A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1076: The real war "1"

"Bagru led a thousand trolls. A thousand ogre knights as the vanguard. Titan guards acted with Bagru. The shaman, the priest and the tauren. The goathead knights followed. The legion of wizards followed me. Action. My request is. All resistance is eliminated. The Dwarf Rock Lizard Corps. There is also the Gnomish Mechanical Corps responsible for cleaning up the entire city. Kobold infantry fighters are the follow-up troops. They are responsible for maintaining law and order." Cook issued a series of orders.

Baglu, who attended the meeting, heard that he was a pioneer. Two big mouths cracked to the front of his ears. However, Baglu asked loudly, "Master. What weapon to use."

"Use whatever you want. The first is to ensure the safety of the soldiers." Cooke answered without even thinking about it.'

Baglu heard Cook say this. He was so excited that he shuddered. You must know that in the Liberty City sequence. The weapons used in battle are divided into combat weapons, battle weapons. There are also strategic weapons. Among them, combat weapons are ordinary magic. Weapons. Magic swords. Magic bows and other weapons. And battle weapons. Including magic crossbows, magic crystal cannons, magic bombs and other lethality. Long-range range weapons. As for strategic weapons. The main thing is the meteor cannon. And Cook This means that the meteor cannon can be used.

"Master, I'm going to prepare to go." Baglu turned around and ran out.

With the order of Cook, Baglu has assembled an ogre and troll army. Titan is also caught in it. Then there is the shaman army led by Umei. There is also an army of priests led by the Archbishop of Light. And Tauren. Sheephead Legion. Mage Legion is under the leadership of Cook. The leader of Mage Legion is West Asia. However, West Asia will guard the teleportation formation. Dwarf Rock Lizard Knights. Gnomish Mechanical Legion is a new legion.

"Boys. This time the master of the battle allowed us to use all weapons. My request is. We just push over. Everyone don't save the magic crystal. Use it with great strength. Our first legion must look like the first legion. Ten Five minutes to prepare for battle." Baglu yelled after answering the camp.

Hadosi followed Bagru. Hadosi looked at these ogres and trolls. He was very uneasy. Because these guys are so well equipped. Hadosi yelled after fifteen minutes of battle preparation. Hadoshi's eyes widened.

A black-brown earth dragon appeared out of thin air. There was also a saber-toothed tiger. And a huge iron-backed spider. There was also a fierce shadow leopard. And these creatures are basically the first stage of the sanctuary. Sometimes there is a holy High-level domain.

"Roar." In front of the two-headed ogre, it was an earth dragon only 20 meters long and five or six meters high. However, this earth dragon was not surrounded by electric light. Obviously it was a mutant earth dragon. This earth dragon As soon as he came out, he let out a roar.

"Damn it. I hate this underground world." Bagru looked at the earth dragon. Then he looked at his height. He opened his mouth and cursed. Because it is impossible to ride here.

"Small door. Charge me. Kill all the guys who dare to resist." Baglu roared. Hadoshi woke up from shock.

Hadoshi saw the equipment on these ogres and trolls. The saliva was about to flow down. These ogres, trolls, holding a huge single-edged sword in his hand, and one on his back. The two single-edged swords are four meters long. The streamer on them is shining. They are obviously magic weapons. And these ogres still have ten ordinary axes on their waists. These axes are also shining with streamers. Obviously it is also a kind of magic equipment.

The troll’s mount also had ten silver-white spears inserted on both sides. There were also some guys carrying a black painted metal cylinder in their hands. On the shoulders of these guys, there were also several shining metal hangings. Glossy sphere. Hadoshi couldn't figure out what it was.

These ogres are all up to 3.5 meters high. The plate armor on their bodies shines. Obviously they are also magic equipment. And the following scene almost suffocates Hadoshi. Because these mounts are also equipped with magic equipment. A saber-toothed tiger's magic equipment. At least it can be equipped with several goat head monsters.

"Huhu." Without waiting for Haduosi to suffocate, these ogres and trolls actually tore open the scrolls one by one. A cyan light shone around these hideous knights. Hadoshi felt the strong wind system. Magic fluctuations.

This is not over yet. A beautiful woman with a tail stretched out her hand and waved. The two thousand knights immediately lit up a few dazzling auras. Hadoshi was even more shocked. Hadoshi knew with his wealth of magic knowledge This is a warsong aura. But what Hadoshi distinguished was only an aura of stamina, aura of strength, and aura of agility.

That's not a big deal. A dazzling white light flashed, and the Archbishop of the Holy See of Light gave the two thousand knights a prayer of tenacity.

The two thousand knights rushed from Hadoshi with almost no sound. Before Hadoshi could react, they were carried by Baglu.

"Come on." Baglu shouted loudly with two big mouths.

And there were knights after him. Hardosi saw more than a dozen warriors on foot among the two thousand people. These warriors are five or six meters tall. They run at no faster speed than these knights. Slow.

Hadoshi turned his head and looked over. He found that the group behind was also a group of monster cavalry, and also the armor of the whole body. Hadoshi looked at the hideous knights beside him again. Hadoshi realized that the momentum of these knights was no weaker than himself. .

"Charge." Baglu's huge roar almost stunned Hadoshi.

Boom boom boom, magic rays flashed through, and a large rock that was originally blocked in the middle of the team was actually directly smashed into pieces by several magic spells.

