A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1081: The real war "6"

The claws with black flames hit the big net of black silk with the momentum of thunder. After the two collided, there was no violent sound, but the space seemed to be made of glass, and it was actually broken. Then it flew out towards the distance,

The speed of these space fragments was extremely fast, and they passed the place where Cook was in an instant, but when these space fragments were approaching Lina, they suddenly took a sharp turn and flew towards other places.

After a few seconds of "rumbling", the entire cave made a huge vibration, and the surrounding hard rock walls also left black holes. This is the result of the space debris, which shows how powerful the attack power of the space debris is. The powerful,

After the violent shaking, Cook hadn't waited for it to return to normal, and the giant spider actually rushed over, but the giant spider's claws that attacked the **** web just now were also less than half, and it was obvious that he was also affected by the collision just now. s damage,

"Come on," Cook saw the giant spider rushing towards him, and the modified meteor cannon blasted out violently.

"Oh..." After the giant spider was hit, it let out a stern cry, and immediately after the giant spider was hit, a white flame burned. This is the holy flame.

"Cook, continue to attack, this holy flame has done a great deal of damage to this guy," Lina said, seeing the pain of the giant spider, and at the same time a space blade shot out.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, the giant spider is running fast, the giant spider's idea is to tear up the **** in front of him, the giant spider just a few hops away from the kilometer to the top of Cook, and then the giant spider suddenly Waving his paw and grabbed it towards Cook and Lina,

Cook looked at the giant spider leaping towards him. Cook didn't have any fear at all, because there was a teammate of the space demigod beside Cook. Cook spotted the giant spider's head, and then the meteor cannon slammed into it. Go out,

"Go," Cook heard Lina say a word immediately, and then Cook felt a flower in front of him, and then Cook and Lina appeared on the other side of the giant spider cave.

And Cook saw with his own eyes the giant spider slammed into the ground, and a pair of front legs suddenly plunged into the ground, and the huge body came into close contact with the ground.

"Boom," the ground where Cook is shook, you can imagine how terrifying the power of this giant spider is.

"Cook, attack the part where the spiritual perception core is located. If I guess it is correct, this shapeshifter is assimilating and devouring this core, but unfortunately when we met, most of the guy's current power comes from Yu Shenhe," Lina said quickly,

When Cook heard what Lina said, he understood. In terms of magic theory, Cook is not proficient in Lina, but this is not to say that Cook's brain is not smart enough, but Cook does not have deep accumulation. Since entering the magic road, there has not been twenty years. Twenty years have allowed Cook to grow from a civilian in the countryside to the elementary level of the sanctuary, regardless of the position of the free alliance established by Cook in the sanctuary plane. , At this level, it is also very dazzling, so Cook's comprehension can sleep very high. As soon as Lina said, Cook knew it.

In general, Cook can guess that this shapeshifter is affected by the divine core and has undergone an abnormal change, so this shapeshifter is like swallowing this divine core. This is instinctive, but as mentioned earlier, it is not only necessary to swallow the divine core. To be able to swallow, but also to be able to comprehend the rules contained in the divine core, this is almost impossible for a shapeshifter, just like this shapeshifter can't speak clearly, at this level, it is not clear. That can only be a problem with intelligence,

However, this shapeshifter is affected by the divine core and can use a part of the power of the divine core, but it can't be swallowed completely.This creates a situation where it can't go up. And because of this, the shapeshifter was motionless just now. After comprehending the laws inside, after this process is interrupted, it may be necessary to enter the current level again. I am afraid it will take longer.

Although Cook didn't have the experience of fusing the **** core, Lina did. This process of comprehension was interrupted, just like we worked so hard to write a chapter, but suddenly it crashed, and I turned on the computer again. Start,

In the end, there is really no way for this shapeshifter, because Cook's attack power is too strong, a few missile attacks almost interrupted the fusion process of this shapeshifter, the final holy light attack, and the holy flame attack were thorough The fusion process was interrupted, and Cook guessed in his heart that a shapeshifter, even if it is mutated, wants to fuse a **** core, and the estimated time required is calculated in units of millennia, which means that the shapeshifter has not been completely The fusion of the core, then the position of the core is the key,

"Roar," the shapeshifter let out a roar, and a pair of front claws penetrated into the ground, and the ground here seems a bit abnormal. It is easy for the shapeshifter's claws to insert, but it is difficult to pull it out.

