A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1077: The real war "2"

Hadoshi shrank his head subconsciously. The mage's body was always weaker than that of the warrior. Therefore, when Hadoshi met an archer, he was only restrained. Although Hadoshi was a sheephead, he used bow and arrow. He was also a Goathead Demon, but then Hadoshi realized that he was behind Baglu's body.

"Haha. Charge." Bagru saw the charging ogres holding a magic crossbow in one hand. The claws of the ogres themselves are very big. So the hand made for the ogres. The crossbow is also twice the size of the hand crossbow used by normal humans. So the shot of the crossbow arrow is also longer. It is almost twice the normal. These magic-propelled crossbow arrows are a nightmare for those kobolds wearing simple leather armor. Often these crossbow arrows penetrate a kobold, and then continue to pierce through the other kobolds. Eventually they will penetrate three, or even four. And this crossbow arrow is depicted with a tearing magic array. After the crossbow arrow with the thickness of chopsticks penetrates the body, it is left behind. There is a full bowl with a hole.

Bagru wielded two huge hammers and rushed to the front. The ogre’s bones were actually full of desire to kill. A huge cave spider jumped up from a distance. Then two huge fronts The half-meter-long sharp forehead claws on the top of the claws slammed into Baglu.

"Little..." Hadosi yelled in horror when he saw the cave spider descend from the sky.

"Boom. Boom." But before Hardosy finished speaking, two dazzling rays of light hit the cave spider. The huge cave spider was bombarded into a pile of fragments.

Hadoshi looked at the troll knights behind him. Some of these troll knights held portable meteor cannons in their hands. Others held a huge repetitive crossbow. The silver-white crossbow bolts were engraved with exquisite magic circles. These magic circles are shining brightly from time to time. These beautiful and intoxicating lights bring endless killing. This is the armor-piercing magic circle.

Hadoshi's eyes widened. A human-like demon broke out from a ruined building tens of meters away. It was surrounded by black light. The eyes were blood red. Hadoshi knew that this was a saint. The middle-level humanoid monster in the domain. In the entire demon plane, it is also a relatively powerful existence. With the bloodthirsty effect, the combat power is doubled.

"Shoo." But the silver streamer flashed by counting. When Hadoshi heard the sound, this kind of human demon had fallen softly to the ground.

"Devil Breaking Arrow." Haduosi almost fell off his chin. In the Demon Plane, the price of a Devil Breaking Arrow is as high as tens of thousands of water magic crystals. The Devil Breaking Arrow ignores the magic of the sanctuary. The defense of fighting energy. On the Demon Plane. The vast majority of demons use powers similar to fighting energy. Once the Demon Breaking Arrow hits the vital point, the strong below the monarch level almost have a high chance of falling. So this kind of thing is on the Demon Plane. It is a controlled item, and you can't buy it with money.

"What did I see?" Hadosi looked at the humanoid demon with at least a dozen silver-white arrows of this kind. Hadosi almost couldn't help jumping off the back of the earth dragon. Then he went to take these demon-breaking arrows. Pull it up. What makes Hadoshi mad even more is that these guys don't even take back the arrows. You must know that the magic arrows can be used repeatedly. After all, the materials used to refine such arrows are extremely precious. Even if the magic is lost The attack power is also considerable.

"Boom." A huge ice dragon was sprayed out by a two-headed giant python. It turns out that the guardian beast here is actually a rare ice-type creature. On the plane of the devil, the chance of giving birth to an ice-type creature is too low.

"Boom." Bagru had a dazzling halo. The whole body was sitting tightly on the back of the earth dragon. The huge ice dragon collided violently with Bagru's huge pair of hammers. He let out a dull sound. sound.

Boom. Hadoshi hadn't understood what was going on. He was shocked and flew out by the huge force from Baglu. He fell hundreds of meters away. Waiting until Hadoshi was sober. After he came, he was also deeply afraid. If the distance was shorter, Hadoshi was directly trampled into flesh by the hooves of the troll cavalry behind.

Hadoshi looked at the battlefield. The two-headed ogre Bagru directly shattered the ice dragon. But Bagru's body also stopped in an instant. At this time, the ogre knight behind crossed Bagru.

"Haha." The ogre knights burst into laughter. Obviously they were very excited about passing Bagru.

"Hurry up and catch up. Idiot." Baglu shouted to the mount.

"Roar." The earth dragon below Baglu's body let out an angry roar. The whole body carried a yellow streamer, and rushed forward.

