A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1079: The real war "4"

[Sogou, 360, soso search for classics|Dictionary|Fiction free download novel] The reason why Lina screamed is that it has a great relationship with Cook's physique. Cook's physique can be said to be better than that of dragons of the same level. Strong, Cook can seal his own magic power because of poisoning, which shows how intense the poison is.

Seeing Lina panicking, Cook comforted him: "Don't worry, I will make things clear."

In the advanced stage, Cook told the story of the poisoning. After listening, Lina asked carefully: "Are you sure it is a metallic poison,"

"I'm sure, and according to Hadosi, this kind of thing does not happen once in the Demon Plane. These poisonous poisons are all in the surrounding veins, and they are emitted because of earthquakes or other reasons," Cook nodded and replied. ,

"Then there are a lot of magic metal veins around," Lina asked again with certainty, because only by confirming the surrounding mineral veins can Cook's statement be valid.

"It should be. The city lord there is a puppet constructer. There must be a lot of mineral veins around, but we didn't have time to check, we ran into the cave spider that came out here," Cook answered guessingly.

Lina said solemnly, "I will check it out first."

Immediately after Lina's mental power penetrated into Cook's body, it didn't matter at this sight.Lina found that Cook's body was much stronger again. Lina was very surprised. You must know that it is above the sanctuary level. Every improvement is not easy, but this time Cook's body has improved at least dozens of times, which is simply unimaginable.

Lina’s mental power penetrated Cook’s blood, bones, and muscles, and then checked them one by one. For a while, Lina said, “Cook, it’s very troublesome. This kind of mixed poison is very tricky, a kind of poison. I was able to detoxify, but after these kinds of poisons were mixed, the toxicity has changed greatly. The changes in these have to be calculated slowly, and then the detoxification medicine can be refined according to these changes."

Cook knew this too, and then Cook quickly asked: "How long will it take?"

"This is not clear, what I'm talking about is theory only. If you are experimenting, it may take at least half a year, and it may not be successful," Lina gave a shortest time.

"This is too long, is there any more ways," Cook's level of potion refining is indeed not simple, but in terms of researching potions, like Lina, a veteran who has been immersed in pharmacy for hundreds of years , Is basically an apprentice level, which means that Cook is at most a skilled technical worker, so Cook wants to ask Lina,

Lina said: "It's not that there is no way, there is not one way,"

"There is more than one, there is always something suitable for me," Cook was shocked. This mixed type of poison is too uncomfortable.

"The first one is to use divine art, such as the purification technique of the Holy See of Light, but if you want to be treated well, I am afraid that Xiaomei will use the purification technique," Lina looked at Cook after she said.

Cook scratched his head, and then replied depressedly: "Lina, purification technique I know, this is a divine technique. Once I have to undergo purification technique, then I definitely have no secrets. For me, It’s very bad news. After all, there are some things I don’t want others to know."

"Hehe, yes, the purification technique must open the body and mind. This kind of magical technique is effective, but the only drawback is that all secrets will be exposed. The second is to use poisonous dragon blood to transform the body," Lina chuckled. ,

"It's not good. Increase the blood of the poisonous dragon. I will also have a high chance of carrying poisonous poisons and body fluids. I don't want to become a poisonous person." Cook shook his head quickly, joking, and carried the drama. After being poisoned, it is very troublesome, not to mention that Cook has a wife, let alone that Cook wants to continue having sons in the future.

"The third method is to use the magic circle to continuously draw blood, and then to purify it through the magic circle. This also takes time, and the purification is not very thorough. Maybe it will be done every few years," Lina said of the third method. ,

Cook hurriedly waved his hand and used the blood of the magic circle essence.This is simply suffering, and the poison has penetrated into the bones, so this method is not very effective, and it is also very troublesome.

Lina finally shrugged and said: "The last thing is to strengthen the body,"

After listening to Cook, he understood that to strengthen the body, to put it plainly, is to increase the body's anti-toxin performance, and finally let the cells swallow the poison. Cook said with a wry smile: "If you want to strengthen to resist this magical poison, I'm afraid it will be difficult,"

"It's difficult, you can resist it now. As long as your system is doubled on this basis, then there should be no problem," Lina looked at Cook and asked without understanding.

"But my seal...," Cook explained quickly, but Cook understood before he finished speaking.

