A Unique Hunter

Chapter 961: Stormwind City

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Since Cook doesn’t want to conflict with the Dwarf King for the time being, Cook also doesn’t want the Dwarf King to have a better life, because the Dwarf King controls the price increase of metals in the Dwarf Kingdom. The price increase of this material increases the pressure on Cook’s product sales. Fortunately, the Chamber of Commerce The output of the product is still in a period of rising sales, so the impact is not significant, but this approach must be curbed, otherwise Cook's business will be difficult to do if the price of the materials is increased in the future.

And Manda's identity as a strong mountain dwarf, and the dispute between the mountain dwarf and the gray dwarf, let Cook see a way to deal with the dwarf king.

"President Cook, I know what to do." Manda is also very dissatisfied with the Dwarf King. You must know that just after the tribe joined the Free League, more than 6,000 people were recruited by the Free League’s guard training department. After three months of training, more than 6,000 people will be sent to various chambers of commerce to perform **** missions. The Free Alliance has even distributed some equipment to the tribe, food, and the tribe’s environment has been greatly improved. At this time, the Dwarf King actually wanted The Freedom Kingdom put aside his tribe, how could Manda feel better in his heart.

When Cook saw Manda’s appearance, he knew that Manda would definitely go to the Dwarf King theory. This would not work, so Cook said, "Your Excellency Manda, you can actually unite more mountain dwarf tribes and jungles. The dwarf, the steppe dwarf, then questioned the throne of the Dwarf King."

When Manda heard Cook say this, he said with some embarrassment: "President Cook, it’s not that I don’t want to go, but that the races between our lovers rarely interact with each other, and the lives of jungle dwarves and grassland dwarves Our mountain giants are much better, and it’s probably difficult for these people to participate."

"Then spend money, after all, the Dwarf King is a threat to you, and now you are a member of the Free League, which means that it is also a threat to our Free League. You can spend as much money as you can." Cook said with a smile. .

"Okay, I'll try it." Manda was very excited when he heard Cook say this. Although Manda knew that Cook was using himself, Manda also knew that the dwarven kingdom and his tribe Whoever has the most right to speak, if Cook doesn’t want to offend the Dwarf King and directly abandons his tribe, Manda dare not do anything, because Cook’s title is a tyrant. He is piled up with the bones of the peak powerhouse in the sanctuary. Up the title.

Cook watched Manda leave with satisfaction. Cook really wanted to see the dwarf king ousted from power. The metal output of the dwarf kingdom is very high, but the dwarf king is constantly facing Cook, the chamber of commerce that buys his products. If Cook doesn't make a price increase, it will be a fatal threat.

Cook thought about it for a while and felt that the Liberty Alliance should have its own source of raw materials, not to mention all the amounts that can be supplied by the Chamber of Commerce, at least to be able to support it for a short time when the Dwarf Kingdom cuts off its source of materials.

"Cook, what are you going to do with Aogu's sales?" The Great Sage didn't know when he would walk in and asked when he looked at Cook.

Cook looked at the Great Sage and asked with a smile: "Why the Great Sage has time to come over? Could it be that the Great Sage you set up has completed the court?"

"Where is it so fast? The parliament is still drafting the constitution. I have nothing to do now." The Great Sage said.

"There is nothing to do." Cook wondered, knowing that there are a lot of things needed to form a court.

"Yes." The Great Sage nodded endlessly.

"The seat of the court has been selected." Cook asked suspiciously.

"It's right next to the parliament, in the middle and lower courts. As for the personnel..." the great sage replied as he started reporting.

Cook hurriedly stopped and said: "Okay, okay, I don't need to listen, what does the great sage think about the sales of Aogu."

"I don't think the bones should be sold." The Great Sage's answer made Cook wonder again, but Cook did not ask, because Cook knew that the Great Sage would continue to explain.

The great sage saw that Cook did not follow up, and continued: "Obone can be said to be powerful and easy to use, but Cook, have you ever thought about it. Once this kind of thing is sold, it will have a huge impact on the entire society. of."

"This doesn't seem to have much effect." Cook didn't know what effect it had, so he answered an ambiguous sentence.

The great sage sighed and said: "Cook, to give a simple example, this kind of bone is equivalent to a magic scroll that can be used countless times, and it is a magic scroll that is attacked by laws. Once these scrolls fall into the hands of some people Here, certain people will increase their strength and become unscrupulous. It is like that every year in our orcs clan, some people disappear, and most of the missing are women. Although our orc empire has stepped up inspections, hundreds of millions Where can the 10,000-kilometer border be checked? This is considered to be a petty theft, but once these people get the bones, I suspect they will rob and kill people brazenly."

When Cook heard the words of the great sage, he knew that the sales department of Ao Bone was not a normal product, in short, the power of Ao Bone was too great.

