A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 511 Welcome to Skull Island

"Every machine, report the situation."

"Everything is fine, nothing unusual."

"We are about to pass through the storm area, so be prepared."


Over the endless blue Pacific Ocean, three aircraft of different sizes were moving rapidly.

Feiyan 2 piloted by Li Yunlong and another Victory Fire Dragon of the American branch escorted the white TPC transport plane forward.

The purpose of this operation is mainly to explore the situation of the creatures on Skull Island behind the storm area ahead, and then make detailed records to ensure that the creatures on the island will not have any impact on the outside world.

As for Hope, his purpose is even simpler, he is here to catch King Kong.

As for the other strange creatures, Hope wasn't that interested.

The number of personnel in this operation is not very large. Except for combatants like Hope, most of them are scientific researchers.

In terms of scientific research, it is directed by Serizawa, an old man who is almost 100 years old.

As for combat, Li Yunlong is in charge.

Even the soldiers sent by the European branch of the joint scientific expedition must obey Li Yunlong's orders.

It was he who was issuing orders in the communication channel just now.

Hope, as a monster consultant, is also a combatant, but he did not fly on the Feiyan 2 with Li Yunlong, but was on the TPC transport plane with Serizawa, an old friend he had not seen for a long time.

Although for Nozomi, the past few years have not passed, for Serizawa and the others, 70 years have indeed passed.

A lot has obviously happened around the world in such a long time.

I hope to capture as many monsters as possible and bring them back, and I need Serizawa's intelligence support in this regard.

The King Organization under TPC is responsible for the collection of intelligence and investigation and research on monsters.

If you want to know about the monsters hiding on the earth at this time, it is absolutely right to ask him.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but you are still the same as before. At that time, you said that you were from another world. I didn't believe it to my death."

Serizawa, who had white hair and wrinkled skin, sighed as he looked at Hope in front of him. Through Hope, his still young face seemed to recall his youthful days 70 years ago.

"There are still changes, at least I've grown a lot taller."

Hope smiled while injecting gentle vitality into Serizawa's old body.

With the injection of hope and vitality, at least Serizawa can live healthy for another few decades.

Next we will enter Skull Island. With Serizawa's original physical condition, he can't walk very far inside.

You know, Serizawa has not been on the front line for a long time because of his age.

If it weren't for hope this time, he would probably still be commanding from the rear.

But it is obvious that for Serizawa, an old man who has dealt with monsters all his life, being able to be on the front line is what he wants most.

"By the way, is this your fourth time on Skull Island?"

Feeling the body gradually regaining its vitality, Serizawa looked at Nozomi's hands that glowed green in admiration, then nodded and replied: "I participated in the first two times, and it can be said that it was full of dangers. The third time due to age and The physical reasons are not there. Skull Island may not be big, but there are really many creatures living in it. Every time you come here, you will find something new, but that guy has always been there. "

"King Kong?"

Hope asked.

Serizawa nodded, his eyes reminiscing, and he smiled and said: "It is the god of Skull Island. It has been maintaining the ecological balance of this island a long time ago, and has been preventing the group of lizards from underground from coming up and destroying this island. The ecology of this island has been destroyed. After so many years, it must have grown a lot.”

With that said, Serizawa looked at Nozomi again, and said with a somewhat serious expression: "I know the reason why you joined TPC. You stated this purpose seventy years ago. The reason why you left at that time was because the earth had not yet joined the monsters. In the frequent stage, now that you are back, I don’t know if it’s good news. The existence of monsters is still a bit too heavy for us humans.”

"It's just that the existence of some monsters is not entirely about destruction. They are also part of nature. I don't object to your approach of capturing monsters, but I hope you can think carefully before taking action."

The old man had his own principles and persistence. He wanted to know what he was worried about. He nodded affirmatively and said, "I'm not the kind of person who messes around. Don't worry."

Serizawa smiled, not having any doubts about Nozomi's promise.


At this moment, the transport plane they were riding in suddenly shook violently, and a piercing alarm sounded throughout the cabin.

"What's going on?!!"

There was a frantic shouting outside the room.

The next moment, Li Yunlong's voice came from every corner of the transport plane.

"Damn it! Everyone, pay attention! Enemy attack! We are under attack!"

"Transport plane! Fly down! That James! Fight back with me! Damn it!"

Nozomi and Serizawa looked at each other, and Serizawa quickly ran to the window and pressed the button.

The baffles were raised one after another, and through the large portholes, the two of them could clearly see the situation outside at this time.

The transport plane had obviously been attacked by something, and its flight angle was a little tilted. Hopefully, they also saw a lot of smoke and flames coming out of the fuselage, and being swept backwards by the airflow.

"It's another creature I haven't seen before. I don't know where they have been hiding in the three previous scientific expeditions."

Serizawa's old but very bright eyes stared closely at the giant bat-like creature outside, muttering to himself.

"Psychovultures, crazy vultures, as they are called, like to prey on a large poisonous puffer fish. The toxins in them will cause these big bats to often be in a state of madness. Their mouths can release high-power strong currents. We should It was just bad luck that I happened to bump into them.”

Hope stood by the porthole, silently observed the large bats surrounding them outside, and smoothly told everything he knew about the situation.

Hearing this, Serizawa quickly took out a small notebook and ballpoint pen from his pocket to record. While writing, he nodded: "I see."

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At the same time, the Feiyan-2 and the Fire Dragon, which reacted quickly, started to fire wildly, shooting down a group of crazy vultures in a short time.

Although these creatures are magical, they are far from monsters.

It may be okay to deal with ordinary fighters, but there is nothing they can do against the elites of TPC.

This sudden air battle did not last too long, and even in the storm area, it did not affect Li Yunlong's battle at all.

After the three planes, two high and one low, rushed out of the storm group, the battle was over, and there was no need to even hope to take action.

"It seems that Skull Island's welcome to us this time is a little too warm."

Hope smiled and looked toward the islands on the sea below.

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