"Seal, if it is really poisoned, it can be sealed by the seal. The magical poison devours mana is one aspect, but the destruction of the body is another aspect. You have no problems with your body now, so that means your body is enough to resist this. Poisonous erosion, but if you want to completely resist the poisonous, your physique needs to be improved," Lina also knew that Cook understood, but Lina explained it.

"That's it," Cook thought carefully.

However, this strengthening of physique is easy and easy to say, but also difficult to say. Lina saw Cook frowning next to him and came up with an idea: "Cook, the immobile guy below is a very good exercise target."

"I can't deal with that guy," Cook said with a wry smile, shaking his head.

"Crazy," Lina spit out two words briefly, then smiled and looked at Cook.

Cook's eyes lit up, yes, he was already able to madness, and then Cook asked more excitedly: "My physique increases after my madness, can I just drive this poison out?"

"No, madness just stimulates the body's potential in a short time," Lina shook her head and denied.

"Then if my madness ends, will this poison happen," Cook asked worriedly later.

"No, as long as there is the support of the medicine, there is no problem not falling into weakness," Lina shook her head and explained.

Cook thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, I'll fight that big guy."

Now that the plan is in place, it must be improved.After Cook's four thorns are superimposed, the combat power is equivalent to one hundred and fifty times the current one. Then the corresponding equipment, weapons, and potions must be adjusted, and they must be able to resist the curse. , Magic equipment that resists mental shock,

After some discussions, the battle team was quickly formed, Lina, Sia, and Umei, and Cook,

Cook appears as a combatant, and Lina serves as a defensive curse. After all, there is no good way to defend against the curse. Lina can only release the space cracks, and Ume is to impose various battle auras on Cook, Cook's weapon It's the magic pillar,

As for the equipment, unfortunately, this time it is to improve the physique, so there is a magic necklace that resists the impact of mental power. The existence of Wumei is also to prepare for Cook to resist the impact of the spirit. As for West Asia, it is necessary to establish a defense with magic lines The location of the circle is used as a safe area,

After some preparations, the four of Cooke quickly came to the spacious underground cave again. Cook and others just came in.

"Boom," a huge black light rushed in all directions like a shock wave.

"Huhu," Lina had prepared for a long time, and with a swipe of the staff in her hand toward the void, a spatial crack appeared in front of Lina. The black light within a range of more than ten meters was immediately swallowed by the spatial crack, and she uttered a cry. The sound of whirring, you must know that the space cracks open are generally void, which is almost a vacuum environment, and there is a lot of air here, so the phenomenon of space cracks swallowed, of course, if the space cracks open in an air and If the gravity is greater than this plane, then the space cracks will spray things out, but in the vast universe, the proportion of air in the entire universe is very small.

Cook and the others continued to move forward. When they were a hundred meters away from the Transfiguration Monster, West Asia began to get busy. Each defensive magic pattern was arranged by West Asia in an area of ​​ten meters in a radius of two hours. When West Asia sweats profusely and puts several fist-sized magic crystals on the magic pattern array, a safe area is formed.

"Okay, Umei," Cook breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Sia was done. Sia set up a full 20 composite magic patterns, each of which is composed of at least 16 magic patterns. The powerful defense magic array, plus several magic crystals full of energy, the protection is very powerful,

Cook's head immediately shines with brilliance, the power halo, the power absorption halo, and the endurance halo, agility halo, and so on. Various buff halos, making Cook seem to be shrouded in a rainbow.

Cook held the Sealing Demon Pillar with both hands, and his body expanded three times in succession.In the end, Cook's body reached a height of six meters, and his muscles were bulging.What is unsightly is that only a pair of pants is still tightly sleeved in Cook. Body,

"Puff," Xia behind saw the appearance of Cook and couldn't help but laughed out of puff. With this smile, Wu Mei and Lina also laughed.

Perhaps it was perceiving the danger, the body of the Shapeshifter suddenly shook, and then an invisible shock wave rushed towards Cook.

