A Unique Hunter

Chapter 111: College Mandatory Task "10"

"Aren't you going back to sleep?" Mickey felt the ambiguous atmosphere and asked Cook with a blushing face.

"Hehe, I will sleep here." Cook said with a smile, his eyes full of expectation.

"Okay, let's sleep alone on one side, Xiao Lei sleeps in the middle." Mickey moved a little to the side, and replied with a crooked eyebrow.

Cook was overjoyed. The next day Cook got up early in the morning. The three of them finished their food and began to explore the ruins. According to the agreement, the three of them started to inspect the river bank. When the three of Cooks came to the river bank Later, what I saw was a green weed. There was a distance of more than ten meters on the bank of the river. The embankment was made of huge stones. The gap between the stones was covered with lush weeds. There are some bushes, thorns!

None of the three spoke. Cook had picked up his bow and arrow and looked around vigilantly at all times, and Zagot had also summoned his demon pet to open the way in front, while Mickey was riding on Xiao Huihui, holding the staff tightly in his hand. , A pair of beautiful eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

"Zagot, have you seen anything unusual?" Cook asked loudly, because Zagot and Mickey were both legal professionals, so they both rode on pets. Zagot sat on the devil. On the pet’s shoulder, he kept looking around. Cook’s sight was obscured by weeds and shrubs. He couldn’t see the distant scene at all, and there was Xiao Lei lying on his back, not only Xiao Lei, Cook There are several guys on his body, big mouths come to rest from time to time, Windsor lazily basking in the sun on Cook’s shoulders, the sky is pitiful, the current temperature is at least 40 degrees, Mickey is a fire magician, this temperature is not there By the way, Zagot’s demon is both earth and fire, and he doesn’t care at all. Only Cook feels sultry. Either he is equipped with a magic shirt or clothes worn in leather armor. This magic shirt has the effect of automatic cleaning and constant temperature. , Even so, Cook felt extremely stuffy.

"There are huge ruins in the southeast." Zagot looked around and replied.

"Big Mouth, go take a look!" Cook asked Big Mouth to take a look. Now Big Mouth has a very strong relationship with Cook. Generally, things that Cook orders are not bargaining. The grass flew away, and Cook watched the surroundings vigilantly with his magic eyes. Inside Cook's magic eyes, there were several magic fluctuations around him. Obviously, these were all monsters hidden in the surroundings.

It didn’t take long before Big Mouth flew back, bringing back a piece of news that Cook found useful. There was a big hole in the middle of the ruins. Cook decided to check it out because the banks of the river were covered by weeds and shrubs. It is very difficult to find a clue in such an environment.

With Zagot’s demon pet opening the way, the three of them still moved very quickly, and most of the embankment on the river bank was just some weeds, so it was very convenient to walk.

"Oh! It's really a big pit!" When he arrived near the big pit, Cook took a closer look and found that it was just a big pit that was more than ten meters deep and 100 meters wide. There were no shrubs except for some weeds. Something else.

Cook is carefully drawing a map. This is one of the skills that a scout should possess. Cook is on a high point above the ruins, carefully observing and recording with sheepskin while observing. This is one of the tasks, exploring the relics. You need to draw a detailed map.

"Why is this big crater a bit like being formed by a violent impact?" After Cook drew the map, he suddenly realized that the big crater in front of him was a bit different. Cook observed carefully and got a vague conclusion. .

"Kaka, look around." Cook looked around with his magic eyes and found some faint magic fluctuations, but in the distance, there were violent magic fluctuations, and that location was in the middle of the ruins. Cook looked at The dazzling magic wave, knowing that it is a magic wave that can only be emitted by a high-level monster, this is one of the reasons why Cook does not want to enter the middle part of the ruins.

KaKa surveyed the surroundings, but didn't find any passages or the like. For the three-person team of Cook, KaKa is the best tool to detect organs. It is small and moves quickly, not to mention ordinary organs. Traps, even magic traps, can't do much for KaKa.

Kaka exploration did not yield much, and the three of them began to move on along the river bank. The river bank in this city is tens of kilometers long, but the Cooks did not find anything suspicious for a day, but it was a zero-level warcraft. I have also harvested several. These zero-level beasts are hidden in the grass, but Cook’s magic eyes are equivalent to perspective and can see magic fluctuations, so these zero-level beasts are often caught by a sudden arrow before they react. It took away his life. Of course, this was also Cook's use of vindictiveness. Otherwise, the bow and arrow made from the horns of the third-level monster in his hand would probably require a thousand catties to pull away slightly.

