A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1092: Abnormal Scimitar

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The ground also left a large pit hundreds of meters deep. The surrounding area was full of tyrannical magic elements. A few seconds later, a dark red shadow over ten meters high appeared in the sky above the Gobi. After this shadow appeared, the entire Gobi The wind and sand all became smaller in an instant. The Gobi creatures fighting each other within hundreds of kilometers around got into the sand immediately. Some of the weak and weak fainted directly on the sand. The shadow saw the corpse of the centipede. He sneered: " The mere ants also want to advance to the **** level. Don’t you know that you need to be tested by the laws of the plane if you want to advance to the **** level.” Then this person disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

"Good things. Good things." After a while, Cook drooled and looked at the scimitar.

Cook has a machete more than one meter long in his hand. The whole machete gives people a beautiful and smooth feeling. The whole machete shows a light blue color. It gives people a feeling of indescribable. This is Cook Refined scimitar.

After the godhead was embedded in the scimitar, the entire scimitar immediately changed drastically. The scimitar has its own spatial attributes. And the magic pattern inside is completely integrated with the scimitar. Cook's mental power penetrates into the bend. Inside the knife, there is no magic pattern loop at all, just like the machete itself.

"It seems that a good energy core can really improve the quality of equipment." Cook was extremely pleased. The boldly inlaid godhead just now forcibly increased the quality of the scimitar by one level. It has truly reached the top-grade artifact. It's just that. Just one step away can become the main artifact.

What makes Cook even more excited is that after he succeeded in refining the scimitar, Cook's magic pattern level reached the sixth level. Some previously unknown. or vague places. Cook is suddenly clear now. Now Ku Ke can draw compound magic patterns. The compound magic patterns drawn by Cook before. It is just a combination of some single magic patterns. The real compound magic patterns are not like this.

The real compound magic pattern. Just like compound magic. Just take the easiest to understand. Earth. Fire compound magic. Meteorites fall from the sky. Meteorites do not have the powerful attack power of the earth system. They also have flames. The attributes of high-temperature burning. One type of magic has two attributes. Even more than two types. The composite type of magic pattern we are talking about now. This is also the case. A single magic pattern can have two or more attributes. This is a composite type Magic pattern.

So where is the real power of the composite magic pattern. It is also a magic pattern. It occupies the same volume. But the single attribute magic pattern has only one attribute. The composite magic pattern and the single attribute magic pattern occupy the same Volume. But the attributes have increased to two or more. To put it simply, it is the same large-scale equipment. The number of complex magic patterns is at least twice the number of single magic patterns.

What kind of concept is this. That is to say, the same equipment. Using composite magic patterns. Attack power is twice or more than twice that of a single attribute magic pattern. It is not expressed as a percentage. This is already incredible.

Cook looked at the scimitar in his hand. He was very excited. Cook went straight out of the cave. Then he forced Sia and Lina into the cave. When Cook took the scimitar and showed it to Lina. Sia and Lina were stunned.

"Cook. This is." Xia felt that she couldn't distinguish this seemingly ordinary single-edged sword. There is no such thing as a scimitar in this world.  Only a sword. This kind of scimitar is called a single-edged sword.

"Top grade artifact. I have that godhead embedded in it." Cook said.

"God. High-grade artifact." Xia received the scimitar in shock. Then he checked it carefully. But just after a glance, Xia spouted a mouthful of blood.

"I said you... This thing can be checked mentally." Cook immediately took the machete.

"It's amazing." Xia said pale after a spit of blood.

Lina was also shocked. Cook then said: "I am now a sixth-level magic pattern master. I can draw complex magic patterns. We will hand over the weapons you want to refine later."

"Great. Cook. I also want a magical tool." Lina said when Cook said that. Lina said with bright eyes.

"But for the time being, wait for a while. I'll talk about it when I'm proficient. Now the success rate is really not guaranteed." Cook nodded and agreed.

"Cook. What is the difference between the compound magic pattern and the single attribute magic pattern? The complexity is there." Xia asked after coming over.

Cook said with a straight face: "Sia. Now I will tell you. It will disturb your thoughts. So you pay attention to it when I refine. If you don't understand, ask at the time. That effect is better. Otherwise, I am now. I told you. On the contrary, it will disturb your current understanding of the magic pattern."

"I understand." When Sia heard Cook say so, she woke up. Now even if Cook says it, she doesn't understand it. On the contrary, it will increase some troubles.