"This is looking for death." Haduosi also saw the double-headed python. This is almost a demigod existence. The huge momentum made Haduosi dare not approach.



"Roar." Then Hadoshi saw a flash of light in the ogre knight. Five giants with a height of fifty meters appeared at once. Some of these giants were surrounded by blue light. Some were yellow. The other is actually surrounded by purple thunder.

"Hey. There is a Thunder Titan." Cook asked in surprise when he saw the Titan shining with countless thunder and lightning behind him.

"Yes. Our Free Alliance now has more than 500 titans. There are more than a dozen tribes in the tribe. This Thunder Titan is one of them. But the Thunder Magic Crystal is too rare. So the growth of the Thunder Titan is too slow. "Manly explained on the side.

"Wume. Give this guy some color first." Cook said to Wumei.

Wu Mei smiled at Cook. Then he waved his hand. A Komodo behemoth appeared in front of Wu Mei. The Komodo behemoth is now a veritable behemoth. It is 20 meters high and a hundred meters long. Wu Mei Gently jumped onto the Komodo behemoth. The Komodo beast carried a blood-red drum. It was seven or eight meters in diameter. Wu Mei jumped directly onto the blood-red drum. This is Chi Yan The drum has been refinished by West Asia.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Wumei's white jade feet lightly tapped the Red Flame Drum. The Red Flame Drum made a dull booming sound, resounding through the entire underground cave.

As Wumei danced, a black brilliance gathered on Wumei. As Wumei dance accelerated, the condensed black brilliance became more intense. After tens of seconds, the black brilliance condensed on Wumei suddenly turned into a black The black halo flew directly to the two-headed giant python. At this time the two-headed giant python was surrounded by five tall titans. The fifty-meter-tall titans are already very high for humans. But for For the thousand-meter-long two-headed python. Humans are similar to rabbits. This two-headed python is pressing five Titans to constantly attack. The huge tail swept one by one. One Titan was directly knocked away thousands of meters away Heavy hits on the stone walls around the cave, directly into a large human-shaped pit.

"Drink." The Thunder Titan roared. A dark purple thunderball with a diameter of three or four meters was condensed with both hands and threw it towards the double-headed python.

Zizizi. The thunderball suddenly turned into a purple grid on the two-headed python. However, a blue light curtain burst out of the two-headed python. It was obviously a magic shield. The grid did not penetrate the magic at all. Shield.

Bang bang. This power grid touched the ground. The ground was directly exploded with a large pit several meters deep. Hadosi's eyelids jumped.

The two-headed python turned one of its heads to the Thunder Titan. When it opened its mouth, a mouthful of black liquid spewed out. A strong fishy smell spread all at once. The black liquid made a sizzling sound in the air. It was obviously corroding. Sex.

At this moment, a black halo suddenly enveloped the double-headed python. The black halo enveloped the double-headed python. All at once dispersed into seven or eight halos of different colors. Some were red. The blue, black, gray, double-headed python's head and the area a few meters below the head immediately changed color.

"Meteor Cannon. One charge. Attack." The tall troll leading the troll knight roared loudly.

Hadoshi only saw it among the troll knights. There was a huge metal cylinder with a full diameter of one meter. This metal cylinder showed a strange cyan-gold color.

"This..." Hadosi took a breath. The guy with the thick wrist just now has that power. This guy is ten times as powerful as before. Hadosi can't imagine what kind of attack power is.

"Boom." A creamy beam of light spurted out from the cyan-gold metal cylinder. This beam of light didn't seem to have much power. Hadosi had a feeling. That is, the creamy white beam of light flew slowly after being shot out. It was like being caught by something. Trapped, just like in the water.

"Boom." But the next moment. A huge roar almost deafened Hadosi's ears. Hadosi took a look. The two-headed giant python almost disappeared from the middle of the huge body of several tens of meters. Only one of the two heads fell on the ground.

"It actually distorted the space." Hadosi recalled the situation just now. It was discovered that the attack just now distorted the light. So it seemed to be slow. In fact, it has been shot out a long distance. What I saw is just an afterimage. As for It looks like it's in the water. That's the space is distorted. So it looks like it's in the water.

Rumble. The huge body of the two-headed python is still rolling. The buildings on the plain are directly crushed into countless fragments by the huge body.

Huge weapons tens of meters long appeared in the hands of the five Titans. These weapons are pure elements condensed. These energy weapons slammed into the body of the double-headed python.