There is also a group of buffaloes along the river bank. The buffaloes here are a kind of aquatic bovine beasts. Generally, adults are second-level beasts and amphibious beasts. There are more than one hundred buffaloes in this group. These buffaloes are about the size of elephants on earth , A pair of sharp horns are the best defensive weapons, as well as sturdy limbs, ordinary monsters dare not attack these buffaloes.

These buffaloes are herbivorous beasts and spend most of their time in the water, but nature is like this, where there are herbivorous beasts, there are carnivorous beasts. There is a group of fire leopards ten kilometers away from the territory of this buffalo. These fire leopards are three-level monsters, there are five adults and three juveniles, but Cook discovered the group of magic leopards from a distance and avoided them.

There are also a group of first-level flying beasts, wind sparrows, only the size of a palm, with hundreds of them, and some scattered monsters, basically at the second and third levels. Cook made records one by one. The place where Cook is now is in a ruin. Because the buildings here are basically made of boulders, these boulders will form some hidden spaces after they collapse. And Cook is chasing and killing a wooden frog, which is the size of a football. The frog then found this place, which was used by Cook as a temporary camp.

"Cook, it's not a way to find it like this, we still have to go to the middle area." Zagot was a little anxious, because there was no suspicious spot found in the day.

"Hehe, exploring the ruins is like this, I hope it will be so plain, wait for us... wipe!" Cook said with a smile, but Cook heard a dense voice outside before he finished speaking, as if it was The sound of something walking fast in the grass.

"Don't move!" Cook said in a low voice, then jumped up, and then quietly touched it out. One is that Cook is a hunter, moves quickly and has good physical strength, and Cook knows himself. The magic fluctuation is minimal.

Cook crossed Windsor’s temporary residence. It was the magical plant of the illusion system. Because Cook had an antidote, it had no effect on Cook. Cook quietly climbed up the ruins. In Cook’s ears, the sound of rubbing was already Gradually getting smaller, Cook's head slowly stretched out, and there was nothing to see in the dark night, but Cook picked up a grudge and his eyes were full of faint green.

"This is a magic snake?" Cook saw a snake-shaped magic light more than a thousand meters in front. This magic light was khaki and was obviously a kind of earth-type monster. Cook took out a bottle of Fengxing Potion, and then With a slight leap, he followed the Earth Element Demon Snake. The reason Cook wanted to follow was to find that the Demon Snake had a large bump on his belly. Obviously, he had just eaten. Obviously, the Demon Snake was going home at this time.

Cook followed the magic snake and kept a distance of more than one thousand meters carefully. Cook found that the direction of the magic snake was actually in the middle area of ​​the ruins. The speed of the magic snake was not very fast. Obviously this guy would not worry if he was full. , Cook did not find the shadow of other monsters along the way, obviously this is the territory of the devil snake.

"Shoo!" After half an hour, Cook found that the devil snake had stopped, and Cook quietly touched it, and Cook heard the sound of the devil snake's tongue making a squeak in his heart. Quickly took out a bottle of powder and spilled on him.

But Cook’s nervousness is superfluous, because Cook also found a monster, which is a scorpion-shaped light spot. In fact, the magic wave that Cook saw is a light spot. Obviously this is a magic scorpion, just like two monsters. After a while, the two monsters were far away. Cook was a little disappointed. Cook continued to follow the magic snake. In the next hour, Cook found several waves of monsters, all of which were intermediate level. These monsters in the distance stared at each other vigilantly, and it was obvious that the monsters here began to gather together.

"It turned out to be here!" There are some tall stone pillars standing in the middle of the ruins, as well as some walls. There is a pitch-black hole ten meters wide and five meters away from the tall stone pillar. It is meters high, and there are stone steps at the entrance of the cave. Obviously this is an underground passage. The magic snake has entered here. Cook only quietly walked closer and took a look and avoided it.

What Cook didn’t know was that not long after he had left, the demon snake stuck out his head, his long tongue was constantly stretching, and his big green eyes looked around suspiciously, and then slowly retracted. .

