A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1080: The real war "5"

Puff, puff, and Xiah and Wumei were directly limp to the ground.Lina was shining with a milky magic light. The naked eye could see that the milky magic shield had something like gray cracks that were constantly swimming. Cook knew This is Lina’s space-based defensive shield. The gray cracks on it are space cracks, which can absorb any form of attack.

Cook quickly checked the situation of Ume and Xia and found that both Ume and Xia were mentally shocked, and then fainted.

"Lina, take them out," Cook said with a sigh of relief when he saw this situation, then Cook gritted his teeth and looked at the Transfiguration Monster and said to Lina, and the last missile appeared in Cook's hand.

Cook put the missile in his hand into the launcher, and then aimed at the Shapeshifter a kilometer away. Just now Cook and the others were a little careless.Even the protective magic pattern set up in West Asia only resisted a mental shock.

And Cook knew clearly that just now there were three mental shocks in succession, and the magic pattern of protection only resisted the first shock. The second and third shocks rushed in in the gap where the magic pattern gathered protective energy. , Causing the souls of Xiah and Wumei to be shocked, causing the two women to faint to the ground,

How can Cook not be annoyed, Cook shot the last missile angrily, the first two missiles exploded in this deformed monster, Cook can't control that much, Cook secretly made up his mind to refine some more missiles after going out , And then directly banged this guy down, and then a few, dozens of them attacked together, Cook didn't believe this guy could bear it.

"Damn it, this is an armor-piercing bomb," Cook only woke up after launching it. It was an armor-piercing bomb, not the burst bomb launched at the beginning.

The armor-piercing projectile does not have the ability to jump in space. Cook regrets it. You must know that the cost of such a missile is very high. Cook watched the missile fly out towards the deformation monster, and Cook was nervous.

Maybe it was because of the three mental shocks that were released in succession just now, maybe it was because Cook’s first two attacks caused the shapeshifter to be hit hard, this time the shapeshifter did not resist at all.



"Boom," Cook saw the armor-piercing projectile touch the body of the deformed monster, and then made a violent explosion. The shell of the deformed monster was actually cracked, and then the armor-piercing projectile flew in. Second and third explosion,

Cook, this is three armor-breaking, that is, a missile is actually composed of three missiles with armor-breaking ability. After three armor-breaking, the deformation monster was blown out of a big hole. Cook can see that there are several large holes. Meters in diameter, but the depth is more than ten meters deep,

"Could it be that the defense has been lowered," Cook hardly believed his eyes, and then Cook found that the wound that had been blown out was healing quickly.

Cook jumped up immediately, and then rushed towards the shapeshifter. Cook held a crystal bottle in his hand. The crystal bottle was filled with a transparent liquid. The transparent liquid gave off a soft glow. This was reserved by Cook. Holy water, the holy water in Cook's hands is definitely the best thing,

"Go to death," Cook saw the deformed monster's wound. Around the wound was a black muscle-like thing, which was still squirming. Some of the newly born granulation looked numb to the scalp. The holy water bottle was opened, and then even the bottle was thrown into the wound of this deformed monster.

"Ah,,,," Holy water had just been thrown into this deep wound. It was actually a cave. A violent scream almost stunned Cooke. You must know that this is almost a closed space, and the sound waves are There is constant reflection, and then reflection,

"Boom," and above the stairs, a huge sound wave directly rushed out, shocking everyone around him.

When Lina saw this, she went down again as soon as she shook her body. Xiah and Wu Mei were still in a coma. Seeing this situation, Manli went down quickly. Jin Guangyan looked around and patted her paw.

Er Fat had to go down the stairs, and Jin Guangyan followed dozens of various mini monsters behind him.Hadosi saw this situation and went down as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Haha," when Cook recovered from a state of almost fainting, he saw the screaming sound from the wound of the Shapeshifter, and the white smoke that was raging, the wound was enlarged a lot. Cook couldn't bear it. Live and laugh,

"Damn it, you dare to resist," Cook threw out another bottle of holy water.

"I want to see what this **** thing you are," Cook casually tore a high-level sanctuary light healing scroll, and a silver-white beam of light hit the wound that continued to expand.

