"This is my home, it's safe."

From the secret passage outside the house, he entered a secret room filled with various swords, weapons and equipment. Giovanni pressed the mechanism on the wall and sealed the entrance to the secret passage again.

Barely supporting his body, he moved to a chair aside and sat down. Giovanni took off the hood on his head and then looked at Hope and said this.

"You don't seem to be in good condition. Let me help you deal with your wounds first."

As he spoke, Hope quickly took off the first aid kit hanging on his waist and quickly walked over to Giovanni and squatted down.

Seeing that Hope was taking out bandages and other items very skillfully, Giovanni did not refuse.

Nodding, he took off his assassin robe and became shirtless, exposing the wound on his left chest.

"Introduction, I am Giovanni Auditore from Florence. How about you, young man?"

Hope didn't even raise her head, still treating Giovanni's wounds seriously, and casually replied: "Hope."


"Well, although the pronunciation is different, the meaning is the same, so it's more or less the same. But I still hope you can call me with the pronunciation we have over there, so that I can get more used to it." Hope said, having already cleaned Giovanni's wound , cleaning the fluid near the wound so that he can suture the wound later.

"Hope?" Giovanni nodded, looked at the boy and was silent for a while, and then said: "Thank you for what happened today, otherwise it would be really troublesome for me to do it alone."

"It's okay, it's easy."

Hope looked up with a big smile and gave Giovanni a thumbs up!

Seeing this, Giovanni also smiled, and then said: "Hope, I want you to do me one more favor."

"Say it."

"My identity is that of this assassin. My children don't know it, and there is no need to tell them yet. So I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

"This is no problem." Hope said, patting the other party's shoulder gently, holding a sterilized medical needle and thread, and said: "It hurts a little, please bear with it."

As he spoke, Hope had already begun to sew up Giovanni's wound.

This bit of pain only made Giovanni frown, but there was no other reaction. He could even continue chatting with Hope in his usual tone.

"Listen to those lackeys of the Pazzi family, do you have a sacred object in your hands?"

Hearing this, Hope also glanced at Giovanni with some curiosity, and asked doubtfully: "What is the holy object?"

As if he was not surprised by Hope's question, Giovanni organized his words slightly, and then said: "We don't know exactly what it is. We only know that there is more than one holy object, and each one has magical power. We The enemies have been looking for them in order to use the power of the holy objects to achieve their evil purposes. "

"Your enemies? What kind of Pazzi family were they just now?"

The wound has been sutured, Hope asked while Giovanni applied the medicine.

"The Pazzi family? That's right. But it's not just them. In general, what we have been dealing with since ancient times is the Knights Templar joined by the Pazzi family. Hundreds of years ago, they were just a group of Madmen who pursue the absolute order of mankind. But in recent years, they don’t know what’s wrong with their senior management. They seem to be spreading fear consciously from top to bottom. This is not a good phenomenon... I don’t think anyone will like it. They do."

"You are an outsider. Maybe the enemies on your side are somewhat different from those on our side."

Giovanni frowned and explained the Knights Templar to Hope, and Hope listened carefully.

But maybe because it was just the first time he met Hope, Giovanni only gave a general outline, but did not go on to talk about more in-depth matters.

After applying the medicine and hoping to bandage the wound for Giovanni, the wound was finally treated.

"Thank you very much, young man, I feel much better now."

Seeing that Hope had taken care of his wounds, Giovanni stood up with a smile, looked at Hope and continued: "You have an extraordinary talent and can penetrate the darkness with your eyes. Since the holy object is on your body , then please use it well and don't let it fall into the hands of the Templars. During this period, you will live in our house. My children are not much different from yours. I will do it tomorrow. Introducing you, please enjoy your time in the beautiful city of Florence. ”

"Okay, thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Giovanni."

Hope packed her first aid kit and bowed slightly to Giovanni to express her gratitude.

Smiling, Giovanni put his arm around Hope's shoulders and said: "Come on, kid, I'll take you to your room. I believe you should be tired now. Have a good rest. I'll ask Aggie when I get up in the morning. Oh, they’ll take you on a nice tour of Florence.”

Follow Giovanni out of the secret room, hoping that he will soon arrange a room to stay in.

Watching Giovanni leave the room and close the door, he hoped that he would have time to look around and observe this room in another world.

Generally speaking, from his personal experience, the architecture and decoration style of this world are unprecedented, and judging from the lighting equipment, it seems that the technology of this world is not as high as that of the main world.

But it feels good. At least this is not a world with a bad living environment. This is also a relatively lucky thing.

As for what this world is like, such a short time is not enough to draw the following conclusion.

Next, I have to wait until tomorrow to go out with that [partner] Ezio Auditore.


Hope walked to the bed and sat down. He raised his hand and used his mind to open the light screen of the dimensional bracelet. This is a little trick he just discovered. He can control this magical bracelet normally without touching it with his hands.

At this time, on the icon representing the Assassin's World in the bracelet, a time is silently counting down.

166 hours, 12 minutes and 37 seconds.

This is the time he can stay in the Assassin's Creed world.

According to the knowledge given by the bracelet, except for the worlds that will be searched and added in the future, all the bound worlds now can only stay for one week when entering for the first time, and they will automatically leave when the time is up.

After entering the same world for the second time, you can stay for a month; the third time, you can decide the time to stay at will.

And every time you go to a dimensional world, you have to wait for it to cool down for a month before you can enter it again, unless you have entered that world three times, then you can enter or exit as you please.

"Seven days, I hope I can gain something..."

Hope put his hands behind his head, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

It must be said that his adaptability is really strong. For such a magical item as the dimensional bracelet that can travel through the world, he can also accept its existence so quickly.

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