A Unique Hunter

Chapter 112: College Mandatory Task "11"

It turns out that Cook used the thorns technique to release a large cluster of thorns and vines, and used these thorns and vines to temporarily interfere with the sight of the scorpion, and Cook commanded the vines to roll himself up, and then fell directly on the scorpion. On his back, Cook felt a sense of weightlessness as soon as he landed on the back of the Devil Scorpion. Following his body tilt for a while, Cook immediately became unstable, and Cook hurriedly stabbed the dagger in his hand. Devil's body.

"Hiss!" The dagger easily pierced the carapace on the back of the devil's back, and Cook held the dagger tightly with both hands so that it was not shaken off by the devil's beating, and the devil screamed in pain.

"Puff!" Cook was unprepared. Suddenly a venom spewed from the tail of the devil's scorpion. Half of Cook's leather armor was corroded by the venom into countless small holes. You must know that Cook's leather armor is a magic leather armor. Generally strong, but under the corrosion of the devil scorpion poison, it did not persist, fortunately, it was not sprayed on the exposed skin.

"Ding!" Before Cook had time to take off his leather armor, the devil's tail pierced fiercely. Cook quickly let go, and the devil's tail made a metallic noise on his back. Cook let out a cold sweat.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Not only did Cook keep twisting his body to avoid the stabbing of the devil's tail, he also had to hold the dagger tightly with one hand, because the devil's scorpion kept leaping high. , And then fall again, sometimes it is a fast forward and then a sudden brake. The most threatening to Cook is the stabbing of the devil's tail. You must know that the tail is very thick and there is a lot of poison. If you are hit, you will die immediately.

"Boom!" Cook finally couldn't dodge, seeing that he was about to stab his tail. Cook had to pull out his dagger and then rolled down the back of the scorpion. Cook made a loud crash on the ground and fell to the ground. .

Cook didn't have time to watch the movement of the devil's scorpion, looked around, and then quickly rushed towards a large area of ​​ruins. The ruins here are the countless huge stones, and there are countless gaps between the stones. There were dense bushes and weeds, and Cook ran towards a gap that could only accommodate one person.

"Bang!" Cook just got into this gap and heard a bang. Cook turned his head and saw that the magic scorpion was behind him. Cook was now pale because he had seen the magic scorpion still Tens of meters away, apparently this magic scorpion jumped over again.

"Damn it!" Cook took out a bundle of projects*, and then threw it away fiercely.

"Boom!" The demon scorpion was backed several meters away by the huge impact force, but under the stimulation of the phantom system's poisonous poison, the demon scorpion had lost the pain, hissed and rushed forward.

However, the gap between the boulders is not big, and the magic scorpion can't get in at all, but the magic scorpion is worthy of a middle-level monster. Two huge pliers are equivalent to two huge arms, fiercely holding a piece of Cooke hiding above. The boulder, this boulder was thrown out by the magic scorpion for several tens of meters. You must know that even though the boulder has passed the baptism of time, plus it is incomplete, a boulder weighs nearly ten tons.

"Damn!" Cook took all the engineering* again and tied them together. Then Cook released a thorns technique, and a vine with thick fingers grew in a blink of an eye.

"Boom!" Cook directed the vine to directly place the project* on the abdomen of Devil Scorpion. With a boom, Cook felt the boulder around him swaying, obviously the power of the explosion was great. Some sand and rocks are even more bashing.

The demon scorpion was even more violently knocked out by this huge explosive force, but to Cooke’s disappointment, the demon scorpion actually got up and threw its teeth and claws, this time directly with its tail fiercely. A sting, another venom sprayed over.

Cook was prepared for this. He evaded behind the stone next to him. The venom did not cause any harm to Cook, and the magic scorpion started to vent his anger on the boulder. Blocks of boulders were pulled apart, and the magic scorpion was there. Constantly moving forward, Cook saw that the Devil Scorpion was so powerful, he couldn't help but shook his head. Cook picked up the lighting stone and first changed a set of leather armor. You must know that Cook's damaged leather armor can be exchanged for nearly a thousand points. Yes, Cook felt distressed, and then Cook walked toward the gap, and Cook wanted to see how long the gap was.

"Oh!" Cook raised the illuminating stone in his hand. The gap was only a dozen meters long. Behind it was a small space formed by piles of countless boulders. Cook couldn't help sighing, and it looked like it was in his space bag. The magic burst arrow could not be kept.