"The most important feature of the artifact. It has spatial attributes. My scimitar not only has spatial attributes, but also has a tearing effect. Tearing is an attribute carried on the gods." Cook took the scimitar Said to Lina and Xia.

Looking at Lina's puzzlement, Cook gave a demonstration and said: "Look. That's it. I'm attacking here."

Cook took a machete and swiped it gently. On a rock wall tens of meters away, he immediately made a bang. The magic pattern protective shield in that place immediately activated. But then it was directly torn. Then on the rock A knife edge with a depth of more than ten meters is formed on the wall. And there are many small knife edges around the knife edge. If this is to attack a person, just tear off a large piece of meat.

"Attack from a different space." Lina didn't see the path of the scimitar attack. Lina knew what the space attribute was.

"Yes. And this bone dragon lord itself is a wind system dragon. The material itself has the wind system law. After refining into a scimitar, the attack speed is increased by two times. The speed is increased twice." Cook was even more proud afterwards. Said.

"God." Xia was even more shocked. The attack speeded up. That means he swung one hundred and twenty times a minute. But twice was two hundred and forty times. You can imagine this machete with such a perverted power as Cook Driven. What kind of attack speed will it achieve? If you take some more buff potions. With some buff auras on top, Cook is a humanoid fighter machine.

"Yes. You can ignore the distance. The attack is directly bombarded from a different space. But this is only useful for the **** level. Because the **** level powerhouse is affected by my own rules. It is difficult to attack. Unless I understand the law myself It is possible to break the law of the god-level powerhouse." Cook nodded. But then regretfully said that the god-level and above are still not good.

Both Lina and Xia rolled their eyes. It's a pity for you. This is almost invincible below the **** level. But then Lina asked again: "Can you be mentally locked?"

"How is this possible? I can lock someone with my spirit. So this weapon is in my hands. It's a melee weapon." Of course Cook can't. The level is higher than Cook. The mental power can't be locked at all. Let's talk about it. Cook's mental power is huge now. But his mental power has a range. It's not like a **** level. It's hundreds of kilometers. If you say it is locked, it will be locked. Of course, you must be where Cook's eyes can be. That is almost It's just looking for death. With the space attributes of the weapon, and the acceleration of the attack, it is enough to make many enemies hate on the spot.

"This is not bad. You can use such a perverted weapon for a long time." Xia looked at Cook enviously.

"Hey. I knew I should make a long bow." Cook sighed.

"Don't be dissatisfied." Sia and Lina said when they saw Cook like this.

Cook laughed. Then he left. No way. Another scimitar had no **** inlay. Cook himself made a scabbard from a piece of sanctuary first-level animal skin. Just like that, he hung the scimitar around his waist. Of course, the scimitar can also be made smaller. But the smaller it becomes, the more energy it consumes. So Cook just needs to be able to carry it. It is not a 100-meter-long Cook that is already burning high incense.

"Master. The tauren is back." Not long after Cook walked out, he ran into Baglu.

"Bagru. Something is going on." Cook saw the look of Bhagrou, he knew that this guy was definitely going to be okay. Nothing, this guy would never show up in front of him.

"Master. I heard you have some good materials here..." Baglu asked in a low voice with two smiling heads.

"Fuck. I haven't used it myself yet." Cook kicked Baglu away. He roared badly. The news of this guy is too well-informed. Although he has obtained the materials from the bone dragon lord. .But there are still a lot of people waiting to refine it by themselves. There will be Cook.

But then Cook hooked his finger at Bagru: "Bagel. You know. The spine bone of the dragon lord is still there. It's too big. Or you can bring it back. ."

"Master. I remember. I have to go on patrol. I know that the place is full of bone racks. I Bagru doesn’t like those bone racks the least. And it’s too far away from here. I Bagrudan Little." Bagru heard this. He ran away like flying. While running, he shouted at Cook.

Cook didn't expect Bagglu to run so fast. When he wanted to kick, he was no longer in sight. Cook kicked a rock bitterly. The rock was kicked to smash. The shattered dust raised Cook again.

"Damn," Cook cursed secretly.

When Cook met Varuman, Varuman did not suffer any damage. After Varuman saw Cook, he triumphantly reported to Cook: "Master, I have successfully completed the task. This is what I exchanged this time."

