A Unique Hunter

Chapter 962: Weird bug

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Looking at it, the harbour of Stormwind City is located in a long and narrow waterway. The waterway is several kilometers wide. The new port of the Liberty Alliance was expanded on the port of Stormwind, but now the port of Stormwind and the expanded port are in a mess. There are countless materials scattered all over the place.

Cook's face is very ugly, because the materials used to build the port have been transported from other places at a great cost, and a huge amount of manpower has been used, but they are now destroyed.

"What kind of creature is it?" Cook asked.

"It's a huge bug. These bugs directly destroyed the seawall we built." The dwarf engineer in charge of building the seawall replied in front of Cook.

"Are there many bugs?" Cook asked.

"Yes, it's a large group of bugs. They pounced on the seawall, and the whole seawall was swallowed." The dwarf engineer replied with lingering fear.

Cook turned his head and asked Trust: "What kind of bug is this."

"I don't know, because we don't know much about Storm Sea, but the wooden pier we built has never encountered such a thing." Trust said.

"Let's go, go down and take a look." When Cook saw this situation, he decided to look at the scene first.

Because Stormwind Harbor was built next to the Sea of ​​Storms, although it was blocked by a peninsula for most of the storms, the waves were still big here, but when Cook got closer and closer to the Sea of ​​Storms, Cook’s perception Also getting bigger.

What made Trust and others unbelievable is that the port of Storm Sea itself has huge winds, and it is not the season to go to sea at all, so almost the whole port is trembling in the raging storm.

But when Cook got closer and closer to the sea of ​​storms, Trust clearly felt that the violent storm had turned into a breeze, like a violent man suddenly turned into a gentle woman.

When Cook approached the Sea of ​​Stormwind, the waves that had hit the wooden pier calmed down, and the harbor of Stormwind ushered in the long-lost sunshine.

Originally, Trust and others were still skeptical of Cook's Storm Sea trade plan, but seeing such a scene, Trust was very excited and shouted: "Quickly, find someone to repair the dock."

After the trust had finished shouting, the craftsmen in Stormwind rushed to the harbor, and a large amount of materials were taken out of the tunnel, and then a group of craftsmen began to tinklingly repair the wooden harbor.

Cook looked at the harbour in front of him. It was a mess. The newly built harbour no longer looked like the harbour. Cook took a closer look. The metal and stones in the harbour have disappeared, and the rest is wood. , There is almost no loss of wood.

"Could it be that these worms are aimed at the metal ore." Cook looked at it, and there was some speculation in his heart that there are no such creatures in nature.

"Are there any stone samples?" Cook thought of it and wanted to confirm it.

"Yes, in Stormwind City." The dwarf engineer replied immediately.

"Go get some." Cook feels a bit tricky. If there are such marine creatures that like to devour metal ores, then Cook's plan for the big metal ship will probably be aborted, because if the big metal ship is built, it will be the bugs. food.

A sample of the stone was quickly brought in. It is a blue stone, very hard, and has good corrosion resistance. After Cook took the stone, he carefully checked his mental strength, and then Cook’s face changed It has changed because the stone facade contains some metal, which is obviously a kind of ore.

"How many are those bugs?" Cook continued to ask.

"There are densely packed, at least tens of thousands." The dwarf engineer replied.

Cook's face was even more ugly. Trust looked at Cook's face and had some guesses. Trust asked, "Are these bugs devouring metal ores."

"Well, trust, what kind of anchors does the trade caravan in Stormwind use?" Cook thought of one thing and asked.

"Anchor, you don’t need that kind of thing at all, because in the storm sea, the anchor is useless, the force of the storm is too great, even if it stops, the entire storm will tear the ship apart, so Stormwind City The trade caravan doesn't need anchors at all." Trust said with a shrug.

Trust’s answer surprised Cook, and Cook asked, "So how do you sail."

"In fact, we don't need many sailors to do business at all. When the time is up, our caravan can just set sail without stopping the ship. Storms and currents will take us to our destination." Trust replied easily.

Cook replied angrily: "Damn."

Cook looked at the tumbling storm sea, the waves were raging, Cook didn’t know how many metal-eating creatures there were under the storm sea, Cook sighed secretly, but Cook didn’t say anything yet, and Trust spoke up: "Ku K, as for the creatures of the storm sea, I think someone might know."