"This idiot, it can't be transformed directly," Cook saw that the big **** of the giant spider turned into by the transformation monster was shaking, but it was not pulled out. The meteor cannon in Cook's hand was once again filled with the best magic crystal. Then Cook Meteor Cannon aimed,

"Boom," a beam of holy light hit the shapeshifter's big ass, but unfortunately it didn't hit the abnormal part of Cook's mental power perception.

"Boom, boom," Lina also flew out space blades in her hand, and the gray space blades cut directly into the giant spider's big ass, bursting into deep pits.

"Cook, this divine core is estimated to have spatial attributes, otherwise why didn't my spatial blade cause attribute damage to it," Lina asked suspiciously.

Cook filled the best magic crystals, and replied: "The space blade has its own attribute damage after the attack, but this guy's resistance is too strong, resulting in a lot of reduced probability of attribute damage."

When Lina was told by Cook, she understood that after the previous Space Blade attack, space elements will remain on the wound, which will continue to expand the wound, and eventually cause more serious damage.This is attribute damage, just like the fire system has its own burning. , Attributes such as high temperature hurt the same,

"Boom," Cook bombarded again, and this time he didn't hit it. It was not that Cook didn't want to use mental power to lock it, but that the level of this giant spider was too high, and Cook's mental power lock was completely invalid.

With a loud bang, the giant spider turned into by this transformation monster actually pulled the ground out of a big pit, and the two claws were finally pulled out. Obviously this guy is stupid enough.

"Puff puff," after the giant spider asked to be restrained, a black flame rushed towards Cook and Lina when he turned around and opened his mouth.

Cook felt that the scenery in front of him had changed again, Lina teleported out again with Cook, and the meteor cannon in Cook's hand attacked again.

"Roar, roar, roar," the black flame ejected by the giant spider corroded the stone wall on one side of a large pit that was a full kilometer deep, and the surface of the large pit still had black flames that continued to burn. The giant spider was caught by Cook's Pillar of Light The attack was successful again, and the anger and pain made the giant spider roar enough to make people faint.

"Puff puff puff," the giant spider turned around again, and then a large black flame was ejected, almost covering the front half of the cave.

Of course, the attack of this giant spider must have failed. Cook and Lina teleported out again, and Cook said with a smile: "This guy will also deform an appearance. If this giant spider can also squirt spider silk, let's The trouble is big,"

"Roar," this time the shapeshifter sends out a mental shock, but the intensity of this mental shock is not comparable to that at the beginning.

"It seems that this guy consumes too much mental power when fusing the **** core," Lina knows that fusing the **** core requires huge spiritual power. When Lina fuses herself, it consumes a lot of perfect quality spirit. Power recovery potion,

"Lina, burn this guy with a wide range of fire," Cook saw that Lina's space blade attack was not very effective, so he said, ‘

"Yeah, why did I forget," Lina also just understood.

Although the damage of the fire element is lower than that of the space element, the fire element has a large range of attacks.In such a battle, it is actually a competition between energy and energy.Although the fire element cannot cause fatal damage to this big guy, this The big guy also needs his own energy to resist the damage of the fire element. The fire element has a large attack range, so it consumes a lot of energy than the single attack of the space blade.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a series of half-meter-diameter fire dragons flew out from Lina's staff. These fire dragons were hundreds of meters long, and dozens of fire dragons continuously pounced on this big guy.

"Awesome, I can actually cast fire dragon skills instantly," Cook exclaimed.

Dozens of fire dragons are constantly attacking the big guy, spewing out a mouthful of hot flames from time to time. These flames don't seem to cause much damage to the big guy, but the big guy also needs to consume a huge amount of energy. The attack area of ​​a fire dragon is much more than a single space blade.

However, this big guy is not a vegetarian. The big guy who was burned by the flames of countless fire dragons constantly wielded paws with black flames. These seemingly fierce fire dragons, as long as they are touched by black flames, they will immediately collapse.

"Hmph," Lina snorted, replaced the best fire magic crystal on the staff, and then released the fire dragon technique again.

When Lina consumed three pieces of the best magic crystals, even Cook felt a little hot, because almost half of the entire huge underground space was covered by dense fire dragons, at least hundreds of them.