But first, Cook had to sit down and rest, wash his face by the way, to make people's mind clear, then Cook poured an antidote, a potion of strength, and a potion of wind, and then took the one in his hand. The horn bow, and inside the quiver are several magic burst arrows with shiny metallic shafts.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" But when Cook saw the devil's scorpion again, he found that the devil's scorpion seemed to be insane. The tail and two large pliers were cruelly torturing a huge stone. The stone chips and sparks that had been tossed by the devil scorpion splashed.

"Damn it, it finally worked." Cook saw the look of the magic scorpion and jumped up excitedly. It was obvious that the magic scorpion was poisoned by the phantom system. Although Cook did not know the specific mechanism of the phantom system poison , But the hallucinogens on the earth are basically drugs. It seems that this phantom system has the same effect as the hallucinogens on the earth, but the magic scorpion itself is a poison and has certain resistance to the phantom system. It will take so long to attack.

"Hey!" Cook took out a special arrow. The front part of the arrow was empty. Cook poured all the powerful paralysis potions into the arrow of the arrow, and then Cook raised the arrow in his hand. Horn bow.

Cook slowly relaxed his breath, then squinted his eyes and looked at the Devil Scorpion who continued to abuse the stone tens of meters away. Cook's goal was Devil's mouth. Two pliers flew up and down, constantly blocking. Following Cook's gaze, Cook slowly calmed down, staring at Scorpion's mouth unblinkingly.

"Shoo!" After Cook mastered the timing pattern of the two pliers of the demon scorpion, with a thud, the arrow with the powerful paralytic poison rushed into the big mouth of the demon scorpion.

"Haw!" After the devil scorpion was hit, the pain caused the devil scorpion to regain its short-term sanity, gave Cook a spiteful look, and turned around and ran away.

"Damn!" Cook originally turned around and returned to the gap, but when he looked back, the Devil Scorpion was already a hundred meters away. Cook yelled, and then he picked up his vindictiveness. Quickly chased the past.

"Shoo!" Cook continued to harass Devil Scorpion with his arrows while chasing, but Devil Scorpion seemed to have figured it out. He just kept screaming at the back.

However, within a few minutes, the distance between the Scorpion and Cook has been opened by more than three hundred meters. Cook can only use the sound of the Scorpion’s walking and the magic light seen by the Magic Eye to chase the Scorpion. Cook After pouring another bottle of stamina recovery potion, the tired body immediately recovered its momentum.

"Damn it!" Cook said loudly as he looked at the Devil Scorpion five hundred meters away. Cook is about to give up. There is no way. In such an environment, the Devil's speed is not affected at all.

"Bang!" At this moment, Cook saw that the Demon Scorpion was hit by a fireball, and then in front of the Demon Scorpion was an equally tall demon. The demon was holding a huge axe and was fighting against the Demon Scorpion. Obviously Zagot and Mickey arrived.

When Cook came to the place where the scorpions were fighting, Zagot’s demon had already been wounded on one of his arms. Mickey was on the side to release a fireball, while Xiao Huihui spewed stone balls, Got even waved his staff, one by one, green fireballs were released towards the magic scorpion.

"Healing!" Cook first released a wood-based healing technique to Zagot's demon, but Cook's level was too low to have any decisive effect on the injury.

"Restoration!" Cook released another restoration technique to Zagot and Mickey, and then rushed to the scorpion in the joy of their eyes.

"Thorn Art!" Cook rushed behind the magic scorpion, and a handful of thorn seeds were scattered, and vines and thorns with thick thumbs wrapped the magic scorpion.

"Kacha!" The demon scorpion had enough power to deal with the demon, but the demon scorpion was caught off guard by Cook's thorns technique. The lifted pliers slowed down a bit, and the demon's angry axe hit the pliers and issued a chuckle. With a sound, it was obvious that the carapace on the pliers was crushed.

"Magic bursting arrow!" After Cook released the thorns technique to trap the magic scorpion, Cook did not expect this thorns technique to work. At a distance of tens of meters, Cook's current archery is a hundred steps through Yang, a magic bursting arrow. Hit the devil's tail hard.

"Boom!" The devil's tail was about to stab the devil. How could it be known that the tail was hit by the magic burst arrow, causing the stabbing to miss, and the axe in the devil's hand hit the devil's pliers. , Causing the carapace outside the scorpion's pliers to rupture.