"Who is it." Cook asked.

"More than 6,000 kilometers away from our Stormwind City, there is a strong man who lives in seclusion. I also ran into it by chance. This strong man will replenish in Stormwind City every two months, but this strong man has a strange temperament and lives. The place is a bit weird. I haven't seen this strong man several times in the past.

When Cook heard what Trust said, he asked suspiciously: "Trust, what does this strong man have."

"I also knew by chance that this strong man came to Stormwind to collect marine life, and from a few words I can tell that the strong man knows marine life well." Trust did not explain in detail, but Cook knew that Trust was right. The control of Stormwind City is still very powerful.

Then Cook and Trust went to the place where the strong man lived. A distance of thousands of kilometers, Cook and Trust did not spend much time. Trust pointed to the front and said: "This strong man lives there. ."

"It's unusual here." Cook looked at the valley in the distance. There was a long and narrow valley in the valley connected to the storm sea. The valley was hundreds of meters wide. The valley seemed to be nothing unusual, but when Cook's magic eyes moved, he saw it. Unusual place.

"Yes, I sent two people who are proficient in stalking, and they are all missing." Trust replied solemnly.

Under Cook’s magical eyes, there are a little bit of elemental waves in this valley. These elemental waves also contain the power of life. Obviously they are caused by some kind of creature, but Cook’s mental power and the naked eye have not observed it. Any vision.

When the trust saw Cook stop, he asked, "Cook, have you noticed anything?"

"Well, there are invisible creatures around this valley, this kind of creature is invisible to the naked eye, and spiritual power can't be found." Cook said.

"Then how did you find out?" Trust asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I'll take a look first." Cook didn't answer Trust's words directly, and flew towards the valley with a word.

Trust watched Cook flew into the valley in amazement. Cook's magic eyes looked around vigilantly. Cook found that as he approached, those strange biological fluctuations actually reacted.

But Cook did not rashly, but said loudly: "Freedom Kingdom Cook is here to visit your Excellency."

When Trust heard Cook’s words, he was amazed. What does Cook mean? Can you call people out? Of course, Trust has never heard the words of “respect first and then soldiers”. Cook saw that there was no reaction in the valley. The weird creature has approached itself.

Cook shouted again: "Your Excellency, if I don't come out again, I'm not welcome."

After Cook finished yelling, there was still no movement in the valley. The strange creatures around were still approaching Cook. Cook was a bit wondering why these creatures didn’t speed up, but then Cook found that if he wasn’t a magic eye, he would just Not aware of these creatures.

And if these creatures attack quickly according to Cook’s idea, then the airflow generated by the fast movement will be discovered by people. Only at this speed can others not be discovered. Cook now does not know whether this is the instinct of the creature, or that These creatures have such high intelligence.

Under Cook's magical eyes, these strange creatures can be said to be able to be caught by raising their hands. Cook quickly took a step forward, and then quickly retreated.

"Bang Bang Bang." A transparent magic crystal bottle appeared in Cook's hand. Cook looked at the invisible creature in his hand. This creature was not very big, only the size of a finger. Cook could perceive this. Ke threw the creature into the magic crystal bottle.

"Tsk tsk, it's a wonderful creature." The magic crystal bottle was sealed by Cook, and there was some red dye in the crystal bottle. This creature kept hitting the crystal bottle in the crystal bottle~www.wuxiaspot.com~dye Slowly let this creature reveal its true colors, and when Trust saw this scene, he quickly flew over, and then sighed.

"Puff puff." Seeing that this method was effective, Cook immediately took out a bucket of red dye and cast it directly with magic power. The dye in the dye bucket exploded under the urge of Cook magic power to form a huge mass. Red mist.

"Damn it, there are so many." After the dye ball swayed in the air for a while, there were countless invisible creatures that appeared in front of Trust. These creatures had a very long mouth, just like a mosquito. Trust was also astonished. Endless.

"A bit capable, I didn't expect someone to be able to see through the results of my years of research, but this is not a skill. If you can enter the castle in the valley, I can see you." Cook is preparing to clean up these weird things. When there were insects, a voice came from a valley in the distance, and these insects actually retreated slowly.

"Hehe, why should I go to the valley? You are all tricks. If I read correctly, you are just the lowest worm among wizards." Cook laughed, then turned around and left after speaking. Up.

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