"Good news, there must be an underground passage under this ruin, because I found a large opening in the area near the core of the ruin. This opening has obvious stone steps." Cook came back quickly, but even so, Ku It has been more than three hours since Ke went out and came back, and Cook said excitedly as soon as he entered the camp.

"How did you discover the hole?" Zagot also asked excitedly.

"I followed an intermediate demon snake. On the way, I also found a demon scorpion, two demon wolves, and a demon tiger, all of which are intermediate demon beasts." Cook said roughly.

"Hey! You are so courageous, in case you accidentally ran into these guys..." Zagot heard that there are so many intermediate-level beasts near the core area, and he was shocked, knowing the territory of a normal intermediate-level beast. It is about a hundred square kilometers, but obviously the concentration of Warcraft here is very high.

"Haha, good luck!" Cook laughed, then saw Mickey worried, and quietly squeezed Mickey's hand.

"What are you going to do?" Zagot asked Cook.

Cook thought for a while, and then said: "It looks like we can't go to the core area. It's where I found the entrance of the cave. Don't go as a last resort. There are too many monsters there. Once discovered by the monsters, the three of us will It’s troublesome. Let’s look for it in the outer area, not on the river bank, we are on the mountain side."

"I think that's it. There are a few intermediate-level monsters in more than an hour's journey. It's too dangerous." Zagot also felt the same and said in agreement.

"Cook, in fact, we can change the angle. I found that the entrance of the underground drain in the Magic City is usually on the street. I think such a large ruin, as long as we find the original main road, then we should be able to find the drain. Through the drain, we may find what we are looking for." Mickey thought for a while, then suggested.

"Yes, such a big city must have underground relics." Cook nodded and said, not to mention big cities. In this world, some small and medium-sized cities have also established underground areas. The defense of underground areas is easier to do. This It is a world of personal force. When encountering powerful robbers, the general guards simply cannot catch up. Therefore, in general large cities, the underground areas are areas for buying and selling bulk goods and valuables. Of course, there is also a refuge in wartime. So.

The three of Cooke crawled quietly in the grass, looking at a huge scorpion more than a thousand meters away. The scorpion was blue all over and was more than three meters high. The tall erect tail was more than six meters high. With two huge pliers flaring their teeth and dancing claws, the three of Cooke searched for ten days in the outer area of ​​the ruins, but they did not find the entrance to the underground ruins. The three of them had no choice but to go to the hole that Cook found. This time the magic scorpion blocked the way of the three of Cooke.

"What to do?" Zagot looked at the giant magic scorpion and asked Cook in a low voice.

"This thing is not only powerful, but also has a thick carapace all over it, and it is an intermediate-level monster. We must not be able to force it." Cook observed for a long time and got these answers.

"Nonsense!" Mickey and Zagot said in unison.

"Do you want to go back and get that earth dragon to abuse it." Zagot suggested.

Cook glared at Zagot with an angry look, and then said: "What are we doing on missions? It is to increase combat experience."

"I know this is the case, but if you want to increase experience, you have to choose a good opponent. I don't think we have the ability to solve this guy." Zagot replied helplessly.

"Why can't it be solved?" Cook asked displeasedly.

"Cook, you said that except for my demon pet, you can resist a little bit, you, the first-level hunter, Mickey, the first-level magician, me, the third-level warlock, which one of us can cause fatal damage to this guy? ?" Zagot asked with a smile.

Cook had nothing to say, but Windsor asked aloud: "Are you here most of the day to deal with that big guy?"

"Yes!" Seeing Windsor, Cook's eyes lit up, and then he looked in the space bag, and then a purple potion appeared in Cook's hand.

"What kind of potion is this?" Zagot looked at the purple potion and asked with a smile.

"Perfect level of powerful paralysis potion, we don't need to defeat this big guy head-on, it's much more convenient to use this potion." Cook smiled hehe with a wretched look.

"Do you want to pour this potion into Devil Scorpion?" Zagot asked incredulously.

"Hey, Miss Windsor, Miss Windsor, can you please do me a favor?" Cook said to Windsor with a smile.

"No, no, I don't want to go to some stinky guy." Windsor's IQ is not low, and his little head shook like a rattle.

"No, how can I be willing to let the lovely Miss Windsor take risks? I just need some magical poison from the illusion system." Cook said quickly.

"Thirty crystal coins!" Windsor replied with a smile.