"Are these guys magicians?" Haduosi was puzzled. Haduosi did not know trolls and ogres. Strictly speaking, trolls and ogres were classified as monsters, not humans. In fact, giants Demons and ogres are not very dumb. IQ is at least about the same as kobolds.

What Hadoshi didn't know was that the kobolds just behind the team were also in magic armor. Among them were dozens of kobold shamans. hundreds of kobold mages. And these kobolds also had two magic hand crossbows. And It’s a burst. A crossbow arrow quiver has twenty piercing arrows. These kobolds are also full of murderous aura. You know, these kobolds are selected from millions of kobolds. The entire Liberty League has only 30,000 kobolds. Human warriors. Here comes 10,000. Kobolds are most suitable for street fighting. Take advantage of height. Of course, dwarfs also have height advantages. But the reproduction speed of dwarfs is many times lower than that of kobolds.

Kobolds have a team of ten. There is a kobold mage assigned. Two shield warriors with shields. There are no archers. Because each team member is equipped with a magic continuous crossbow. And also equipped with four small magic bombs .

"Toot toot..." When the ogre started to charge, Cook began to see that there were bursts of rapid horns on the plain. The lights on the huge pillars became brighter. One by one, the kugheads followed Drilled out of the ground. Then one after another rushed to the outside of the plain. Accompanied by a huge cave spider. Shadow lizard. Monitor lizard. There is also a team of dwarves. Gnomes emerge. Arms in hand. And. In the sound of an extremely magnificent animal car, a humanoid wearing a mage's robe issued a loud order.

"The Knights of the Temple are dispatched to destroy those blasphemers."

"The ruling knights are dispatched. The guards need to enter the temple."

"The Judgment Mage Group is dispatched. Use the soul of the blasphemer as a sacrifice."

As the humanoid demon issued orders one by one, teams of knights riding spiders rushed out. However, these knights did not have the slightest formation at all. They all scattered and rushed out of the plain.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho." In the middle of the plain. A huge head slowly emerged. This was originally a lake. Then a two-headed python that was a kilometer long crawled out slowly. Some buildings were covered. The huge body was pressed directly on the ground.

"Boom boom boom." The violent magic burst sounded through the entire plain. A huge gap on the plain side was shining with electric light, fire light, and some blue wind blades.

Hadoshi looked at the ogres and trolls in front of him. These guys were holding sheets of beast skins in their hands. Then they gently tore them. A huge fire dragon. Strings of purple electric lights. Also. Rows of blue wind blades swept away. Hundreds of kobolds and a huge cave spider that were in front of the team, after the scrolls were torn apart, nothing was left. And the ogres. Knight. The speed of the troll knight did not decrease at all. A huge plain appeared under the iron hoof of the ogre knight.

At least tens of thousands of enemies have gathered in the huge plains. There are low kobolds, huge cave spiders more than ten meters high, and monitor lizards tens of meters long. These enemies screamed at the trolls. Ogres. knight.

"Sit down. Kid." Baglu threw Hadosi on the earth dragon depressed. Then Bagru also stepped on the back of the earth dragon. He did not forget to roar at Hadosi.

"Ogre. Charge. Troll. Throw weapons. And prepare fire cover." Bagru looked at the tens of thousands of enemies. Not only was he not afraid, but he shouted excitedly.

The ogre knight rushed into the plain almost without stopping, while the troll knight slowed down and followed behind the ogre knight.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." One after another, the troll knights took out the pitch-black metal cylinders from their backs. Hadoshi was still a little puzzled. But then these metal cylinders emitted a dazzling light. Afterwards, huge fires burst out among tens of thousands of enemies. One by one, kugheads, cave spiders, and monitor lizards disappeared directly under the dazzling beam of light. Occasionally, there was only a pile of rotten meat left.

"Extend the firepower. Don't save the magic crystal." When Haduosi watched the ogre knight only a few hundred meters away from the enemy of the group, Haduosi's heart raised his voice. Because these ogres have not yet lowered Speed. If these ogre knights crash into the range of the magic attack just now, the loss will be heavy. But Bagru gave an order. Fortunately, Bagru just released a verbal scroll for Hadoshi. So Hadoshi understood it.

"Boom boom boom." In less than three seconds, a dazzling beam of light shot out again from the metal cylinder in the hands of the troll knight. Tens of thousands of enemies took up a large area. The first round of attack just now was the first half. Part. This time the attack extended a distance of hundreds of meters. Only a few enemies were not affected.

"Damn guy. Aim for me. This requires magic crystals. That guy can't fight anymore. I let him learn to cook with me." Bagru saw that there were enemies in some places. He immediately shouted. Tao.

Hadoshi almost fainted. This Nima is not allowed. Tens of thousands of enemies. After two rounds of volleys, only less than one-third is left. Except for the occasional stronger one, the rest are gone. Up.

"Magic Crystal Cannon. No. The Magic Crystal Cannon is not so powerful." Haduosi already knew what these metal cylinders were. But then he denied it. The Magic Crystal Cannon also has the Demon Plane, but not so powerful. Because after a huge monitor lizard was hit just now, half of its body became a pile of fragments. You must know that such a monitor lizard is at least a middle-level guy in the sanctuary.

"Shoo." Just when Hadosi wondered what magic crystal cannon was, there was a sharp blast. Hadosi secretly said not good. Obviously the enemy's bow and arrows. Because Hadosi did not see these cannibals. Demon. Trolls are equipped with bows and arrows.

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