"Go away. Go away. You bastards. You ruined such a good ingredient." Just when the five Titans were cutting the two-headed python, Hardosi saw a small man jump out and shouted. This little guy led a group of little guys towards the body of the giant python.

"Hobby. You **** bastard. Bastard. Despicable. Shameless. You kicked me while entering the teleportation formation. Oh, my god. This is a demigod-level food. Hobby. You old bastard. I can't spare you." Then another small man led another group of small men and rushed out.

Cook saw the appearance of this group of halflings. He smiled and said, "Be careful to protect them."

After the two-headed python was killed, the entire plain shuddered under the iron hooves of the ogre knight. The goat heads and the tauren also entered the plains. Thousands of kobolds also entered the plains and began a substantial occupation.

"Bang." Hadoshi saw a team of ten kobolds rushing down a staircase. This team of kobolds did not rush down eagerly. Instead, they threw down a dark guy. It was dark. After the guy fell off the stairs, the surrounding kobolds immediately squatted on the ground. Hadoshi still felt strange. With a bang. Accompanied by a violent explosion, a fragment of flesh and blood rushed out from the stairs.

"Wow, wow." The kobold captain yelled. The whole kobold team rushed down the stairs. On the entire plain. Countless stairs are performing this scene.

"This is the real war." Hadosi saw this scene. Think about the battle he experienced again. I found that if he faced such an army, I am afraid that he would not be able to release even a magic. This time the war is for Hado. Xi was deeply impressed, and Hadoshi's fighting style changed greatly in the future.

After the kobold entered the stairs, the sheep heads, the tauren, the trolls, the ogres. Cook led the army to enter the stairs one after another. The following troops also began to gather the captives and occupy the entire plain.

"Boom. Boom." Cook left Mickey and others on it. After all, no one knows what's going on. Cook just walked down the stairs. He heard a violent explosion. This is a magic bomb. There was an explosion. There were also some strange shouts.

Cook is not disappointed. The underground level is 15 meters high. The street is 30 meters wide. The streets are surrounded by stone chambers made out of rocks. In these stone chambers are bursting out. Fighting. Broken corpses that can be seen everywhere. There are also scorched corpses. From time to time, there are dazzling lights in the whole city. And fierce screams.

"Master. I found the entrance to the next floor." Bagru excitedly rushed to Cook and said loudly.

"Go." Cook led the Bagru ogre. The troll knight came to a huge staircase. The ogre knight had already gone down here. However, the fragments of the corpse on the ladder appeared to be violent here. battle.

The second underground space is still fifteen meters high. However, the decoration here is obviously better. The area of ​​the stone room is also larger. Here. Some ogres. Trolls become soldiers on foot. Plus the magical equipment of warcraft. Mounts, as well as a large number of magic bombs in the space equipment, make the enemies here simply can't stop the ogres.

The third layer. The fourth layer. The fifth layer of space. Successive layers of space have not encountered a decent enemy. Even at the peak of the sanctuary. When facing hundreds of demon-breaking arrows and armor-breaking arrows at the same time. He hated the spot. As for the kobold, the violent impact of the ogre knight made these little guys unbearable.

The third layer. The fourth layer is the commodity area. There are some ordinary commodities. And the quantity is not very large. The fifth layer is magic materials. But the number of magic materials is not much.

After Cook entered the sixth floor, he found that this was a craftsman area. However, the inhabited craftsmen occupies a very small part of the sixth floor. Even if the craftsmen here were desperate, they did not stop the ogres equipped with numerous magical equipment. knight.

"Wait." When he was about to enter the seventh floor, Cook waved his hand to stop the ogre troll knight.

"Master. Is there any danger?" Cook asked.

"I feel that there is an extremely huge aura below this." Cook said. This is a kind of instinct of Cook.

"Master, what are we afraid of having a meteor cannon?" Baglu replied without understanding.

"Xia. Let Lina and you come here once. I think we have already met the guy who needs to deal with this time." Cook said to Xia in his mind.

Although Bagru's soul power is also very powerful, his perception power is far lower than that of humans like Cook. Especially the sensitivity of perception. Cook vaguely feels that there is a huge pressure from this step.

Hadoshi also looked cautious. Obviously Hadoshi felt this pressure too. This kind of pressure was like a stone on his chest. Breathing was not smooth. While Cook waited. Tauren. Sheep. The headman army also began to enter the area where Cook was located. The further down, the fewer the number of enemies.