"Hiss!" The Devil Scorpion was angry and vowed to tear the villain in front of him. Regardless of the demon's attack, Devil Scorpion turned and rushed towards Cook.

"Curse of pain!" Zagot was sweating profusely, and finally finished singing the spell, a black light in his hand rushed directly at the magic scorpion.

"Haw!" The moment the black light hit the magic scorpion, the magic scorpion jumped up in pain. The curse of pain is to amplify the pain. There are wounds everywhere on the magic scorpion. Where can I bear it, the magic scorpion keeps jumping in place of pain. Get up, there is no time to attack Cook.

"Good job, Zagot! Thorns technique!" Cook exclaimed loudly, and then another thorn technique was thrown over.

After Cook released the thorn art seven times, the magic scorpion was covered by countless vines and thorns. Maybe a thorn is nothing to the magic scorpion, but hundreds of criss-crossing and growing thorns. The resulting power is huge, which is like a thin thread that may not be able to bind a person, but countless thin threads can bind a person to death. It’s the same reason. There are more thorns and vines. Then the strength of each vine and thorn has become much smaller, plus the powerful paralysis potion that Cook shot into the scorpion’s mouth and the pain curse released by Zagot, making the scorpion’s physical strength and will The force dropped to its lowest point. However, the devil scorpion seemed to sense the imminent danger, struggling constantly all over, countless vines and thorns were torn apart, but countless vines and thorns were entangled.

"Heh!" Cook jumped vigorously and jumped directly onto the back of Devil Scorpion.

"Puff!" The devil scorpion spewed a large poisonous mist from its mouth and tail in extreme fear, and the vines and thorns stained with the poisonous mist withered one after another, and the devil scorpion finally felt that he could move.

"Sisi!" The magic leather armor that Cook had just put on persisted for a few seconds, and after a burst of blue smoke, it was corroded into fragments by countless poisonous fog.

"Damn!" Cook saw the white light emerging from his magic shirt. It was obviously magic protection against the erosion of poisonous mist. Cook didn't know how long this expensive magic shirt could last, so Cook raised his hand. The dagger stabbed into the head of the devil scorpion fiercely, and then the dagger in his hand swirled vigorously, and a white serous appeared. Cook felt the devil's body shake, and then softened. Fell to the ground.

"Wow!" Cook rushed out of the poisonous mist, a metal cylinder in his hand, and a large stream of water emerged from the cylinder. This is the magic item that adventurers must have. The water device is the water magic crystal. Push the water magic circle to absorb the surrounding water elements. A low-quality water magic crystal can generate several tons of water, and a slightly better quality low-level magic crystal is enough for a large team to use in a wild adventure, and the water magic crystal It is the cheapest, because the attack power of water magic creatures is really not good. For the same level of monsters, the attack power of water monsters is only one-third of that of fire. Of course, you have to meet that kind of talent magic is healing. Congratulations to you, you can't handle it even if you are exhausted. Of course, except for the gregarious monsters, and the magic of garbage, once it reaches a certain density, then the power is very abnormal.

"Zagot, thanks to you for stopping this guy, otherwise this guy will run away." Cook finished cleaning, changed a suit, and said to Zagot.

"Do you think we thought, we followed the traces of your battles, but this guy rushed out without knowing that we hadn't reacted yet." Zagot said angrily, but saw that the devil was using Cook's After the perfect level of healing potion, the wound on his body had healed, and Zagot felt relieved a lot.

"Uh! I thought you did it on purpose." Cook said in a moment of astonishment.

"Big brother, big brother, how dare I, a low-level warlock, take the initiative to stop this guy?" Zagot said with lingering fear while looking at the small scorpion.

"Hey, Intermediate Beast, and it's still a Demon Scorpion, this guy is valuable!" Cook didn't say anything, but began to look around the Demon Scorpion.

At this time Mickey came over, and Mickey looked at the magic scorpion and said: "This time I really made a fortune. It’s the magic scorpion’s carapace, which is a good material for magic armor. Not only is it extremely tough, but it also prevents corrosion. , The pointed tail is the main material for making a good knight gun, and the poison gland is your favorite thing for pharmacists, and the eyeballs are all excellent magic materials."

"Then where is the core of the devil's scorpion?" Cook asked, waving his dagger.