The necklace on Cook's neck immediately burst out with a soft light. Cook's brain was just a little dizzy, and then he was fine, but Cook saw that a soul crystal on the necklace was actually broken. Ke knew that this was the result of a powerful mental shock,

There are nine soul crystals on the necklace, which means that Cook can resist eight such attacks. After all, when the last one is left, he will return to replace the soul crystal, but attacks such as mental shock are not casually released. And this takes time,

"Hi," Cook let out a roar, and when the magic seal was rounded, he smashed towards the deformation monster. From the perspective of the hundreds of meters high, Cook was just an ant-like guy.

Feng Mozhu smashed the body of the deformed monster, but what made Cook speechless was that there was no sound at all, and then Cook fell to the ground as soon as he softened.

"What's the matter," Sia and Lina rushed over and asked,

"This thing absorbs stamina," Cook replied weakly while looking at the sealing magic pillar in front of him.

Both Lina and Xia looked surprised. You should know that physical strength is generally consumed slowly. There is no saying that you can take time out at all. Just when Xia and Lina are surprised,

With a rumbling sound, the place where Cook had hit the body of the deformed monster immediately collapsed, and a large hole about ten meters square appeared on the body of the deformed monster, and the flesh and blood in this area turned into sand. The grain is so small that it keeps falling down,

This scene not only surprised Cook, but even Lina and others were also very surprised.You must know that this effect is more powerful than Lina's Space Blade.This is a single blow that caused such serious damage.

"Boom," Then there was a loud noise, and the body of the Shapeshifter suddenly burst open near the place where Cook was, and large pieces of flesh and blood rushed towards Cook and the others.

Lina, with a wave of her staff, a huge space crack appeared.Countless flesh and blood were swallowed by this space crack, and some flesh and blood fell on the ground, and the ground was corroded into small pits.

Cook, Xi, and Lina hurriedly retreated to the safe area. Xia said silently: "This thing is too defensive, it is simply too difficult to fight."

"What the **** is this magic pillar? It's too powerful, and it extracts my physical strength." Cook didn't expect that he was a quick shooter, and he was finished with just an attack. You know that Cook now has 150. Times the combat power,

Wu Mei heard Cook say this and said, "This magic pillar seems to be used only by beast soul warriors. Although you have superimposed madness four times, Cook, the strength of this body itself is not enough, and there are also beast soul warriors. The power of the beast soul is similar to fighting energy. You don't have a beast soul, so you have to extract your physical strength."

With Wu Mei's explanation, Cook really understood. Cook then asked Wu Mei: "Is there any solution,"

"No, you are not a beast soul warrior, you only have to extract physical strength," Wu Mei shook her head. In fact, Wu Mei is a layman for the use of fighting spirit for magicians and warriors, because the system of orcs is fundamentally different from that of humans. There is nothing in common with each other,

Cook scratched his head. He now has a sound of power, but without physical support, she is also blind. Lina said, "This magic pillar is too weird. According to the attack effect we have seen, the deformation is strange. All the energy in an area has been absorbed by the magic seal pillar, and it will become like sand. According to the truth, you should no longer extract your physical strength."

"I don't know what's going on," Cook shook his head.

"Why don't you change your weapon," Sia said next to him.

"No, just use this, take it slow," Cook shook his head. The most powerful weapon in his hand is Thunder Tooth, but now his magic power is sealed, and he can't exert Thunder Tooth's powerful attack.

However, the place where the magic pillar attacked completely disappeared. This is a real result. Just like playing a boss in a game, it still cannot return blood.

"That's good, the amount of physical strength actually has a lot to do with physical fitness, and it can be considered a process of exercise," Lina nodded and said.

But Cook looked at the shapeshifter hundreds of meters high, and then said: "I don't know how long it will take to fight alone, or let other people come."

"Forget it, no one knows whether this guy has God's Domain or not. If there is God's Domain, more people will not be a good thing," Xia shook his head. Cook heard what Xia said and understood that God's Domain actually It is the upgraded version of the domain, the domain is pure consumption, but the gods can absorb the energy of the targets shrouded in the gods, so the battle of the god-level powerhouse is not as good as the battle of the god-level and below.

"By the way, why did I forget this thing," Cook then remembered the magic missile he refined when he was dealing with the bone dragon leader. Cook has seen the power of this thing with his own eyes. There are only three magic powers. The missile is out, so Cook has not used it.

"What?" Lina and Xia asked curiously, and Wu Mei was also curious.

