A Unique Hunter

Chapter 110: College Mandatory Task "9"

"Miss Windsor, where is your home?" Cook asked with a smile on his face and another crystal coin in his hand.

"Home! As long as there are flowers, it is my home!" Windsor looked at the coin in Cook's hand, hugged it in a hurry, and then disappeared, making Cook amazed.

Cook's face was a bit ugly, because Windsor didn't say this. Cook thought about it and asked: "So do you have any relatives?"

"Yes! I have a grandmother!" When Windsor heard Cook ask another question, he quickly replied, and then looked at Cook eagerly.

Cook took out another crystal coin and asked, "Then where is your grandmother?"

"Grandma has returned to nature." Windsor was a little sad when she said that her grandmother had forgotten to ask Cook for coins.

However, Cook did not break his promise, but gave Windsor a crystal coin. Cook did not expect that this move was praised by Windsor: "I didn't expect you to be a despicable creature with integrity!"

Just in the conversation between Cook and Windsor, although this was the most luxurious conversation in history, because the wealth involved in the conversation was more than five hundred coins, and Cook finally understood the situation of Windsor. Windsor came from a big flower. The Elf tribe was raised by a grandmother since childhood. Because of the death of her grandmother, Windsor inherited everything from her grandmother, and there were people in the tribe who were jealous of her grandmother, so Windsor had to escape.

Speaking of Windsor’s grandmother’s legacy, Cook couldn’t help being moved. According to Windsor’s narrative, the magical plant of the illusion system was only the lowest in the grandmother’s legacy. In a space item that Windsor put on his body, it was basically a space ring, but it was put on his waist by Windsor. Cook thought it was Windsor's small belt.

But what moved Cook even more is that Windsor said that there were hundreds of tribesmen, hundreds of flower elves, Cook was tempted to think about it, but when Cook asked the location of the Windsor tribe, Windsor replied: "It was at night when I escaped. I don't know where it is, and I have never been out of the tribe since I was a kid.

"Well, Miss Windsor, can you give me a seed of that lowest level plant!" Cook asked with a smile, his heart thumping.

"There is no way to give this to you, there is only one. Although this is the lowest class, it is also the only one in our tribe. But if you can give me some materials, I can help you cultivate some seeds for free. "Windsor replied.

Cook was stunned. It was obvious in Windsor that he was two hundred and five. I produced the materials and you cultivated seeds for me. Didn't you make a lot of money? Cook decided not to cultivate seeds for the time being. Then Cook asked again: "Then how do you detoxify the poison of your low-level plants?"

"It's very simple, the fallen leaves can detoxify!" Windsor answered with a smile.

"Then can you give me some venom from that kind of plant and some detoxification leaves?" Cook asked a little excitedly.

"Okay, fifty crystal coins!" Windsor replied with a grin.

"How do you know it is a crystal coin?" Cook asked in surprise.

"Because we also use such coins in our tribe!" The question answered by Windsor made Cook feel that this plane is not simple, but Cook didn't think about it afterwards. Other people worry about these, and I am just a small level. Hunter only.

Cook walked out of the tent. This is a very dangerous hillside. The hillside is basically made up of huge stones. There is a col on this hillside. Not only is there a slow and small stream in the col, but it is also rare. It is flat, there are almost no boulders, and the fortress guard set up a forward observation post here.

The forward observation post is the place to provide intelligence and early warning for the fortress. Generally, these outposts are selected in areas with extremely dangerous terrain. Not only must they prevent attacks from the air, land, and beasts in the river, but also prevent natural disasters, so the location is one This is an extremely difficult thing, and there are special training such people in the college.

Outposts have already been established in the col. The first is to build a circle of tall walls with boulders to surround the col, and to build a hidden observation post on the top of the cliff, as well as some living facilities, and the back of the col has been excavated. A huge cave, where the core thing of the outpost will be arranged, a small teleportation array that transmits information.

The remains that Cook wanted to explore was a small plain not far below this hillside surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the river. The plain is now basically shrubs, grass, and some tall trees.

"How is it?" Cook quickly asked when he saw Zagot coming over. As an outpost was to be established, the fortress guard would send a certain amount of security and patrol personnel. Cook hoped to ask some information about the ruins.

"There is no gain, their guard range is only a few kilometers, and the outermost periphery of the ruins is more than 30 kilometers away from us." Zagot said, spreading his hands.

"Well, we will set out tomorrow to explore this ruin." Cook had no choice but to say.

"Cook, since we are going to explore the ruins, then we must fight with this outpost, but look at the stones, thorns and bushes all over the floor, do you think of a way to open a way out." Te said while aiming at the captain's earth dragon mount.