"Just under the abdomen, behind the softer carapace that's fast white, but the magic cores of the scorpion and centipede are round, and they are natural detoxification materials." Mickey pointed to the scorpion abdomen.

"Be careful. Peel off the carapace along the folds of the carapace's edge. You must know that the entire demon scorpion can be made into leather armor, and the rest can only be made of plate armor."

"Be careful with the poison gland, don't break it!"

"There is a poison sac in the tail, don't break it. The skin of this poison sac is also an excellent magic material!"

Mickey’s theory is that everyone is instructing Cook, a layman hunter, to dissect the magic scorpion while watching the magic book. On the other hand, Zagot has a straight eyebrow, because Zagot found that Cook’s dissected materials are always inconsistent. So pleasing to the eye, but seeing the two parties enjoying it, Zagot reluctantly turned back to communicate with his demon.

Looking at the small carapace, Cook disturbed his head and asked, "What about these things?"

"Oh, we are too few people, should we sell these things to them?" Zagot also has a headache. Although the three of them have space to equip, the carapace is too much. , The poison sac, the poison needles on the tail, the eyeballs, and other precious things, small things are put into the space bag, and the remaining meat, internal organs, and carapace are piled here.

"Well, they have more fighters, so let's sell a little less money. Let you handle this matter." Cook patted Zagot on the shoulder and said.

"Dizzy, I can only call them over, how can I take so many things away." Zagot replied irritably, and then left on the shoulder of the devil.

But an hour later, the captain came with a small group of men and horses. When he saw the carapace of the devil scorpion, the captain was very surprised. You must know that the wild is such a poisonous and hard as iron guy. The most difficult to deal with, the general team and small teams are not willing to provoke such guys, because these guys can easily cause casualties.

"Oh, who handled these materials? It's a jerk." Before the captain could speak, a man dressed as an archer in the team immediately yelled.

The captain glanced at Cook, and then asked loudly: "Witt! What a bastard?"

"Captain, look at this carapace. It is piled up here without treatment. You must know that such a carapace should not only be repaired immediately, the surrounding folds and the fascia attached to it should be removed, and then it should be wrapped in mud. Slowly bake, this kind of material will be the top-grade material at the end. This kind of exposure will reduce the material variety. This is a good plate material, which is tougher than refined iron, but the weight is only refined iron. One-tenth, and it's very corrosion-resistant. With such a set of magic armor, you can let go of your hands and feet against some highly toxic monsters." Witte said as he repaired the carapace quickly. A small dagger kept flying in Wit’s hands, but a carapace was repaired in a few moments, some stains on the surface of the carapace were also cleaned, and the rest of the people mixed the mud and wrapped the carapace. Get up, then raise a big fire and slowly bake it.

"Your Excellency Wit, can you tell me how to clean up the material on the prey?" Cook ignored the provocation of the captain and walked straight to Wit because Cook looked at this Wit and he was obviously a veteran in cleaning magic materials. Said with bright eyes.

"Hey, if you give me the poisonous needle from the devil's tail, I will show you my experience of cleaning up the materials of all kinds of monsters for so many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~Witt took a look at Cook and blinked. Said with eyes.

"Okay!" Cook took out a half-meter long poison needle and handed it to Witt.

"Really give it to me. This poison needle is the best material for making daggers. It is not only extremely sharp, but also a natural magic weapon." Witte looked at Cook in surprise, and then said in surprise.

"Haha, never regret it!" Cook passed the devil's tail poisonous needle with a smile.

"Haha, good! Good thing!" Witte took the poison needle, and his fighting energy turned slightly, and a few centimeters of fighting energy light appeared from the tip of the poison needle. Obviously, the poison needle was a natural magic weapon.

Wit took out a cloth made of cloth from his close-fitting clothes with Wit’s body temperature on it. Wit handed it to Cook and said, “The best weapon and the best armor. They are all from Warcraft, not those magical weapons created by humans. The poisonous needle of the Devil Scorpion not only has magical smashing and armor-breaking, but also has tearing and sharp magical effects. It is a very extraordinary weapon, and this poison The needle itself has certain magical fluctuations, and ordinary poisonous insects dare not approach this poisonous needle within a few meters."

"So amazing?" Zagot asked in surprise.

"Haha, look at this carapace, do you see anything?" Witte picked up a section of the tail carapace, then handed it to Cook and Zagot, and asked with a smile.

It is nearly 6,000 words again! Everyone has the ability to collect it!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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