When Lina came down, she saw Cook gritted her teeth, holy water, and the scroll of the light system smashed into this shapeshifter's wound without money.

"Hey, here's a good thing for you," Cook took out a piece of Light Element Demon Crystal, and then smashed it into the wound of this Shapeshifter.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh," After this top-grade light magic crystal was thrown into the body of this shapeshifter by Cook, the whole body of the shapeshifter shivered and let out a miserable cry.

When Lina saw this thing, she was afraid of light magic, and immediately said, "Throw me all those with holy water, and throw me all those with light scrolls, and call me the priest above."

As Lina said, she released a space blade at will, and a two-meter-diameter opening was broken on the body of the Shapeshifter. If it had been before, the wound would heal immediately, but Lina is very talented in combat. Lina's other hand tore open a scroll, and a five-meter-long lightsaber disappeared into the wound of the shapeshifter.

"Zizizi," the original two-meter-sized wound was cut open by the lightsaber into a ten-meter-wide wound, and then Lina threw out several bottles of holy water.

After Lina finished this, the priest of the Temple of Light above came down, and dozens of high-ranking priests of the sanctuary released the light healing technique together.

"What are you doing, hurry out and go out," Cook yelled quickly when he saw the overwhelming Light Element Healing technique and discovered that there were so many people behind him.

Cook shouted so, these bright priests looked at Cook and Lina, Cook shouted angrily: "Get out, get out,"

Cook is indeed anxious. You must know that this is a god-level monster, and the way of fighting is simply unimaginable. Even a demigod-level master in West Asia was shocked by the mental shock and fainted. Being shocked by the spirit, not dying is also seriously injured,

"Cook...," Lina looked at Cook in surprise and said,

"Lina, you, you, don't you know the level of this monster, get out quickly," Cook saw that the priests were still watching, and shouted loudly. The priests saw that Cook was angry and hurried back. Quit,

"Roar," I don't know that at this moment, the Shapeshifter once again made a violent mental shock.

Puff, puff, puff, dozens of them all fell softly to the ground. When Cook saw this, his face went black immediately, and he yelled at the stunned Lina: "Don't hurry up and save people,"

Jin Guangyan and Erpang were also dizzy. They were thrown directly out by Cook. The soul crystal on the protective necklace on Cook's neck was also broken. Cook saw that Lina's face was a little unsightly, Cook It hurts people to take out a soul fruit: "Lina, I was not good just now, but this guy is comparable to a god-level. You can refine some potions for these people to take this thing, and see if you can save some."

After speaking, Cook walked into the stairs again. Cook was very depressed.Lina didn't know what kind of God-level existence was. It could be said that Lina didn't have any fighting experience in this area. God’s divine punishment, and the bone dragon lord has fought, so know that there are many methods for God-level powerhouses.

Lina was surprised when she saw the soul fruit. Lina knows this rare thing, but then Lina saw dozens of people who had fainted. Lina regretted it again and quickly checked the status of these people.

Cook just went down and came up again, and said loudly: "Whoever has holy water, collect it for me, and the light magic scroll, I will come up and get it later."

Then Cook turned around and went down again.The ogre knights above looked at each other, and then took out the holy water, and this time the archbishop led by the Temple of Light saw that his subordinates became like this, and his face was also Gloomy,

"Master Lina, if you need holy water, I can help," the archbishop said to Lina.

"Thank you," Lina simply answered two words,

The archbishop left here without knowing it, obviously to get more holy water.

"Damn it, **** it," Cook wanted to immediately empty the remaining holy water, and the light scroll. In the middle, the shapeshifter released a mental shock again, but this time on Cook's protective necklace. The soul crystal is not broken, it is just a lot dim,

After Cook emptied the holy water on his body, Cook went back to obtain more holy water, but the effect of holy water used by these ogre knights was not as good as Cook's, and Cook looked at the tens of meters wide. A huge crack, the holy water in this crack is constantly corroding the body of this deformed monster, the depth is more than 100 meters, and it is still deepening, because there are more than a dozen of the best light magic crystals under it. With a dazzling light,

"Why don't it be poisonous," Cook had no holy water in his hands, and thought of another thing in his mind.