"Go, let's go to the stairs first, this thing is too powerful," Cook walked over to the stairs without saying a word. The stairs are more than a thousand meters away from the deformation monster, but a few seconds Kung Fu, Cook and Lina came to the entrance of the stairs.

Cook first took out a launcher, and then took out the missile. Cook put the missile into the launcher, and then said to Lina and others: "Attention, I'm going to attack."

"Okay," Although Xia didn't know what the thing in Cook's hands was, Xia used her own magic pattern knowledge to judge that the rank of this thing is no less than a divine weapon.

Hey, the missile rushed towards the shapeshifter with a scream, Lina, Cook and others opened their eyes wide.

"Boom," But at this moment, the body of the Shapeshifter a few hundred meters high suddenly jumped up, and then fell again. The big one hundreds of meters high collided with the ground violently, producing a powerful shock wave.

"It's over," Xia knew it when he saw the strong shock wave, because what Cook launched was something similar to a magic bomb. Once this kind of thing is thrown out, it will definitely explode once it hits it violently.

"Hehe," Cook smiled and said nothing,

I only saw the violent shock wave shaking the ground constantly up and down like water waves, and a violent eruption of aerosol in the air, this is the effect of the shock wave exceeding the speed of sound.

The half-meter-long missile was extremely fast, and it slammed into the shock wave. Then the head of the missile actually lit up, and then the missile disappeared.

"This is completely destroyed," West Asia thought the shock wave was powerful and immediately destroyed the missile. Lina smiled and shook her head and said: "No, I feel the space fluctuations,"

"Rumble," Just after Lina's words, Cook and the others saw the body of the shapeshifter shook suddenly, and the ground shook rumblingly, and the whole body of the shapeshifter suddenly enlarged like a balloon.

"This...," Xia still didn't understand what was going on.

"I added a small one-way magic teleportation array on the top of the missile, using the usual activation method. Once the missile encounters a powerful force, the entire missile will swish...," Cook again He took out a missile and explained while loading the missile,

Lina, Sia, and Wu Mei heard Cook’s words and swallowed unconsciously. All these people thought at the same time, if someone uses such a weapon against a few of them, then what is the use of the magic shield, It is important to know that the space system magic and the space system magic circle are extremely minimally affected by other elements, because space is an existence that transcends all elements, and it is an existence that transcends all laws.

In the law system, time occupies the top position, and the second is space, which means that there is space in all places, and time is not to mention.

Therefore, the law that Lina receives on the demon plane is extremely small. This is mainly because Lina's body is not in this demon plane. It does not mean that the power in Lina's body will be affected.

The fire element absorbed on the demon plane is absolutely different from the fire element absorbed on the sanctuary plane. This is like although two people have the same blood type, the DNA in the blood is completely different, just like the law contained in the element is different. , Because these fire elements are also bred from various planes,

West Asia looked at Cook with a face full of unwillingness. On the theoretical basis, West Asia surpassed Cook too much, but Cook's innovative capabilities are beyond the reach of West Asia. The magic pattern equipment is miniaturized, especially the meteor cannon. This seems to have never happened in West Asia before,

To know how many years the meteorite gun has appeared, countless alchemists want to further optimize, but Cook has done it, and the missile that Cook has made now that can teleport on its own can be said to have created a broader prospect. It can be imagined that once such a weapon appears, what kind of magic shield, magic pattern equipment, in front of this kind of missile, there is no resistance at all.

Because no matter how thick the tortoise shell is, others will not move your tortoise shell, and the missile will jump directly into the body and explode. What can you do,

Cook saw that Lina and Xia's faces were a bit ugly, Cook laughed in his heart, but Cook knew how difficult it is to portray a magic circle on the front of the missile, and activate the magic circle, you can say Without the support of the magic eye, Cook can't portray it at all.

"Wow," the second missile flew out again,



"Boom," This time the Shapeshifter used the downward impact of its body to hit three shock waves.

"Haha," Cook laughed loudly when he saw this guy like this. He didn't expect that this shapeshifter was not very intelligent.

Lina and Xia watched the missile attentively. The missile disappeared again when it encountered the first shock wave, and then the body of the deformed monster shook in place for several times, and the whole body expanded again, like a bulging balloon.

"Roar," the Shapeshifter let out a harsh scream,

"Kak, click, click," the soul crystal on the protective necklace on Cook's neck shattered three successively.

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