Varman took out a few space rings and placed them respectfully in front of Cook. Cook picked them up and took a look. They were all magic materials. Magic metal ore. Cook looked at Varman in surprise: "Okay. Ruman. You are a good kid. Much better than the guy in Hadoshi."

"That's. Master. Hadoshi is a second-hand. Besides showing off his status as a mage, what else can he do." Varuman replied triumphantly. At the same time, what Hadoshi said was worthless.

I don’t know that Hardosi came in at this time. Hearing Varman’s words, the sheep’s head is so ugly and ugly. But there is no way.   Hardossi did not complete the task assigned by Cook. And Varman Actually finished it alone.

"Haha. Just die. Hadosi is embarrassed this time. Hadosi. Do you think it is?" Cook asked with a laugh when he saw Hadosi.

"Master. I'm wrong this time. Next time I must..." Hadosi didn't dare to do anything to Cook. So he promised, patted his chest.

"Okay. From now on, Hardosi will be Varuman’s assistant. To assist Varuman to gain a foothold in the black market. Your main task is to trade with those guys. Varuman. Tell me now. What is the most common transaction in the black market? . The most common." Cook asked, interrupting Hadoshi.

"It's food. Masters. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the black market. The most common is the food trade. Next is the ore. Finally, the equipment. The equipment in the black market is high-end trade." Varuman replied.

"Hmm. Food. So what do you think of dried meat?" Cook thought for a while. There is no shortage of meat in the Sanctuary plane.

"Great. Master. A piece of dried meat can be exchanged for the same weight of magic metal ore." Varuman was in the black market. But he knew the basic market.

"That's good. Just use dried meat in exchange for magic metal. Or other minerals. Magic materials. Anyway, what can I change? You know." Cook told Varman.

"I see. Master." Varman quickly agreed. At the same time, he squinted at Hadosi. Because Hadosi will be his assistant from now on, he has to follow his own command.

"Okay. Varuman, you set up a team as soon as possible. You consider the personnel yourself. You also deal with the source of the jerky. It's best not to divulge our news. Otherwise..." Cook finally warned Varu Man.

"Master. As long as there is enough food. Even the black market will be taken by me sooner or later. In the black market. There are too many people who can’t eat enough. Just give food. Those guys dare to do anything." Varuman patted his chest and replied Tao.

"Okay. You go to Mrs. Murphy. You will be under the control of Mrs. Murphy in the future. In addition, as much as possible to equip the black market. Only the core of your team can use our equipment. And before equipping our equipment, you must use it. Contract scroll. Do you know that?" Cook further ordered carefully.

"I see. Master, don't worry. I have nothing to say about Varuman's affairs." Varuman said this and looked at Hadoshi. Obviously, it means that Hadoshi is not reliable.

"Okay. Well done. It's not impossible for you to own a piece of land on the main plane." Cook promises good. As for Varuman, he will go to the sanctuary plane. I dare not listen. Cook's failure. I'm afraid I won't get Cook's asylum. Being caught and used as a blood extraction machine is the best result.

"Master. I must work hard." Varman was excited. The main plane. This is the most fertile land in the legend.

"Master. I, Hadoshi, must do a good job, too." Hadoshi quickly promised. At the same time, I sneered in my heart. Varman. You wait for me. As long as you make mistakes, I will let the master teach you well. .

I don’t know that Cook wants Hadosi to be Varman’s assistant. Because of this, Hadosi must be dissatisfied. So if Varman has any trouble, hehe, he will naturally report it to Cook. In this world. The most cunning is humans.

After Varman left, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. This is considered to have opened up the situation. Cook can imagine the resources of the demon plane are pouring in continuously. As for magic metal ores and magic materials, Cook does not I will wait for the Sanctuary Plane, because Cook has to refine these things into equipment in exchange for greater benefits.

What is the greater benefit. That is the various materials on the devil. The reason why Cook did not let Varman change these things is because Cook did not want to attract attention. Once the power of the puppet of Varman reaches Cook's Request. Then Cook will start to do it. In the Demon Plane. Ore is actually worthless. Because as long as the ore has strength, there will be something. It’s not like food. Strength is useless. It needs luck. No luck. Fortunately, even if there is a prey, it will become the prey of others. On the demon plane. The killing is going on at any time. This is caused by the conditions of the demon plane.

Cook wanted to practice compound magic patterns. But what Cook was thinking about was God Crystal. So Cook was going to the Burial Ground. This time Cook didn't plan to take anyone. If there are more people, he will be exposed. The benefits of fewer people.