After a few bottles of poison were dropped, there was no effect at all.Obviously, this guy's anti-toxicity is very high. Cook is a little depressed. You must know that the body of this shaper has a strong self-healing ability. If you chase fiercely, it may be restored again,

However, Cook has been vigilant in his heart, because this deformation monster has never moved. This is not in line with Cook's perception. Cook actually intends to run away at any time, but even if it is so severely injured, this guy will not move. , Cook's doubts in his heart are even greater,

"Is there really a problem," Cook looked motionless, but he would jump up and down at most. This guy really has a problem.

"Cook, this," Lina rushed over and handed Cook something.

Cook looked at the golden feather in his hand, there was no magic wave on it, but the golden light flowing on it made Cook feel that it contained terrifying energy.

"This is a feather of Xiaomei," Lina explained,

Cook looked at the feather, and then carefully put it away.You must know that although Xiao Meili is an angel, she is not an adult, and Cook knows that the energy and magic power of the angel is concentrated on the wings, and This feather is strength for Xiao Meili, not to mention pulling it off from herself,

"This is the heart of Xiaomei," Cook replied with a smile when he saw Lina's puzzled eyes. Lina turned from doubt to touch when he heard Cook's words. To be honest, Lina was still very angry just now. , But now Lina is not angry at all, because Lina knows that Cook didn't mean it,

"I'm sorry, Lina, you have never fought against a god-level powerhouse. You don't know how powerful they are. Just like this guy, I feel that this guy is not a complete god-level creature. If it's a complete god-level creature, don't say Besides, we can't stand it just by hitting us with a huge body, not to mention the mental shock of this guy is too powerful, but just now this guy released a mental shock, and the soul crystal on my protective necklace was not broken. , Obviously this guy has a problem," Cook explained to Lina,

Lina also nodded: "Yes, now I'm sure this guy must have a problem,"

"Since this guy doesn't move, we have more ways to deal with it," Cook said to Lina confidently.

Lina was relieved when he heard Cook say this, Lina also weighed it in her heart, this immobile guy is already so perverted, then the divine punishment of the **** of conspiracy that Cook encountered, and Lord Bone Dragon, how did Cook deal with it, Lina asked: "What to do,"

"Hehe, it's actually very simple. Just knock on its shell bit by bit. I also observed it carefully just now. This guy has a high defense power on the outer shell, and the defense power inside is not very high. You need Lina's cooperation," Cook said with a smile.

Lina listened quietly to Cook’s words, and Cook continued: “I can’t use magic power, I can only use mental power, so I need Lina you to break through this guy’s defenses, and I use meteors. The cannon comes to attack, but I need to improve the meteor cannon."

Lina asked after listening, "Isn't there a big hole here,"

"After all, this guy has such a huge body, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to this guy just by relying on these light element magic crystals, and other means are needed. Of course, if there are more light element top grade magic crystals, it will do, but the light element The number of magic crystals is inherently scarce, not to mention the top quality, so I have to find other ways," Cook explained.

During this period, the giant Transfiguration didn't make an attack.Although Cook and Lina were talking, they kept looking at this guy with vigilance. After so long, this guy didn't fight back. Cook and Lina were both in their hearts. Obviously, this guy really has a problem,

Cook came out of the ladder and took out a meteor cannon to start refitting. The main thing is to add a magic pattern. The main function of this magic pattern is to convert other energy into light system energy, which means that the meteor cannon used to be a magic crystal. What kind of system is the beam of light that is shot out, but now Cook uses an element to transform the magic pattern, turning all other systems into light system attacks,

It took less than half an hour to refit, Cook looked at the large-caliber meteor cannon in his hand, hehe sneered, and the ogre knights saw that Cook had a big waist in his hand, and couldn't help but swallow it. Slobber, look at the Meteor Cannon with the thickness of the arm in your hand.

Cook went down again. Just now Cook also reinlaid a few soul crystals for the protective necklace. Fortunately, Cook collected a lot of soul crystals when he was in the Burial Land.

"Boom," Lina was attacking this big guy intermittently, and every time he attacked the Space Blade, a piece of flesh and blood would burst out on this big guy.

"How about it," Cook asked.

"There was no reaction at all. If it weren't for this guy shivering from time to time, I thought this guy was done," Lina said, shaking her head.

