A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1091: Comprehend

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"Be hacked." Cook didn't get used to the word for a while. He looked at Hadoshi suspiciously.

"Yes. Master. I didn’t expect my Hadoshi to be hacked one day. Although being hacked is very common in our demon plane. Master. It’s not that I didn’t try my best. It’s that the opponent is too powerful. Lord level. There are several strong ones," Hadosi explained quickly.

"You tell me what happened." Cook's face sank suddenly. The water in the black market is a bit too deep.

Hadoshi said it quickly. It turned out that Hadoshi and others were spotted after entering the black market. Although Hadoshi's servants also came out of the black market, Hadoshi's vigilance was reduced to the lowest level. In addition, Hadosi had a magic wand in his hand, and he was also a sheephead mage.

But Hadoshi ignored that his servants had almost no way of surviving in the black market. He came out to take the risk. So it was a group of bullied guys. In addition to the chaos in the black market, it is normal for Hadoshi to be targeted. of.

According to Cook's orders, Hadoshi first checked the situation of various commodities in the black market. This Hadoshi wandered around. The person who was being followed noticed. Although Hadoshi is a sheep's head magician. But it is in Where there is order, there is status. In the black market, it is important to compare who is more ruthless. Of course, it is useless to be ruthless. It is necessary to have strength. Haduosi's sway will let others know this stranger. The guy must have something good in his hands.

After Hadosi learned about it, he was ready to sell goods. There is a special place for buying and selling goods in the black market. There is the only place in order. Because there are all major chambers of commerce, they are stationed there. So there is no People dare to mess around.

But Hadosi was deceived. It was tricked out of the trading market. Then Hadosi not only lost the goods. Even the newly-acquired servants also died. In the end, fortunately, the corpse worm swallowed the chasing soldiers. Otherwise, Hadoshi would never come back.

"Idiot." Cook cursed, pointing to Hadoshi's nose after listening.

"Master. I'm just an idiot." Hadoshi didn't dare to refute. He quickly nodded in agreement.

When Cook saw Hadosi like this, he asked angrily, "Where is Varman."

"I don't know..." Hadosi stammered when he heard Cook ask Varman.

When Cook saw Hadosi like this, he knew that after he left. Hadosi was afraid that Varuman would surpass himself. He must have gone to the black market first. He did not wait for Varuman to be with him. Cook poked Hadosi with his finger : "Deserve it. Deserve it."

"Master. I. I don't want to do meritorious service." Hadoshi felt Cook's finger poking on him. It was like a sledgehammer. Hadoshi had no doubt that he would be jabbed twice. He smashed his own bones if he didn't know, and quickly begged for mercy.

"Huh. Wait until Varumman comes back." Cook dropped Hadosi.

"Master. Master. This is some information I found out." Hadosi quickly took out some recorded things. This was recorded by Hadosi when he returned. I didn't expect it to really work.

Cook snorted and left. Cook also felt irritable after leaving. He set up a plane portal himself. It was just for trading. This was the first time he was hacked. Do you think Cook can be happy? You need to know this period of time The magic crystal consumed by the teleportation array is an astronomical number.

Cook calmed down. Then he picked up the information given by Hadosi and looked at it. There is also a crude map. The black market covers a large area. It is about 60 kilometers long and about seven or eight kilometers wide. Just one A narrow strip. In this black market, there are dozens of gangs large and small.

There are five largest. The rest are almost affiliated to these five gangs. These dozens of gangs. There is also a business alliance. The business alliance is actually a number of people sent by chambers of commerce stationed here. Although the number is small, there is no one. Provoke these merchants. After all, the existence of the black market is maintained by these merchants.

The five gangs are the red flags. This is a gang composed of humanoids. Humanoids have a low status on the demon plane. So they are often bullied. This red banner was the first to take root in the black market. It was not because of these types. How strong are the humans and demons. But the number of people with the red flag is the largest. There are more than 10,000 people. They are all wanted criminals in various cities. And they are cruel. Since they can commit crimes without being caught, their strength is not weak. The site is the entrance and exit of the black market and the desert. Everyone who enters and exits must pay tolls.

The second one is Bloody Valen. There are not many people in Bloody Valen. But this Bloody Valen is made up of Blood Mage. It is said to be the scum in the Blood Mage. The most difficult to provoke. Bloody Valen controls another of the entire black market. Exit. Tolls must be paid for all passing.