But with so many auspicious bones, it is impossible for Cook to use it himself. Even if it is used by Cook himself or even his relatives, he can't use so many. You must know that this is a law attack, and it is also a powerful creature above the sanctuary. It is possible to condense the Arcane Bone, which means that the greatest attack of the Arcane Bone may be the attack of the peak of the sanctuary, so such methods can be used frequently.

So Cook said half-jokingly: "Or let the orc empire join the Liberty Alliance, I want to see who is so bold who can use the things I sell against me."

"Hehe, I can't live in the orc kingdom, but I can call the shots of the fox clan of the orcs, but it depends on whether you dare to accept Cook or not." The great sage replied with a smile when he heard Cook's words.

Not to mention, Cook really dare not, because once the Fox tribe does this, it will split the orc empire. The orcs are a very united race. Of course, this is external, so Cook does not want to cause trouble.

"Forget it." Cook replied with refusal.

"It seems that President Cook is still very timid." The Great Sage said with a smile.

Cook heard this a bit wrong, and then look at the great sage, how did Cook find that the great sage said something else, but Cook also thought about it, after all, the great sage is the spiritual leader of the orcs. .

"Well, for the time being, Ao Bone doesn't need to be sold, just the internal equipment of the Free Alliance." Cook had no choice but to export for domestic sales.

"Then, as the judge, can I give priority to equipment?" The great sage is also very excited about Ao Bone, knowing that Ao Bone is a rarer thing than Magic Weave equipment.

"This is of course, but the bones are so precious, and the equipment definitely needs certain conditions." Cook thought about it and said.

The great sage said slowly: "Cook, you said that I, the great sage, is the judge of the Free League. Is this not enough."

What can Cook say, the great sage is the spiritual leader of the orcs, so Cook said with a smile: "Of course it can, isn't everyone not equipped yet? When it comes to equipment, the great sage is your first choice."

"Well, I'll wait for your good news. In fact, Cook, you can consider forming a strategic alliance between the Free Alliance and the Orc Empire." After the great sage finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Regarding the Ao Bone, Cook now has to re-examine it. The words of the great sage reminded Cook that the Ao Bone is a powerful and easy-to-operate weapon. Once it is used on a large scale, it is like if there is a Hundreds of people use the Arcane bones to attack the Free Kingdom, and Cook must only run, because this is equivalent to the use of a hundred sanctuary high-level or higher powerhouses to attack at the same time.

"It seems that I have to think of a way." Cook didn't think of a way for a while. Even the internal equipment of the Liberty Alliance needs to be cautious, because Cook knows that strong fortresses are breached from within.

"Cook, there is news from Stormwind that the first batch of craftsmen we sent to build the harbor were attacked by marine life." Cook is preparing to study the bones carefully, knowing that Connie has brought a very bad thing to Cook. news.

"What, are there any casualties?" Cook asked quickly.

"No, but the port is ruined." Connie shook her head.

"Damn it, I want to see what kind of marine life it looks like." Cook was furious. The port of Stormwind is related to the development of the Liberty Alliance in the next step. The Liberty Alliance needs to develop and must have enough money to support it. Maritime trade is a major route supporting the future development of the Freedom Alliance.

"Connie, I'll go to Stormwind City and notify the trust..." Cook sorted out and said.

"No, I'm here." Trust apparently heard the news and hurried over.

"Okay, Connie, I'll leave it to you, I'll go to Stormwind first." The reason why Cook didn't run around these days is because West Asia is about to give birth, but Cook is a little depressed. Yes, I have a lot of women, but only West Asia is pregnant, and the rest are silent.

Cook bid farewell to West Asia in person, and traveled to Stormwind City by transnational teleportation. It was his first visit to Stormwind City. Stormwind City did not imagine that it was standing by the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Stormwind City. It is located in a huge valley, and the port of Stormwind is on the back of the mountain range behind the valley. It is a small port and a tunnel connects the port to Stormwind.

The sound of the howling wind made the top of the mountain peaks around Stormwind reveal blue-black rocks. On the mountains around Stormwind City, there are countless weapons of war, magic crossbows, and magic crystal cannons, which are obviously to deal with marine life.

"Go, go to the port and see." Cook said.

The tunnel is not very wide. There are two vehicles running side by side. There are track links on the ground, which are obviously used to transport goods. However, it is not the season to go to sea, so the entire tunnel appears very deserted.

There are not only military stationed in the tunnels of several kilometers, but also warehouses and personnel exchanges. When Cook passes through the tunnel and sees the port thousands of meters below, Cook knows this is to avoid huge The waves poured into the tunnel.

"It's over there, the new port is over there." The person in charge of the port construction who accompanied him, a dwarf engineer pointed to the distance.

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