"Flame shock," Lina slammed again, and suddenly rushed up a huge pillar of fire in the belly of the giant spider, which was several meters in diameter.

"Roar," the giant spider once again released a mental shock. More than 90% of the fire dragons were directly blasted into countless sparks by this mental shock.

"Go on, Lina, this guy's mental power has dropped a lot," Cook said when he saw that two mental shocks hadn't broken a soul crystal, and then Cook took out the magic scroll.

The magic scrolls in Cook's hands are all top-quality and extremely high-quality, and the peak of the sanctuary occupies more than half.

With a wave of Lina's staff again, dozens of fire dragons rushed out again.As soon as the scroll in Cook's hand was torn apart, a color of lightning hit the giant spider, and the giant spider's body was immediately covered by a grid.

"Puff puff," the giant spider spewed out a black flame again, and these black flames wiped out dozens of fire dragons.

"Boom," Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cook's meteor cannon attacked again. One of the giant spider's compound eyes was blasted off by Cook's meteor cannon, and then a golden flame was ignited.

"Cook, it's useless to attack this guy's eyes, it's sensed by mental power," Lina reminded Cook.

Cook grinned. Just now Cook didn't aim at the head at all, but made a mistake. Cook also knows that the core of the body is the most fundamental for the Shapeshifter, but Cook did not refute it.

"Rumble," Just as Cook grinned, there was a violent vibration on the ground, and then a huge figure rushed out of countless fire dragons.

When Lina's mental power moved, she was about to teleport out, but at this moment, the two front paws of this giant spider were constantly waving, and black flames shot towards Cook and Lina.

Cook saw this situation, his face was a little green, because just now these black flames actually blocked the space cutting, obviously this flame can resist the space cutting, and at this time, using this trick is to block Lina and teleport. Space,

Because teleportation requires Lina's mental power to lock the target point, but among hundreds of black flames, if the mental power line locked by Lina is cut off, then the location where Cook and Lina will reappear is an unknown number. Up,

Teleport is like a highway with countless exits and no signs. It is slightly wrong, then the place to go out is an unknown place, so no matter what magic, there are weaknesses.

"Lina, here is the meteor cannon," Cook threw the meteor cannon to Lina, and then lifted the sealing magic column and rushed towards the giant spider.

Kang Dang, Lina smiled bitterly at the meteor cannon that hit the ground.This thing weighs at least tens of tons.Even if Lina is a demigod powerhouse, there is no way to use this thing. Fire dragons, or flame shocks, every step the giant spider takes, it will be hit by hundreds of fire dragons, dozens of times, and the giant spider is almost covered by flames.

But the giant spider's footsteps did not stop at all, the whole body was like a moving hill, rushing directly to Lina, because in the perception of the giant spider, Lina's threat is the greatest, because Lina is a demigod.

However, if judged by a human being, Cook's danger is the greatest, because in the previous attacks, Cook has caused the highest damage, but although the level of the deformation monster is high enough, in terms of logical judgment, there is still no The height of higher intelligent creatures,

"Boom," the huge claw stabbed down at Lina fiercely, but Lina teleported ten meters away, and the claw plunged into the ground fiercely, and the ground shook.

Lina sneered, a space demigod, there is such a good attack, Lina will teleport in a small range, tens of meters, tens of meters, the giant spider roars again and again, and the eight in front Two feet kept waving, but they didn't touch one of Lina's hair.Although the two feet carried terrifying black flames, these black flames could not get close to Lina's body.

"Well," Lina's space shield was hit by a ball of flames, Lina snorted, because the black flame almost broke Lina's shield, Lina snorted, and then quickly teleported out. ,

When Lina was entangled with the giant spider, Cook finally came under the giant spider's big ass. Looking at the constantly shaking ass, Cook was a bit speechless, because the **** was tens of meters away from Cook.

"Frenzy," Cooke berserk without hesitation. The four berserks were completed in an instant. Cook looked at the Sealed Demon Pillar in his hand and felt a little guilty. The feeling of being drained of strength made Ku Ke still has some palpitations now,

"Hi," Cook yelled, then jumped up, holding the Sealed Magic Pillar tightly with both hands, and smashed into the area with abnormal mental perception.

At a height of tens of meters, Cook was close in less than a second, and Cook shot under the giant spider's big **** like a cannonball.