The third is a gang of bullheads. Sheepheads. There are a lot of people. About thousands of people. However, the sheepheads and bullheads are not in harmony with each other. So the whole gang did not unite.

The fourth is a group of black dwarves. The black dwarves occupy a mineral vein and can forge equipment. So they have a high status in the black market.

The fifth is Massa who is revenge. It is said that he was the heir of a city lord before. But he was rebelled. Eventually he brought more than a thousand subordinates to come here. The strength is very strong. But Massa hardly interferes with the black market. But it is also. Holding another channel.

The entire black market has five passages. One of them leads to the ground. The remaining four are controlled by four gangs. The entire black market is full of 100,000 people. All need to venture in the underground world. Collect all kinds of ores, gems, and more. There is food. Then exchange with the Chamber of Commerce. So the black market is controlled by five gangs.

After Cook finished reading it, he found only such a little information. Cook couldn't help being disappointed with Hadoshi. It seemed that Hadoshi didn't know who had eaten him. Cook sighed. Now he can only change it when Varuman returns. Learn more about the black market.

Then Cook put this matter aside, and then penetrated his mental power into the two giant scimitars he made. Inside the scimitars is a very unfamiliar world. A magic pattern circuit shining with light appeared. In Cook's mind.

Cook looked very carefully. The circuits of these magic patterns became more concise. But they gave people a very beautiful feeling. This feeling made Cook know. This magic pattern change has become stronger.

Cook took a closer look with mental power. It was vaguely discovered that the magic pattern inside seemed to change. This made Cook a little bit unbelievable. You must know that the magic pattern is fixed. Once it moves, it represents this magic pattern. There was a problem with the drawing, and the chain reaction brought by the movement of the magic pattern was even more that no one could predict.

Suddenly, these magic lines seemed to have not moved. Cook's mental power retreated in an instant. The cold sweat flowed down all of a sudden. You must know that if the magic lines are abnormal, they will really burst. Then these two The power of exploding the magic pattern on the scimitar is enough to make Cook directly into ashes.

"No." Then Cook immediately realized that it was wrong. Because these two scimitars Cook was activated, but there was no embedded energy core at all. That is, magic crystals, magic cores and the like. Although during refining The magic pattern itself. And the material itself also has energy. But that is extremely subtle. Although there are magic patterns that absorb elements in this scimitar. But Cook did not control these absorption magic patterns. Then why is there energy flow in the magic patterns It.

Cook poured a bottle of mental power recovery potion. Then the mental power penetrated into the scimitar again. Inside the scimitar is the light emitted by a magic pattern loop. If the mental power of another person penetrates in, it may be affected by this. The dazzling magic pattern circuit swayed so much that I didn't know the east, the west, the north and the south. But as a fifth-level magic pattern master, Cook was able to quickly determine the energy direction in the magic pattern circuit.

The material on which the magic pattern is painted. It is not that it is like it was at the beginning.   The mental power is swept away. That is not good. Because the magic pattern itself can repel the mental power. If it wasn't for Cook who was the master of these machetes. If others infiltrate mental power, they will be attacked by the magic pattern inside.

Even Cook can't rush into it casually. Because if his mental power gets lost in this scimitar, Cook will lose these mental powers. It's like a person walking through a maze. But this maze is not flat. It's three-dimensional.'

Cook soon knew the direction of energy flow in the magic pattern circuit. This is also the most basic judgment as a magic pattern master. Cook's mental power traces back in the direction of this energy flow. Cook now looks for this energy core .

Cook doesn't know the time in this scimitar. How fast the mental power moves. It's almost unimaginable. But at this speed, Cook went back to the end and found in shock that he seemed to be back where he was.

"How is this possible." Cook can barely speak. You must know that this magic circuit is similar to a circuit. The magic circuit drives various runes. There are also magic patterns running. But this magic circuit is pure consumption. That is Saying that this is not a cycle at all. But after Cook went back and found that it was a cycle. This is simply impossible. Since it is a cycle, then where does the energy come in.

Cook's mind was full of doubts. Then Cook's mental power again followed the magic pattern circuit to check backwards. The magic pattern circuits were filled with magical light in the scimitar. It was so beautiful. Just like one. It's like a colorful band.

After the second inspection, Cook was really shocked. These magic lines are actually a loop. Cook couldn't help but open his mouth. Because this is simply impossible. This magic line loop is a loop. What is it? It might be.