In Cook’s team, street fighting has developed into a specialized subject. But in other races, street fighting is still a strange vocabulary. Even a goat-headed monster like Hadosi. Seeing a bullhead with a nonchalant face When people. Sheephead, Hadosi's face was even more ugly. On the plane of the devil. It was so difficult to break a monarch-level city. But this time the war showed Hadosi what it was. The real war. Of course, what makes Hadoshi speechless the most is that these armies used powerful magic weapons to flatten the entire city.

Don’t say anything else. At the beginning, there were tens of thousands of enemies. If in other wars, at least it will last for a few days. And these few days are enough time for the enemy to gather more enemies. Wars often continue. Go on. But what did Hadosi see? Charge. One charge is done. The subsequent organization collapsed at once. Although Hadosi is not a war expert. But he also knows that once the organizational ability collapses, then war represents To win.

Just when Hadoshi was thinking about it, two beautiful women suddenly appeared in front of his master.

"Boy. Get away." When Hadosi was shocked, a voice rang in Hadosi's ear. But this voice almost stunned Hadosi.

"Uh... bang." Hadoshi turned his head and saw three huge heads. Hadoshi fainted.

Er Pang saw Hadoshi who had fainted. He ignored him. He blew Hadoshi aside with a single breath. Er Pang's size is still shrinking. But the black flames surrounding Er Pang make everyone feel Know that this is a **** creature.

"Bang. Hurry up." But there was a bang from one of Er's fat head. Er's fat head hit the ground heavily. Jin Guangyan burst into flames when he looked at Cook. You must know that Cook is for safety's sake. Jin Guangyan was not allowed to follow at all. It was only this time that Jin Guangyan was released. Jin Guangyan slapped his paw vigorously on Er Fat's head.

Er Fat rushed to Cook aggrieved. Behind Er Fat was a group of monsters. But this group of monsters was only more than one meter tall. There were chubby nine-headed pythons. There was also a half-meter-high chubby bear. There are as many as seven or eight bear cubs. There are also cats larger than cats with golden and silver spots. However, these cats have a single horn on their heads. There are also three bald-headed strange birds. There is also a tortoise with a black carapace, but this tortoise has only one eye on its head.

Hadoxi slowly woke up. Hadoxi looked at Er Chuan's body. He almost fainted again. He cried out in fear: "The three-headed dog of hell. God. This is the king of hell. "

What demon creatures fear the most. That is **** creatures. Legend has it that the three-headed dog guards the gates of hell. But if anyone understands the three-headed dog as a watchdog, that would be a big mistake. You must know The one who can guard the gates of **** is just a watchdog. The three-headed dog of **** is actually the king in hell. Of course, such a king is not limited to the three-headed dog of hell. But this does not prevent all the people who fled in front of the three-headed dog. The strong of the plane brought the reputation of the three-headed dog of **** to countless planes. The demon plane is one of them.

"What is this guy. Sheephead." Just when Hadosi was terrified. A crisp voice rang. Hadosi turned his head and looked. He saw a small golden cat leaning towards him. The head looks at himself. The difference is that this cat has a single horn on his head.

"Idiot. This is the Goathead Demon." The one-eyed tortoise next to the cat replied irritably.

"Oh. I don't know how it tastes." The cat asked puzzledly, licking his tongue.

"It's not delicious. About five thousand years ago. Or six thousand years ago. I had eaten a demon creature. It was too unpalatable. It smelled of sulfur." ​​The tortoise spit out. Then said out of breath. .

"Really. What does that guy you eat like." The cat looked like he wanted to taste the devil.

"It's very weird. It looks like a centaur. But it has three hands. I thought it was a centaur. Then I know the taste is not the taste of a centaur..." The tortoise was still chattering.

But Hadoshi was trembling with fear. Hadoshi knew what this seemingly small tortoise was talking about. It was a demon creature named Callas. It had six legs. There were six hands. The demon plane belongs to the upper demon. The combat power does not need to be said at all. And Karas is an extremely rare lightning attribute. Attacks have a strong paralysis ability. Imagine six kinds of weapons attacking in turn. Even if the paralysis time carried by each attack is only 0.1 Seconds. It is enough to make many guys hate on the spot.

"Hadosi. Hadosi." Just when Hadosi didn't know what to do, a voice came over.

"Master. Master." Hadoshi never felt this moment. I heard the sense of security brought by this call. Hadoshi almost jumped and ran to Cook. Hadoshi could feel that there were dozens of things behind him. He stared at himself with fiery eyes.

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