"You must leave the space coordinates this time." Since Cook has decided to leave for a while, he needs to talk to Xia and others.

It doesn't matter for Xiah and others. After all, Cook's strength is very strong. With the newly refined weapons, it is even more powerful. In addition, Cook himself has stayed in the demon plane for a while. So I feel more at ease. Of course.   If it is dangerous, Cook teleports back at any time. With Lina there, the distance is not a problem at all.

But Cook is going out this time. He can only go to the black market. Because Cook's road is not easy to walk. Besides, Cook wants to see what the black market looks like. Cook did not alarm Varman and Haduo Xi. Instead, he went to the black market alone.

When passing through the dark forest, the word Cook sprinkled the trees again with the water of life. When passing by the corpse worms, Cook gave the corpse worms some food. Cook soon reached the canyon area.

Cook looked at the huge gorge thousands of meters wide. The gorge was very deep. Cook could only see the dazzling fires that erupted from time to time under the gorge. Cook knew that magma was sprayed out. He also looked at both sides of the gorge. Not to the end. Some moving shadows can be seen across the canyon. Cook's eyesight clearly sees some demons moving.

The demon on the opposite side also saw Cook. He waved to Cook. Cook also waved his hand. Then he saw the demon on the opposite side enter a cave. After a while, Cook saw a long rope from the canyon The bottom is up. This is the method of passing through the canyon. The rope was first dropped. When someone wants to pass, the demon on the opposite side will pull the rope vigorously.

Cook saw the rope rise up. He flew over immediately. The rope is just borrowing force. It does not need to bear a lot of force. Of course. This rope is said to be made of some kind of high-level creature's tendons. It will definitely be able to Can withstand huge weight.

After Cook passed, he directly lost the thigh of a Shadow Leopard. Then he left. Those demons saw the thigh of this Shadow Leopard. They also put away their contempt for Cook. You must know that the Shadow Leopard is in this underground world . Almost as a killer. Not only can it be invisible, but also the attack is very powerful. It can hunt the shadow leopard alone. There must be powerful means.

This entrance is controlled by a small gang. Because there are not many people coming and going. The rest of the big forces are not worthy of it. But even if it is, this small gang will pay protection fees to the big gang.

Cook already knows roughly the map of the black market. After passing through a passage that is hundreds of meters long, there is a long and narrow flat land in front of Cook. This is the black market. This was the place where the wanted criminals were hiding. Eventually it evolved into a black market. This is certainly related to the desolation of the Gobi, and it is more closely related to the blood sea and blood race here.

But Cook always feels that it is not that simple. There seems to be some secret hidden in this black market. And this secret is needed or feared by other cities on this demon plane. However, the Chamber of Commerce here shows that there are likely to be major cities here. Some kind of rare resource. What exactly it is. Cook doesn't know.

There are caves on the stone walls around the black market. The demons live in this cave. These demons live here. They have to pay a certain protection fee. The status of living in the cave is higher. And those hidden in the shadows The status is lower. If you don’t pay the protection fee, then you can only join various small groups. Then accept the tasks issued by large groups. Or encircle and suppress monsters. Or excavate ore. Or go hunting in the Gobi on the ground. Biology. In one sentence. Do what you tell you to do. And the reward is to eat. And have a place to live.

Tauren. Sheephead. Unicorn. Succubus. Bad demon and other demons. Cook knows.   Don’t know. They all appear here. There are also flame demon, dog demon, etc. Humanoid demon. There are also quite a few. So Cook is not very conspicuous in this black market.

Cook did not stay much. Instead, he came to the exit. The exit was controlled by the red flag gang. The red gangs are all humanoids. The most conspicuous thing about these humanoids is a blood-red flag tattooed on their shoulders. .

"Boy. New here." Seeing that there is no team logo on this humanoid like Cook, a humanoid asked.

Cook did not speak. Instead, he took out a piece of magic metal ore and threw it to a humanoid who charged a fee. The humanoid licked his tongue. Then he smiled: "The quality of the ore is high enough."

"Dangdang." Immediately after this humanoid who charged tolls rang a piece of tattered metal, making a Dangdang sound.

A metal frame was slowly put down. Cook realized that the exit was actually like a mine. The metal frame was seven or eight square meters. The metal frame kept rising after Cook walked in.

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