Cook is still unwilling to give up. The third time. The fourth time. After the four inspections, Cook is even more depressed. Because these magic lines do form a cycle. And these magic lines are full of magical energy. You must know that Cook did not send energy into it at all, that is, there is no embedded energy core.

"Could it be." Cook suddenly remembered the black lightning. Could it be that these energies are the energy in the black lightning.

Of course, this is just Cook’s guess. Cook looked at the scimitar in front of him. He was frowning. Cook's mind was constantly turning quickly. How to solve the magic pattern in the scimitar completely. The secret of the mutation. In order to understand these mutated magic patterns, Cook found that he had no way to start.

"How about inlaid some magic crystals." A thought came into Cook's mind. Since the magic pattern inside has changed, then simply send energy into the 2 magic pattern. Then look inside this magic pattern. Energy response.

Cook did what he wanted. But thinking that the magic pattern in the scimitar was full of energy. Cook decided to experiment with a lower quality magic crystal first. So Cook used a high-grade magic crystal.

However, this high-grade magic crystal had just been embedded in the machete's handle. Cook was dumbfounded. Because it was only a moment. This magic crystal disappeared. It only left flying powder. What's the situation. You must know this. High-grade magic crystal.

Cook felt that there were so many weird things encountered this time. First of all, the scimitar he made could not be used. I didn’t know the magic pattern I continued to draw. The other was the magic crystal. A high-grade magic crystal was suddenly destroyed. Drained the energy.

"I rely on." When the second high-grade magic crystal was embedded in, Cook couldn't help but explode with a foul language because it disappeared again.

"I don't believe it anymore. It depends on how good you are." Cook saw this scene. His natural unyielding spirit came into play. Pieces of magic crystals were sent into the handle. The top grade was delivered. The top grade was delivered. Yes. Cook suffered a lot of pain after sending some of the best ones.

Just when Cook wanted to give up. The scimitar suddenly vibrated. What did it feel like. It seemed like an under-eaten cute pet was acting like a baby to the owner. Cook thought he might be hell. It's just a knife. How can I feel this way?

"Om." Just when Cook felt he was hell, the scimitar not only vibrated, but also made a clear sound. This sound made it clear to Cook that he needed energy.

"Nima." Cook jumped up in surprise. This is a scimitar. This is obviously a scimitar. But why doesn't Cook think this is like a scimitar?

Cook hesitated. He gritted his teeth one last time: "Fight. I want to see how many magic crystals and magic cores you **** guy can eat."

The best magic crystal Cook didn't want to give it. So the magic core in Cook's hand poured into the scimitar like water. Cook was a little numb with distress.

"Ding." Just when Cook subconsciously prepared to inlay a high-level sanctuary magic core again, he made a ding sound. Only then did Cook realize that the magic core he inlayed last time hadn't been sucked up. Cook There was a pile of white powder in front of him.

"Damn it. How much did it cost me?" Cook painfully collected these powders. This is also a rare magic material. These powders are impurities in the magic crystal. But these impurities are affected by thousands of magic crystals. The effect of ten thousand years. It has some magic properties. The properties of isolation magic. The isolation magic is better than obsidian. But these powders are too small. Because only the top quality and above magic crystals will form powder after they are used up. Others The magic crystal is a gray stone at the end. It is useless.

After Cook had collected it, he looked at his scimitar carefully. But Cook did not notice the slightest abnormality. There was no difference in appearance. But Cook had just penetrated his mental power into the scimitar.

Cook's mouth opened wide. Because the magic pattern circuit inside the scimitar actually flows continuously like blood in a blood vessel. And the surrounding material is affected by this, as if it has become alive. At this moment Cook felt that the scimitar had indeed come alive.

Then some information appeared in Cook's mind. Cook opened his mouth even more. Because these messages clearly indicated that this scimitar is a living weapon. But this kind of life is not the kind of intelligent life. Ku The reason why Ke couldn't use the scimitar when he first started. It was because of his lack of energy. It was not enough to drive the scimitar. The owner of the scimitar was Cook. A living weapon would not harm the owner. But if someone else uses it forcibly. I was sucked up immediately.

Cook stroked the scimitar. He found that the scimitar really looked like alive. Cook's mental energy moved. The scimitar immediately began to deform. Yes. This is the result of the magic line abnormality. It can stimulate the scimitar abnormality. Change. The material of the scimitar itself has been assimilated by the mutated magic pattern. So a few seconds later, a two-handed sword with a length of 100 meters appeared in front of Cook.