"Ha," Cook smashed the giant spider's big **** with all his strength with both hands. At this moment, a flower appeared in front of Cook's eyes, and a black shadow flashed out of the sealed magic pillar. Instead of attacking the giant spider, the black shadow rushed towards Cook.

"Ah,,,,,," Cook now has no choice but to avoid it. Seeing the black shadow pounce on him, while Feng Mozhu slams into the giant spider fiercely, Cook cried out in horror.

Boom, there was a loud noise, Lina felt that the entire cave was almost collapsed, and then Lina was surprised to find that the giant spider in front of her had disappeared.Instead, she was two hundred meters tall and long. Monster with golden hair,

"Bimon, Golden Bimon," Lina was stunned when she saw the two-hundred-meter-high Golden Bimon. The largest Bimon is only 100 meters high, but the golden Bimon possesses the power to compete with the dragon. , Of course, the dragon will not land on the ground stupidly and compete with Golden Beamon for strength. Such a statement is just that the orcs said it for the sake of face.

Lina was taken aback, thinking that this golden bimon was deformed strangely.When Lina was about to attack, there was a sound of rock collapsing next to the cave.Lina turned her head and looked at it, thousands of meters away. On the stone wall, a raised object is constantly twisting,

"Kang," the sound of a rock falling on the ground reminded Lina that this is not a normal monster.

With a "Roar," this monster finally struggled out of the stone wall.

"Ah," even Lina exclaimed, because the monster that had just struggled out of the stone wall was not a giant spider. After Lina exclaimed, she was puzzled.

"Haha, haha, seal the magic pillar, I finally know what it is, it turns out that the seal inside this magic pillar is all beast souls," and at this moment, the two-hundred-meter-high gold laughed louder than Meng Haha. The sound of the cave vibrated and buzzed,

"Bah," Lina also heard this voice. This is not what Cook's voice is. After listening to it, Cook also understands that Cook is in the form of a beast soul warrior, but Lina sees between Cook's legs Something in shook with Cook's laughter, and Lina blushed and snorted.

"Damn it, come on," Cook looked at the giant spider, and Cook also knew from the countless information just now that it turned out that the Sealing Demon Pillar was sealing a powerful beast soul. The reason why he was drained of physical strength for the first time was that The Sealing Demon Column releases the beast soul according to the amount of physical strength extracted, because the beast soul needs the corresponding physical strength, and Cook can now withstand the beast soul of Golden Beam, which can be said to be very powerful.

The magic seal pillar in Cook's hand is also three hundred meters high, and it looks like a huge log. Cook looks at the giant spider that has just been smashed out by himself. Cook is full of confidence and waving his hands. Set up a huge sealing magic pillar,

"Boom, boom," but Cook seems to have forgotten that this underground space is limited. Cook’s first attack did not hit the giant spider, but collapsed the cave above his head.

"This...," Cook scratched his head, then looked at a huge hole above, and some ogres looked down from above.

"Ah, **** it," Cook saw these ogres open their mouths, and Cook looked at the ogres' eyes, a certain part was swaying constantly, of course the head was thick, and Cook was ashamed. Annoyed and shouted, and at the same time the Sealing Demon Column in his hand was used as a spear, and he slammed into the giant spider.

The giant spider just struggled out of the rock wall, and just woke up from a dizzy state, it felt a strong attack.

"Bang," the giant spider came into close contact with the stone wall again, and then a black halo appeared on the giant spider's body.

Cook was also taken aback by the black halo, and subconsciously wanted to step back, but then Cook saw that the black light was actually a war song halo, and Cook didn't know what kind of halo color was so deep, but look. Color Cook knows that it is a negative aura,

"Damn it,   humiliate me, those ogres are big mouths, you bastard, bastard," Cook clenched his teeth and clenched the magic column, and then continued to pound the giant spider like garlic. The giant spider was pounded on the rock wall three times or twice, but Cook still did not stop. Every time he pounded, the black halo on the giant spider's body would be more intense.

"It turns out to be a superimposed negative aura," Cook was surprised, but he didn't stop.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang," the giant spider has been smashed into the rock wall by Cook, and every time it hits the entire cave, it will shake. It can be seen how powerful the beast soul warrior Cook is. The giant spider is almost by the library. Gram mashed into a paste,

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