Cook shook his head, feeling a little uneasy, and said to Lina: "Be careful, I always think this guy is not that simple,"

"Well," Lina nodded, Lina would never care about it again.

Lina's staff shot a two-meter-long space blade again, and Cook was also ready. The space blade just exploded a big hole in the body of this big guy, and the meteor cannon in Cook's hand became powerful.

"Boom," the meteor cannon in Cook's hand burst out with a dazzling light. The beam of light with a diameter of half a meter suddenly disappeared into the big opening that Lina's space blade exploded just now, making a loud noise, a large mass of flesh and blood. It was exploded, and after the exploded flesh and blood fell to the ground, there was still a white flame on it.These flames burned the flesh and blood into a ball of blue smoke.

"It actually comes with holy flame," Lina was also surprised. You must know that holy flame is an attack method only possessed by high-ranking light system experts. According to the light of the Holy See, only the most pious believers will have an attack method like holy flame. ,

"Actually, it's just a gathering of energy," Cook shrugged and replaced with a top-grade magic crystal. With just the blow, the energy in a top-grade magic crystal consumed more than 90%. Slowly absorb the energy, and finally recover. Of course, the premise is not to be scrapped. If Cook uses it again, this top-grade magic crystal will be scrapped, so Cook will simply replace the magic crystal.

"Boom," the second attack,

"Boom," the third attack,

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Cook bombarded eight times in one minute, and also consumed the energy in the eight top-grade magic crystals. This is simply shocking, the top-grade magic crystal contains. The energy is amazing,

"You **** guys, I will devour you alive," Just after Cook finished bombing again, there was a huge roar from the entire cave.

Cook and Lina quickly backed away, just near the entrance of the stairs, because whether it was Cook's super meteor cannon or Lina's space magic, the attack range covered this monster.

"Boom, boom, boom," the monster that was two hundred meters high suddenly moved. He originally looked like a small hill but slowly stood up.

"Attack," Cook yelled after a moment.

Lina held the staff in both hands and began to chant the spell, while Cook looked at the monster with a vigilant look, because if she had to chant the spell at Lina's level, the next attack would definitely be abnormal.

Boom, boom, boom, the meteor cannon in Cook's hand continued to show off, and the huge beam of light hit the same spot.

"Roar," the Shapeshifter roared, and the mental impact visible to the naked eye almost pulled out a silver wire in the air.

"Space cutting storm," Lina's spell was finally completed. On Lina's staff, there seemed to be a black mess. Cook looked at these black lines with only the thickness of hair, and Cook couldn't help but step back. In two steps, after Lina's spell was read, the staff waved at the monster, and the mess on the top of the staff immediately turned into a net of hundreds of square meters, which is made of these black threads.

The black web swayed towards the deformed monster, and the deformed monster now turned into a giant spider.To Cook and Lina's surprise, in the mental perception of the giant spider's abdomen, a mass of black Things are particularly conspicuous and seem like a black spot,

"This thing is the core of God," Lina felt that this thing was very familiar, so she asked.

"The dark core can only be perceived by mental power, because the light is swallowed by this core," Cook explained.

"Then this shapeshifter is actually devouring this core," Lina asked incredulously.

"Maybe," Cook stared intently at a spider that is two hundred meters high. This is one of the attack forms of the Shapeshifter. The Shapeshifter can simulate the appearance of something that has been swallowed by itself. Monsters can swallow everything, stones, soil blocks, plants, so there are many things that can be changed by the shapeshifter, but this shapeshifter is really too weak, almost the lowest level creature,

"Roar," The giant spider turned into by the Shapeshifter saw the black web that was covering him, obviously feeling wrong, so he opened his mouth and spewed a black beam of light.

This black beam of light rushed to the black net, as if there was nothing blocking it, and passed directly through the net.

"Boom, boom, boom," some of the giant spider's thighs walked uneasily, and then the giant spider raised a thigh, and the claw tips several meters long at the front of the thigh burned with black flames, and suddenly turned towards the black web. Caught it,

"Idiot, this is spatial cutting," Cook said disdainfully.

"Wrong," Lina shook her head, watching the paw carrying the black flame cautiously and grabbing it towards the black net.

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