A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 510: Unexpected Victory Team Member!

The news of the appearance of a monster at the southern end of Manhattan, New York, USA, cannot be suppressed at all, especially in 2020.

With the development of information technology, the appearance of a monster in Manhattan and the destruction of the entire downtown area is so big that it cannot be suppressed.

In less than a day, the news about the appearance of a monster in Manhattan has spread all over the world.

At this time, the publicity department of TPC finally started working.

First of all, the monster that appeared in Manhattan was named Clover.

In addition, the mecha that suddenly appeared and disappeared in front of everyone, defeated Clover and saved New York was called the Light Messenger.

And his driver is a new member of the TPC Victory Team, a top monster expert named Hope.

The existence of monsters on Earth is a fact, and it can no longer be concealed.

In this case, what TPC has to do is to accurately guide speech to avoid causing some unnecessary panic and confusion.

This is not very difficult for the people in the TPC publicity department.

But in this case, it also means that today in 2020, human beings all over the earth will have to re-understand this world.

It can be said that this will become another turning point in human history.

Whether it is good or bad is still unknown.

Therefore, for the top management of TPC, in order to protect the earth and ensure the peace of mankind, any talent that can be won over cannot be let go.

Not to mention the hope that has been recorded 70 years ago.

Perhaps most people in TPC don’t know that in the eyes of the top management, hope is an absolutely important part of human beings fighting against monsters.

In addition to the strength shown by hope, the most important thing is the understanding of those monsters shown by hope.

Some monster information that is very simple for hope may take a lot of time, money and energy for the monarch organization of TPC to study.

In many cases, there will be considerable casualties.

In any battle, pre-war intelligence on both sides is very important.

As for the matter of hope joining the victory team, regardless of the situation outside, it was completely unexpected for Lina and Dagu.

Although they knew that hope might join TPC, Lina and the others originally thought that hope would directly enter the management.

It's not that the Victory Team is of a low level, but after all, it is a frontline combat organization, and in terms of the general direction, it still needs to obey the orders of the top leaders.

However, since Hope has joined the Victory Team, Lina and the others are of course absolutely welcome.

Relatively speaking, the Victory Team has the least manpower among all TPCs.

They only recruit elites, and because TPC has long known the existence of monsters, they have always been a frontline combat unit, so there have been several changes in the personnel.

As for the current Victory Team personnel, it is completely different from the original drama.

Now with Hope joining, Lina and Dagu alone feel a little surprised.

After all, they also know Hope's strength.

In the TPC Victory Team command room, Captain Iruma Hui is introducing the two new members Hope and Dagu to all the members of the Victory Team, and at the same time, introducing their Victory Team to Hope and the others.

Apart from himself, Hope silently observed the command room and found that there were indeed some personnel changes.

But this kind of personnel change is something Hope never expected.

First, Li Yunlong became the commander of the Victory Team. If Hope is not mistaken, he is probably the Li Yunlong he knows. He should be a parallel world isotope.

Although it is a parallel world, it seems that his temper has not changed at all. He does not seem to be very convinced of Iruma Kei and has been trying to squeeze him out.

Then, there is a handsome middle-aged uncle, John Wick. This guy used to be a super killer, and his shooting skills are the best in the world. For this person, Hope focused on the dog hair on his uniform.

Well... very good, it seems that he has not killed people because of his dog.

Being able to join the Victory Team, it is obvious that he was recruited for some reason.

While thinking, Hope looked at the last person introduced by Iruma Kei.

That is also an old acquaintance.

Although Hope has never met him in person, his movie is the first movie Hope has seen.

At that time, Hope was just a fledgling boy. In order to adapt to modern life, Xiaoyu took Hope and Captain America to watch the movie together.

A cold face and a strong body, this is the governor.

In the introduction of Iruma Hui, his name is Arnold.

With Hope's current ability, it is natural to see that this Arnold is indeed the T800 robot.

He obviously came from another world.

In other worlds, Arnold might be captured for research, but in this monster world, many people obviously don't care much about this issue, and even let him become a member of the Victory Team.

According to Iruma Hui's introduction, his position in the Victory Team is actually an intelligence officer.

In this way, the current personnel configuration of the Victory Team is very obvious.

Captain: Iruma Hui.

Commander: Li Yunlong.

Monster Consultant: Hope.

Team members: Yuan Dagu, Nanase Lina, John Wick, Arnold T800.

Although the personnel have become very strange, there is no change in the number of people.

Looking at this Victory Team that is completely different from the impression, especially the appearance of Li Yunlong and the others wearing the red and white uniforms of the Victory Team, Hope wants to laugh.

After all, their original temperament is not related to the Victory Team.

Now I don’t know what has happened in this world, allowing Hope to see such a grand occasion, what else can he be satisfied with.

In other words, none of the worlds that Hope traveled through are normal.

Perhaps this is also part of the reason why Hope likes to travel through time.

After all, Hope also wants to see what those worlds can be transformed into.

"Lina, Wick, you are responsible for guiding Dagu’s driving and shooting. He is a new member and needs your care."

After introducing everyone, Iruma Hui looked at Lina and John Wick again.

Neither of them had any objection to the captain’s arrangement.

It is an indisputable fact that Dagu’s ability is not good, and he really needs to be trained.

Now the monster has appeared. After that, they need to make all preparations in advance, which is also responsible for Daigu.

After arranging Daigu, Iruma Hui looked at Hope again: "I'm sorry to assign you a task right after you joined the team, but this is the arrangement from above. They need you to go to Skull Island with a team for an investigation. Commander Li will act with you. Do you have any problem?"

Looking at the mature and charming Captain Iruma Hui in front of him, Hope smiled and shook his head: "I have to participate in anything related to monsters. This is the condition for me to join TPC. Director Sawai and others arranged it this way, which is also my own request. Of course, there is no problem."

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