"Damn. Just changing like this actually consumes so much energy. One-tenth of it." Cook looked at the big sword. This transformation is the most basic. I can't say it turned into a hammer or something. .Because that requires more energy. One-tenth of the energy does not seem to be much. But how many magic crystals and magic cores Cook consumes. Calculated from this number, it is astronomical.

Cook looked at the scimitar. He always felt that there was something else. Cook tried hard to grasp this in his mind. But he didn't find anything. Cook had to scan mentally in the natural ring. Naturally. The space in the ring is thousands of square kilometers. Sometimes Cook wonders if the space in the natural ring is another plane. The natural ring is just a tool to that plane. But so far, the library Ke didn't find anything around the natural ring space. It was still a gray area.

After Cook saw the lake in the natural ring space, Cook caught the aura immediately. Cook quickly picked up the scimitar. Then the other hand appeared in the godhead he obtained this time .

"It turns out. The energy core. The energy core. The energy core determines everything." Cook thought of a sentence in the magic pattern. Cook always thought it was just a common sentence. But Cook discovered today that he refined it. The scimitar may be a semi-finished product. This scimitar requires a huge energy core. It is incomplete without the equipment with the energy core. The only energy core in Cook's hands is this godhead. Because even the best magic crystal ... Nor can it be the energy core of this scimitar.

"Barry. Barry." Cook looked at the Godhead. Then he called Barry.

"Hehe. I thought you would be inlaid directly on it. That would be great fun." Barry appeared in front of Cook with a smile. Then he said.

"You think I'm stupid. You thought I didn't know that you couldn't help it a long time ago. Otherwise, you'll show up so soon." Cook said to Barry with contempt.

"Humph." Barry was pierced by Cook. He gave a cold snort.

"It's cheaper for you." Cook threw the godhead to Barry. Barry's fiery red body immediately wrapped the godhead. There was no movement in the godhead. But the moment he was thrown out by Cook, he actually shook. The space collapsed suddenly. Obviously there was still consciousness in this godhead. But how could Barry let this guy run? All of a sudden, the godhead was wrapped in his body.

"Haha. I still want to run. I've been staring at you for a long time, Barry." Barry arrogantly said loudly. Then Cook saw Barry's red body shrinking slowly. Then he didn't enter the godhead.

"It's delicious. It's delicious." When Barry appeared again, the godhead had become like a transparent crystal ball. It was just that there was a claw mark inside the core.

"Take it. I'm doing a great job for you this time. This is the godhead of a higher god. This is the memory of that guy. It was condensed into memory fragments by me. And these are the mixed energy inside." Barry spit out two Give one bead to Cook. One is silver. Obviously it is a memory fragment. There is also a bead with a black streamer on the surface. Cook feels a bit cold when he sees the black bead. Tyrannical. Cook quickly took it. Put out the small bag that holds the core of the gods on the neck. Pack the beads.

"I'm going to rest for a while. The food is too full." Barry disappeared shortly afterwards. Cook ignored Barry. He looked at Godhead.

The godhead seems to have no attributes now. Cook is still very grateful to Barry in his heart. You must know that the godhead is the condensation of the energy and soul of the gods. If Cook rashly inlays just now, maybe the machete needs to be reversed. Cut Cook. Barry swallowed the soul in this godhead, but he also purified the chaotic energy inside, making this godhead non-attribute.

"Let me see if I guessed it right." Cook closed his eyes. Then he opened it suddenly. Once he gritted his teeth, the Godhead was embedded in the scimitar.

"No reaction." Cook saw that the godhead was well embedded in the scimitar. The scimitar did not change at all.

But then, Cook felt the whole cave vibrate. Cook jumped up. Then it was all right. You must know that the cave has a magicweave shield. That is to say, the vibration just now was at least the entire rock formation. But what Cook didn’t know was that in the Gobi, a huge centipede, which was several kilometers long, was eating on it. The last time lightning suddenly appeared here, which caused a large number of Gobi creatures to die. The dead Gobi creatures attracted even more. There are many Gobi creatures. In the end there appeared a centipede of such a demigod level. This centipede itself is highly poisonous. It also has the power of thunder and lightning. But suddenly a dazzling purple thunder and lightning appeared. The centipede was hit into several segments at once .

"The power of the plane fluctuates abnormally. It looks like it is in the Gobi. I want to see the abnormal fluctuations one after another. What's the matter." In a hall hundreds of meters high, a dark red shadow muttered. Then this shadow disappeared suddenly.

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