Cook looked at the earth dragon, looked at the ruins dozens of kilometers away, nodded silently and left, while Zagot was excited.

"Boom! Boom!" The guards of the fortress finally worked overtime yesterday and finally set up this outpost. At least there is no need for too many people to guard at night, because the defensive magic array has been set up, but only a few members are needed. The night watch is fine, but everyone is asleep early in the morning, and a few days of field activities have made everyone's nerves tense, so once they relax, they sleep extremely deep.

"Damn it, who is it?" The captain rushed out of his room angrily. All the personnel here lived in caves opened in the mountain. At this time, the captain was in pajamas, and his face was obviously worn. With dark circles under his eyes, the captain is a soldier, his figure looks very well-proportioned after long-term exercise. All the team members are gloating. Because the captain is so disregarded for his appearance, he must be angry, and they all ran out like a swarm. Watch the fun.

"Ah!!!" But when everyone stood on the wall that was already 20 meters high around the col, the captain let out a cry of exclamation, while the other team members looked at the hillside in surprise.

I saw below the hillside, the captain’s baby mount, braving a thick khaki light, and hitting the ground with his huge claws along the way. When this paw went down, a khaki magic light spread out. Then the surrounding rocks, bushes, and grass were all crushed to pieces, and then a hard ground was formed in an instant.

And the ground is already a few kilometers long. Obviously, this earth dragon has not just started doing this, and everyone also found that this earth dragon seems to be very excited, because the earth dragon's tail kept wagging and wagging, and then Everyone saw the two figures walking slowly behind the earth dragon hundreds of meters away, it was not who Cook and Zagot were.

"Luo Luo, come back soon!" The captain roared out of luck. Luo Luo was the name of the captain's mount.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Luoluo, the earth dragon yelled happily, and then continued his madness work.

"God!" Seeing the earth dragon, the captain thought the mount was sick. You must know that the earth dragon is very lazy, or is it time for Luo Luo to come into heat? Seeing that his roar didn't work, the captain screamed and ran after him.

For the Star Knights, it is already possible to use vindictiveness to fly short distances. At a distance of several kilometers, the captain arrived in an instant. The captain stood on Luo Luo and kept calming Luo Luo, but Luo Luo was very excited. Just don't want to stop.

"It's you, it must be you, you said, what did you eat for Luo Luo?" The captain said angrily when he saw Cook following Luo Luo.

"No, I just asked him if he would like to go out with me for a walk. I didn't expect it to follow. It just so happened that we were going to the ruins to do a mission and we would open a way out by the way." Cook said, Zago The special party summoned his pet demon and looked at Cook and Captain with a smile.

"Damn, I'm an earth dragon, earth dragon, seven-level earth dragon, you let it build roads, my God!" The captain was very angry, the seventh-level mount, let alone an earth dragon Dragon Monster, even if it is an extremely common species, is also priceless.

This is like the owner of a luxury sports car seeing someone pull swill with his car. The captain is now the owner of the car.

"Damn it, stop, stop, or I will kill you." The captain was very angry and shouted loudly.

"Hmph, kill me, Captain, look behind you." Cook said with extreme contempt.

The captain looked back. The captain was stunned, because her mount Luo Luo actually stared at herself, not the kind of pet staring at the owner, but staring at a prey, the captain shook hard. Shaking his head: "No! You **** fellow, what did you do to Rollo?"

"Captain, please don't get entangled here anymore. I guarantee that your Luo Luo will go back when the road is repaired." Cook saw the captain's appearance, said softly and left.

The speed of the earth dragon was very fast, but within half an hour, a five-meter wide road appeared between the hillside and the ruins, and Luo Luo also returned to the captain, and then ignored the captain’s worries. The look in his eyes fell into a deep sleep.

"Damn it, I must make you look good!" The captain looked at the beloved mount screaming asleep, making the captain feel that Luo Luo staring at him half an hour ago seemed like an illusion, the captain secretly Determined.

And the three of Cooke knew that the captain would definitely not give up. The three left the outpost and decided to go to the ruins to do the mission. At least they won’t come back in a short time. In a gap made up of a few boulders, Ku The three of Ke are arranging a camp inside, which is already a periphery, and now this hiding place is probably formed after the stones of the giant building collapsed, because these stones still maintain a roughly regular shape.

The entire gap is only more than one meter wide. After this meter wide, it is a triangular area with more than ten square meters. This is obviously the position of the corner inside the building. The triangular area has been cleaned up. Cook is not only there. Inside the wide gap of Mido, there is a warning mechanism, which is actually a string of bells, and Windsor was also directed by Cook to the entrance of the gap at the price of a coin. Actually, if Cook did not instruct, Windsor would also go, because Flowers are inseparable from sunlight, and the gloomy environment of Windsor is not a favorite.