"Little money fan!" Cook muttered dissatisfied, but he still readily took out thirty crystal coins.

After Cook got the magical poison of the phantom system, Mickey and Zagot waited in place, and Cook quietly touched the magic scorpion with his big mouth. At a distance of 200 meters from the magic scorpion, Cook confronted him. Whispering in his mouth for a while, his big mouth was dissatisfied and flew towards the devil's scorpion while carrying a potion bottle.

"Hiss!" The magic scorpion made a hissing sound when he saw the big mouth flying away from a distance, but the magic scorpion threatened to forget it, after all, people use flying.

"Pop!" In the magic scorpion's unbelievable eyes, the big mouth dropped a bottle of something on the magic scorpion and flew back. The magic scorpion watched the green liquid on the body disappear continuously, and then looked at the big mouth. The Devil Scorpion was angry, hissed open his big mouth, a stinking liquid sprayed out towards the big mouth, and the big mouth didn't even know it.

"Be careful!" Cook had to shout when he saw this scene, and a magic burst arrow shot at the venom sprayed by the devil scorpion.

"Boom!" The magic burst arrow exploded in the air, and the venom was splashed around by the powerful air wave. As long as the grass, stones and shrubs are stained with the venom, it immediately emits bursts of scorching smell, and the stones are also corroded. One by one big holes.

"Kakaka!" Seeing Cook, the demon scorpion rushed over with two big pliers. The demon scorpion was fast on the ground full of bushes, grass, and thorns.

"Go to hell!" Cook opened his bow and shot an arrow, then turned and started to flee.

"Boom!" The arrow of fine iron made a loud metallic sound on the thick carapace of the devil scorpion. Although the arrow did not break the carapace of the devil scorpion, the powerful force still made the devil scorpion painful.

"Hiss!" The devil's tail stood up high, and then a jet of venom was sprayed toward Cook.

"Damn! Both the mouth and the tail can spray venom!" Cook lifted his anger and jumped out of the spray range of the venom with a vigorous jump. Cook ran away without time to take a closer look.

"Chacha!" Cook ran his grudge with all his strength, but the sound of Chacha behind him indicated that the magic scorpion was closely behind him. Cook dropped a handful of thorn seeds from time to time, but these thorn seeds were in the magic. The scorpion didn't work at all, the magic scorpion was like a tank, and these thorns were torn apart by powerful forces.

"Huh!" Cook quickly jumped aside.

"Boom!" A huge pliers hit the ground fiercely. Although it was splashing, Cook turned around and saw that the magic scorpion was behind him.

"Damn it!" Cook saw that the other pliers of the Devil Scorpion slammed down again, and Cook hurriedly rolled and rolled directly under the Devil's body.

The Devil Scorpion jumped up, and then leaped far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Waving two pliers and rushed over, Cook cursed involuntarily: "Did you jump so fast? What are you doing?"

Cook held the sharpest dagger in his hand, the one he got in the dragon's lair. Cook originally thought that he would have a chance to damage the scorpion by drilling under the scorpion’s belly, but he didn’t know that this guy would not give it. Cook had the opportunity, and Cook had to start running away again.

But Cook hadn't run two steps yet, the scorpion's pliers chased up, and Cook was tumbling in embarrassment. In such an environment, the speed of the scorpion was much faster than Cook's.

"Damn it!" Cook looked at the Devil Scorpion rushing towards him again, and Cook felt it. It was Devil Scorpion teasing himself, like a cat catching a mouse. Cook held a lot of hundreds in his hand. Two thorn seeds, and an empty potion bottle was dropped by Cook's side, and Cook's other hand held the dagger tightly.

"Thorn Technique!" Cook saw the magic scorpion's huge pliers rushing towards him again, Cook yelled, all the thorn seeds in his hand were scattered on the ground, and instantly stood up in front of Cook and the magic scorpion There was a wall of thorns, but the Demon Scorpion rushed forward regardless, because Demon Scorpion had encountered such thorns many times, and these thorns did not attack him at all.

But when the demon scorpion rushed through the thorn bushes, he was surprised to find that the prey in front of him was missing. The demon scorpion could not help but turned around and looked around with his small eyes. Suddenly the demon scorpion felt his body shake, and the demon scorpion knew where the prey was. I jumped up all at once.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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