest directly open. Giovanni, who was behind Hope, stabbed the opponent with a sword without mercy, and stabbed the opponent through!

Although it was the first time they met, the two of them cooperated very well.


It was not until this time that the opponent seemed to realize the terrible fighting power of Hope and the others.

The last two people left screamed, turned around and wanted to escape in fear.

But this approach is undoubtedly very stupid.

Let’s not talk about the captain of the soldiers who were farther away. The soldier who was just fighting with Hope turned around at this time, which was simply exposing his back to the enemy like Hope.

Giovanni did not move. Hope stepped forward and stabbed directly into the back of the opponent.

After getting rid of this soldier, without any hesitation, Hope took out the steam pistol from his waist, aimed at the captain of the soldiers who ran more than ten meters in front, and pulled the trigger!


With a gunshot, the steam boiler connected to Hope's waist on the pistol burst out with a huge impact force, and a bullet in the barrel was ejected!

There was a scream from the front!

The captain of the soldiers who was still running was shot in the back, and a large ball of blood burst out, and his body fell forward to the ground.


He kicked the body of the soldier in front of him with one foot, and Hope pulled the one-handed knife out of the back of the opponent.

This action caused the blood from the soldier's wound to splash onto Hope's hand, and he felt a little sticky and slippery when holding the knife.

However, Hope didn't care about that at this time. Holding the knife in his hand, he quickly ran forward a few steps and came to the captain of the soldiers who had been shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the other party was still twitching and struggling unconsciously, Hope raised the knife and killed him on the spot.

Although even if he didn't make up this knife, the captain of the soldiers would probably not live long.

But on the battlefield, you must ensure that all possible adverse factors are eliminated. This is what the instructor in the recruit camp taught him, and Hope has always done so.

Seeing Hope's neat and tidy finishing knife, Giovanni immediately nodded in approval to the young man he met for the first time.

For those in their line of work, when it is time to act, you must be decisive. Hesitation will only hurt yourself.

"Let's go, kid. If these soldiers stay out for too long without any response, it will easily attract the attention of the Pazzi family. We need to get into the city as soon as possible."

Giovanni said this to Hope who had come back, and then with Hope's support, he headed towards the nearby city of Florence.

The city gates were naturally closed at night, but since the group of Pazzi family soldiers were able to come out just now, Giovanni also had a way to get in without alerting anyone.

Giovanni, who grew up in Florence, was already familiar with everything here. Coming back now was as easy as a fish swimming in water.

They sneaked in through the path along the Arno River outside the city. There was only a small iron gate blocking the way, which of course could not stop Hope and the others from entering.

Climbing up the river, Hope supported him through the alleys under Giovanni's guidance, and went towards the prosperous area of ​​the city little by little.

There were almost no figures on the road. Only some night patrol soldiers were still patrolling around the city, but they were very lazy.

After discovering those people, Hope helped Giovanni to avoid them far away without Giovanni's reminder.

Thanks to the goggles Horner gave him, Hope could see normally in dim conditions.

But for Giovanni, who did not know the effect of Hope's goggles, it felt different.

"Can you see things in the dark?"

Giovanni asked in a slightly weak tone.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Hope didn't hear the difference in Giovanni's tone when he asked that question, and he was still concentrating on his journey.

Hearing that, Giovanni nodded silently, but a smile appeared on his face.

So that's it, a young man with that kind of talent.

Not long after the short conversation ended, Giovanni patted Hope's shoulder and signaled that he could let go.

Seeing Giovanni walk to the back wall of a building alone, Hope followed him in confusion.

As soon as he approached, he heard a "click".

Then there was a friction sound caused by the movement of stones.

Under Hope's gaze, a wall with a width and height of 1.3 meters and 1.3 meters moved away from the bottom of the wall, revealing a secret passage.

The secret passage was a bit narrow, but not long, and it could be passed by crouching and walking two steps.

Seeing Giovanni crouching and crawling in, Hope hurried to follow.

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