Windsor chanted the spell directly in Cook’s weird eyes, and the magical plant of the illusion system grew out again. Windsor flew into the flower under Cook’s gaze, and then the flower began to slowly close, and Cook’s The magic eye saw a faint dark green light began to emit, obviously this was Windsor's temporary residence.

"Damn!" Cook quickly took a pill. This was made by Cook using the leaves of the magical plant. But Cook looked around and was still uneasy. He easily cast a thorns technique to make the entrance position clear. Full of thick thorns.

"Kaka, good job, this is for you, and the big mouth!" This place was discovered by Kaka, and Cook gave Kaka a coin, and so did the big mouth, and Zagot and Mi Qi has lit the bonfire, set up the tent, and started boiling water to prepare food.

After a simple meal, the three of them sat together. Under the shining of the lighting stone, the three began to discuss the task of exploring the ruins.

Zagot first said: "Cook, the besieging thinks that we should put the key area to be explored in the middle of the ruins, this is it!" Zagot had a simple topographic map of the ruins, and Zagot pointed to it. The middle area of ​​the plain.

"Zagot, I don’t approve of the method you said. We should explore the outer areas one by one. Even if there is an emergency, we are at least familiar with the surrounding terrain, and I don’t think the intermediate area is an important area. I suspect that the important area is somewhere surrounded by mountains on three sides." Cook said in disapproval.

"But I think the core part of this ruin is in this middle area." Zagot retorted.

"Hehe, we don’t need to argue. Actually, we have a very simple method. We will look for it along this big river tomorrow. Large cities must have not only surface drainage systems, but also underground drainage systems. If we are lucky, we guess. Some important areas can be found." Cook shook his head and said, Cook has already checked during the day. The ground part of this ruin is too dilapidated. The thorns, weeds, bushes and forests have covered everything. Looking for some clues under these things, for the three of them, Ken Ben is impossible to achieve.

"This is a good idea, but Cook, are you sure that even if there is an underground drainage system, it can still exist?" Zagot asked suspiciously.

Mickey said weakly at this time: "Since we are here to explore, let's look for it."

"Haha, yes, our mission was originally to explore the ruins, but this mission is also true. We must always make it clear what we are looking for. We can't figure it out."

"Yes, why not!" Zagot and Cook couldn't help but smile upon hearing Mickey's words.

"Then let's be sure. First explore the river area, then the plains, and finally the surrounding mountains, with big mouths and khakas. Our progress will definitely not be slow." Cook clapped his hands and said, while Zago Te and Mickey nodded.

Mickey always felt that something happened today. Not long after she fell asleep, Mickey felt someone touched the tent. Just as Mickey was about to shout, she heard a familiar voice: "Mitch, it's me!"

"What are you doing here, where are there people?" Mickey whispered, but her body got out of the way. In the wild, everyone wears clothes and lives in tents, not like home at all.

"Mickey, do you think I did something wrong today? I shouldn't treat the captain like that." Not only did Cook come, Xiao Lei also came, Cook asked with a smile.

"It's a bit!" Mickey touched Xiaolei, Xiaolei rolled her eyes at Mickey, and she crawled into Cook's arms.

"Oh! I'm just afraid that the captain has another purpose. The ruins are so big and there must be something unusual. I have already asked secretly. The fortress guard usually needs three hundred people to build an outpost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Moreover, no star knights were dispatched at all. Every star knight is basically a general, and the establishment of an outpost requires not only three hundred guards, but also five hundred auxiliary craftsmen, and it is even more unlikely that there will be mercenaries. Participation, so I suspect that this is the behavior of the fortress’s high-level private, and you remember that this time the mercenary hired did not post the mission through the lobby at all, but contacted it privately. I have confirmed this, so I want to Keeping a certain distance from them angered the captain." Cook said with a sigh.

"No way!" Mickey said with a visibly shocked.

"How can't it be? We have heard of such a plane in the world where we were born, such a huge interplanetary teleportation array, and so many high-level warriors and mercenaries. Why didn't our plane spread out? A piece of news about this plane. Obviously, this plane has what the big forces want, so we were sent by the academy. I also heard that the Light Vatican, the Dark Vatican and other temples have all sent numbers. Different numbers of people come here for trials, but it's not the same as the area where we live." Cook explained.

"Then you mean if we find something, will we be killed?" Mickey asked in a panic.

"I don't know, everything that happened here can be evaded, so I have to create a conflict, and then leave with an excuse. If it proves that I am suspicious afterwards, then I will personally apologize to the captain." Cook said. He held Mickey's weak boneless hand tightly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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